If they brought it back it would make a lot of people happy imo. The changes made to the guns in uc2 allowed for a more interesting game imo. Every weapon had a defensive use. The biorifle could cover the ground with blobs of **** or it could shroud a whole area up to the roof with a cloud of toxic gas. That was one of the best things to do when you were playing defender on gauntlet. Just sit there watching the choke point that leads into the base and whenever an enemy pops their head in you let it rip and this big cloud of crap would cover that whole area.
And the ripjack, it could bounce, it could charge up, it could headshot, it could make landmines!
The shock rifle could make a floating minefield. Although i don't think this would translate well to UT3 because some people would prefer to hold down fire and actually have the gun fire something.
UC2 allowed for a more interesting defensive game, there was more reward and fun in holding back to defend then in any previous unreal game.