Epic Announces "Major" UT3 Expansion

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Active Member
May 27, 2004
I completely agree. Frankly, I tried to get into Duel, and the endless waits turned me off.

Well the way I always saw it was, why would you run a 2 man at a time server when you can run 16odd and get a few more players. People might stick around for awhile but they arnt going to wait forever, thats even if you can find a duel server with a decent ping.

Anyways the idea is to remove frag caps and use playtime only (I know I know but hear me out), so that anyone who joins wanting to have a 1on1 can and just keep playing till the times out. Everyone will play on the same map (okay so not true instancing I guess) but only the two players (and spectators) within that instance will be able to see whats going on. So the server doesnt need to send weapon info, etc to all clients only the two relevant for that match. Something like that anyways, Im sure Epic can work out the finer points :p
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What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
I reckon they should make duel work out more like rocket arena from ut99. I don't mean that everyone gets every gun and full health. I mean the spectator system should work out like in RA.

You know, the moment someone dies the round is over and someone else slots in. Instead of having to reload the map EVERY SINGLE TIME someone wins a round.

This would make for a faster game and a gametype that is actually worth having.

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
As the creator of UWindow2, I actually did it more as technical project more than anything else. I don't think a Window's like interface is exactly required per say, since you're aren't trying to do as complex things as an OS (dragging and dropping between Windows, looking at massive amounts of information/icons per window) and so forth. However, what I think is required:

- Good usage of space. Right now UT3 uses the entire screen for a very small subsection of the game. Look at the key binds section, I can see very few keys on my PC with a resolution of 1280X1024.
- More functionality, less swishing. Ok, I admit that the first time I saw the whole swishing/rotating effect of the UT3 menu it was kind of cool, but now it's just kind of distracting. I want to go to sections of the menu, now. At the cost of that it seems as if some of the functionality is gone, as talked about above.
- More flexibility from a modders point of view. I like what evolution has done with the UI system, in particular the UIScene with its way of handling resources, data, kismet like actions and so forth. However, having to load UnrealEd just to access the tool is a bit too much, especially when you have to only change a few things. Secondly, it's quite difficult to use when you're trying to add an interface for mod development, especially for smaller mods such as mutators.

That's my perspective of what changes to the UI should be done.


lost and found
Jan 21, 2008
Also, they should change strange default server settings, like 3 flag limit in CTF (increase at least to 6) — sometimes matches end before even all players connected.
Also: FF on in TDM; weapon stay off in TDM; and so on...

For people who disagree: admins could change default settings anyway (though they dont in 81% case)


Original UT Owns !!
Jun 19, 2003
Visit site
1: More clientside customization (crosshairs, bots, etc).
2: A more UWindows like ui
3: Bots aren't so damned accurate, and don't snap aim like they do now (a simple customizable X degrees per second limiter would do the trick)
4: Weapon and vehicle balance issues smoothed out. It's not really bad as it is, but Manta and Stinger need some tweaking.
5: A bit more floaty gameplay, nowhere near the level 2004 was, but a step in that direction.
6: Make hitscan actually hit.
7: Return of the lightning gun?

Agree with everything except number 7. UT3 sniper owns the 2k3/2k4 lightning gun as it's faster fire rate makes it more formidable. Of course, it is a matter of personal preference, so how about maybe a lightning gun mutator for those that want it. But I don't think the LG should permanently displace the Sniper.

Strongly agree with number 3. I've watched those bastards stand still and shoot at each other and miss and yet they hit me with every single shot even when I'm moving. I do wish they'd fix the bots dead-on aim against human players. And it's even worse when they are in vehicles.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Yes, it is.

No, it was 5 at original practice session settings, 3 was at singleplayer tournament though.
And you should thank Epic for changing it from higher numbers in sp tournament, I played the beta and the capture limit was increasing from each match, making it really boring in the final match as you had o capture the flag like 10 times! :lol:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
No, it was 5 at original practice session settings, 3 was at singleplayer tournament though.
And you should thank Epic for changing it from higher numbers in sp tournament, I played the beta and the capture limit was increasing from each match, making it really boring in the final match as you had o capture the flag like 10 times! :lol:
It's always been 3 since I ever played UT ;)


Original UT Owns !!
Jun 19, 2003
Visit site
I do know this: in the original UT if you play a CTF session in the Tournament Ladder and then open up a CTF Practice session, you will see the default capture limit get reset to 5 instead of 3.

Back on topic: [SAS]Solid Snake is quite correct regarding the UI. It sure would be nice if the Expansion pack addressed these issues.
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What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
I do know this: in the original UT if you play a CTF session in the Tournament Ladder and then open up a CTF Practice session, you will see the default capture limit get reset to 5 instead of 3.

Back on topic: [SAS]Solid Snake is quite correct regarding the UI. It sure would be nice if the Expansion pack addressed these issues.
TBH i have never ever encountered this before and i've reinstalled UT99 enough times to know that the default is 3. But this is totally nitpicking :lol:


Original UT Owns !!
Jun 19, 2003
Visit site
^^By default, it is 3 in Practice sessions in CTF, but for some reason, it gets switched to 5 under the Practice Session Rules tab, if I play a CTF session in the Tournament ladder. I don't know why, but I've been seeing this happen for years and I just tried it not more than a 1/2hour ago and sure enough it got switched from 3 to 5.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
I dunno about that, it's weird but I can confirm 5 and I am using GOTY. :rolleyes:


Active Member
May 27, 2004
[SAS]Solid Snake;2206054 said:
- Good usage of space. Right now UT3 uses the entire screen for a very small subsection of the game. Look at the key binds section, I can see very few keys on my PC with a resolution of 1280X1024.
- More functionality, less swishing. Ok, I admit that the first time I saw the whole swishing/rotating effect of the UT3 menu it was kind of cool, but now it's just kind of distracting. I want to go to sections of the menu, now. At the cost of that it seems as if some of the functionality is gone, as talked about above.
- More flexibility from a modders point of view. I like what evolution has done with the UI system, in particular the UIScene with its way of handling resources, data, kismet like actions and so forth. However, having to load UnrealEd just to access the tool is a bit too much, especially when you have to only change a few things. Secondly, it's quite difficult to use when you're trying to add an interface for mod development, especially for smaller mods such as mutators.

That's my perspective of what changes to the UI should be done.

Agreed 100%

One thing that defiantly needs to be fixed is the custom gametypes settings menu, those need to be open for modders to edit. I really need something to be done so I dont have to hack through a mutator to adjust custom rules on my attrition gametype. Unless that was fixed already and I missed it :eek:


Active Member
Aug 24, 2008
cool, this is very exciting news:eek:
it would be cool if the original modes of play were brought back, especially Domination


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
There is already a good mod for Domination, but I agree that it's nice to have an official version of it. I personally miss assault and invasion - Invasion was great on a hard difficulty level and instagib.