disturbingly differing dynamic displacement damage system of differentiatable doom

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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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I could have sworn that the rolling grenade could replace the yurch one if the mutators were in a certain order. Oh well, either one is irrelevant for the 40mm itself anyway.
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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Bushwack said:
Try to look at the differences between the benelli and the MAg7.....one is a full sized shotgun, the other is basically a sawed off shotgun, with a box magazine, of course the MAg7 is weaker, but it reloads faster, and its smaller, its just different, and basically,its maker didnt want another benelli clone, if thats what you guys were expecting, no wonder your disappointed.

Bush, I perfectly understand your approach and I absolutely agree that the MAG 7 is a very interesting addition to the armory. As I stated somewhere else I was ready to fall in love with it ;) (quick reaload, short collision, low bulk etc.) And I think you guys did a great job with all the weapons! Many thanks by the way :)

But at least for me (and from the weapon usage I see online a lot of players think the same) both shotties aren't really competitive, even in CQB :(

i.e. the AKMSU does a way better job against IIIa, it hardly ever runs out of bullets and it is still decent at ranges of 100m and it comes with very open sights and short collision lenght as well. So why 'bother' with the shotties just to get your behind kicked?

I know you guys oriented your weapons on the exsisting ones, so the question would be: would anyone really keep fighting with a couple of shotgun hits from a few meters at his IIIa and if so, is it good to keep it this way for realism sake and thereby limiting everything not armor piercing to rare usage?


Don't hate me because I'm pretty
Feb 19, 2002
Houston Texas
Well yes the shotgun worked fine when the hit area was huge now it's problems are greatly magnified with this mutator. I have an idea of how to fix the pattern. The problem is that the pattern in the shotgun is not really random it's only semi-random.

My idea for making a shotgun pattern that is accurate is this: each pellet has a fixed trajectory with a certain offset from the center aim point. Picture this as a circle of fixed size (say 30" at 40 yards) with each pellet placed so that it is as far away from all the other pellets as possible so that they are all evenly spaced. Now that we have a perfect pattern established we add the random element to it. Take our circular pattern of pellets and draw a circle around each pellet. Now you have a roughly circular pattern that looks like a bunch or soap bubbles. The circles drawn around each pellet should overlap each ajacent circle by abour 1/3rd and represent the conefire of each of the pellets on the group. Ta da you have a random looking patten that isn't really random.

Let's review. We start out with x number of pellets where the flight path of each pellet is set to be as far away from all the other pellets as possible while staying in a cone of fixed size. The result of this is that at the impact point we get a circular pattern in which all the impacts are perfectly spaced in an ideal pattern. Now we put cone fire on each of those projectiles just enough so that we acheive a pattern that is as real as it gets.

Of course in a perfect world the speed of the projectiles would vary so that the projectiles acheived a vary realistic spherical flight pattern.


New Member
Aug 5, 2000
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question, I remember alot of fuss along time ago about the shotgun spread being too large, and for the life of me I can't remember if it was ever corrected. could someone with a bit of RL knowledge of this weapon tell me(us) whether the choke is done correctly? cause if it isn't it might help the ailing shotty a bunch to correct it.

Also Slugs might be a cool addition.

but what nukeproof said brings out something I've been turning around in my mind for awhile: should we have a greater effect on the player for a non-fatal hit? examples could be falling down, momentary loss of conciousness (think the black-out effect from IL2 Sturmovick) or bleeding of some sort.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
I dont really see a problem with the shotty at close ranges, just aim for the kneecaps and cripple the bastard. one good hit is usually enough ;) Besides you aim low and blow off 4-5 shots super fast it sprays them enough to kill.


Feb 16, 2001
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When i'm using this offline do i need to put other bulletsound ( like the one that says 40mm ) in my mutator list too?
This probably has been asked before, or maybe not, but why is this 'D*7' called 'bulletsound 4 with tracers'? /nitpick

Oh and to add a whine, last night i hit someone in and around the chest 4 times with the benelli from maybe 10m, after which i died from his uzi sprays and he walked away without a hitch. I wore lvl 3 armor.
I'm not claiming to know better btw; It just felt a bit unreal. Like tac-ops where u have to fire 1 1/2 clip at someone (iirc)
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Apr 15, 2001
we've just tested BS4 on our server.

the new hitzone systm is great.
also, the tracers are funny! ;)

but we wondered if it would be possible to turn off all tracers, even the inf tracers. you should be able to put tracers in your LOD, but if you don't you should not have any tracers in white, either. that would be really great! :)

furthermore we wondered about some weird ini settings, could you explain them please?

allTracers=False if switched on every round has a tracer
percentScale=60 rate of custom tracers?
tailModify=False ??
trails=False ??
customTracers=True obvious! ;)
hitMessage=True obvious! ;)


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
I don't know myself, as I could never actually proof it but it often seems buggy to me. Imagine zeep his situation, make the distance 50 meters and make me fire the chest of the enemy 5 times with an m16... and not hitting anything. No it's not my aim, not was not a hillbug. It was strange so I blamed the muty :p

But like I said I got no proof and even though more people seem to have the same problem there is a good chance my guess is way off. But if it isn't.... then.... I'll beg you, to fix it.


Jan 11, 2001
Rostam i think you've just realized, like the rest of the community, that your aim is very bad, probably due to years of training with the old collision system... Now it's not so unusual to see firefights last more than 10 sec. I've experienced what you're talking about more than once and i don't think it's the mutie, even if people seem pretty quick to blame it on bs4 when they miss a shot :D
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PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
I doubt that ant, hitting the center of the target is a piece of cake for me at 400 meters with an m16 or 300 meters with an akmsu....
It could be lag, but blaming everything on the lag gets repetetive :(


just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
jbJOGI I think that tailModify=True activates the new hit system, but what trails mean, h mm.
I know the translated meaning - Spur, Schweif ... - but maybe it changes the look of the tracers a bit or, ah I don't know. :D


You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
jbJOGI said:
we've just tested BS4 on our server.

the new hitzone systm is great.
also, the tracers are funny! ;)

but we wondered if it would be possible to turn off all tracers, even the inf tracers. you should be able to put tracers in your LOD, but if you don't you should not have any tracers in white, either. that would be really great! :)

furthermore we wondered about some weird ini settings, could you explain them please?

allTracers=False if switched on every round has a tracer
percentScale=60 rate of custom tracers?
tailModify=False ??
trails=False ??
customTracers=True obvious! ;)
hitMessage=True obvious! ;)

This is the speed % of the bullet compaired to the speed without BS4. So at 60%, the bullet is 40% slower than standard INF bullets.

tailModify and trail I do not recall, Yurch told me but for the life of me I can not recall.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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allTracers - When on, every round is a tracer.
percentScale - Percentage of ballistic scale. If 60%, 60 meters = normal 100 inf meters. Lower is slower.
tailModify - the tails will start short and increase in length as the bullet flies. Lowers visiblilty, used to correct visual problems with low ballistic scales.
trails - the 'halo' around bullets. Increases visibility.
customTracers - allow for color or frequency selections in loadout to take place.
hitMessage - locational hit messages.


The mighty batrachian
Jan 18, 2004
Quebec, Canada
I think I perhaps put the finger on the prone problem. The problem is not that you dont hit the target, I think the wrong part of the body get hit. I experiencied a couple of time what seemed to be a headshot, got bloods off the target but he was not killed. So the problem is perhaps that the arm get hit instead of the head which would explain why its so hard to kill someone prone on long range.

further investigation is probably needed

distance = ~100-150m
target on same level as the gunner


Just mute, dammit!
Sep 11, 2001
Yeah geo, that's true ( and seemingly unavoidable unless yurch decides to meld several mutators into one monstrous Mutator Soup ), but the collision for prone isn't the same as the collision for standing or crouching, and when you lean there are even more collision cylinders added. The chest is ( should be ) always covered by the original collision cylinder. The forearms are never covered.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
I say that because now people would expect they hit if they touch the body. But in fact, if the bullet goes through an area that is not covered by the original cylinder, there will be no hit, even if I hit the arm or something. That image you posted is a good exemple...


If you hit the arm from this angle, the bullet will never go through the original cylinder, hence not be detected.