Best Comments Thread

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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Frieza said:
Well shiver me timbers you are totally correct!
Profacation is the most lamest map I ever made. I was too lazy to detail the dark corners so I left em dark and I was too lazy aswell to check whether you could get on top of the level.

Neway, whats the problem with only having one map posted? It's about quality not quantity. You can have a zillion maps posted that suck total dogcrap, like Cobra. Or you could have one good map posted like Xeptizz for example. I know what Id prefer. Anyway, you can expect a new map from me in a couple of days anyway (And no I didnt make it because you whined about it)

I Agree,quality over quanity and you seem to be alot more rational here than others as well as quillion.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
You want to argue? Ok let's argue :)

ReD_Fist said:
Hmm,they make sure to try and cover thier arse
Erm, of course, if I know I don't have a good layout, then I say so, then people hopefully don't make comments about mistakes I already know about which is a waste of everyone's time. I would rather people commented on things that I didn't already know.
Of course there are still idiots that don't bother to read the map description/readme and make completely irrelevant comments (*cough*cathedral ring any bells*cough*)

yaya probably cause map didn't work ,had to fixx it 5000 times,didn't leave much time,(poor excuse)
erm, you just made this up out of nowhere? You didn't even try to make a proper argument here, come back and try to insult me when you actually have something to say :con:

hmm no time again?
Yes... I think you'll find studying to get a degree in computer science at the best university in the country for that subject does take a reasonable amount of time :con:
Again, come back when you actually have some sort of argument to make

well what is your best work?
Haven't created a "best work" simply because that would be something I am 100% pleased with and of course I can't do that because I am constantly learning and there is also something that I can improve on.

Lame,he probably didn't have enough time to learn how to add vehicles.
Lame because I didn't add vehicles? Again you haven't made any attempt at a logical argument here, come back later please. :p

"There are parts which I'm not happy with because in the end, I decided to just rush-off the bits that I hadn't done "
We know,LoL
... erm, was this supposed to be an insult? You obviously think it would be better to go strolling around saying my maps were perfect :)

yaya allways some excuse, "epics fault" haha
Yes actually, it's to do with the fact that in UT textures are wrapped around to the opposite side of the texture when really you want it to blend with the adjecent poly which isn't possible in this engine. Problem doesn't happen in Unreal Engine 2 since you can set the texture to "clamp" mode which repeats the edge pixels instead of wrapping the texture. Please tell me a workaround in the old engine since you are clearly a technical genious :)

"Was never intended to be a playable map. I was only originally making it for my own satisfaction but some people wanted to see it."
Ok wha ever you say,thats ashame,it looked ok.
How is this "Best comment ever"?

ya right,more lameness
Yeah again I am not taking your comment seriously untill you actually make some sort of point here :p

these pro mappers certainly shouldn't be disclaiming the map before we download it.
Again, you didn't make any argument whatsoever, explain yourself, don't be shy :p

Explain what exactly is wrong with someone saying "if you have performance problems then turn down world detail"

Explain what is wrong with someone saying "this map has no vehicles so don't download if you don't like maps without vehicles" - I'm just saving people time and hassle

now these comments are priceless
Yeah I agree, all the things you just said are absolutely priceless :p


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Yep your right.

Performance problems? A good mapper will know how to make it run as equaly as fast as stock maps do.and still look awsome..excuses.
Also the lighting on that map is not good,look at cbp achilies ,that don't bother my eyes like yours does,but,you tell me to mess with my monitor.cough................

And of course,it's the OTHER guy who don't have the arguement,I totaly exspected that,thats the way you would see it.

I won't reply,again,
good day.
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New but not improved.
Nov 4, 2001
None of bot's maps have blinded me. I don't get what you're saying... all of bot's maps have good lighting.
Your maps, however, seem to be all unlit, or are lit from the walls.
What you are saying is just totally unexplained. You don't have an arguement - you just say "LAME!" or whatever. That isn't an arguement, that is near enough just flame.

There IS a limit to how much you can optimise a map. He made sure you can turn down details and it still look ok and play better - wtf is wrong with that? How can you say he sucks just for that? I just find that hard to find.

Redfist, Sometimes you speak some sense and I begin to respect you a bit more, that IRC talk we had for example - you appeared to speak sense then. But then you say something and it just doesnt make sense.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
ReD_Fist said:
Performance problems? A good mapper will know how to make it run as equaly as fast as stock maps do.and still look awsome..excuses.

You made up another statistic out of nowhere without even thinking before you posted yet again.

a) my map does look good as 99% of people will tell you (and as epic will tell you by the fact it got honorable mention in msu)

b) you obviously didn't go to the effort to do anything so advanced as type "stat render" and see that actually my map has a lot less polys than most of epics maps and that it performs better than stock maps in a lot of cases

(so btw, if you didn't already realise, your comment already becomes invalid)
...and just to make things clear, because you obviously didn't read various other sections of my previous reply:

c) I actually have some eyes, and can see that some people don't have a pc good enough to run stock maps on full detail so I put in an option to turn the world detail down and get higher fps for such people. Then I post a note in map description just to make it clearer for those people (because I'm a nice considerate guy :p)

Please, do reply, tell me how this is a lame excuse

Also the lighting on that map is not good,look at cbp achilies ,that don't bother my eyes like yours does,but,you tell me to mess with my monitor.cough................

I did make mistakes on the lighting yes and of course I learn from such things and admit when I make genuine mistakes (unlike you do on your maps) but nothing of the scale you are saying...hurting your eyes...I can look at a total white screen and it's not hurting my eyes... :p

Out of 3000+ people that played the map so far you are the only one that complained that the "lighting hurt your eyes", by simple logic, either:
a) you have some screwed brightness/contrast setting
b) you have some sort of visual imparement
c) you are sitting too close to your screen
or d) you are picking out tiny faults to comment on about my map because you have a childish grudge against me :)

I think the latter is most likely :p

And of course,it's the OTHER guy who don't have the arguement,I totaly exspected that,thats the way you would see it.
Errm, for a start, can you speak english? :con:

Second, can you please point out where I made a point which wasn't a proper argument with reasoning behind it? :) Every comment I just made (and in previous post) had reason and thought behind it. My comments certainly are more constructive than such things as "yaya probably cause map didn't work ,had to fixx it 5000 times,didn't leave much time,(poor excuse)"

I won't reply,again
Please do, I am interested to know how you can possibly back up these completely ridiculous remarks about my comments and maps :)


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Well I am not trying to be an arse,all this stuff going on here of posting (quote)my comments,and taking what I say out of context really is not such a good thing.

I would NEVER do that to people,even if it is a stupid comment,I don't treat paople like that,specialy that I had no way to rebutt any of it.(not knowing this was going on in the forums).So I will not go any further on this.and only will have posted those above once was to bring it to your show how it feels to be quoted unjustly

And I talked to another guy in chat last night,who also removed his maps,that makes 4 now even two of the cbp authors said to try Unreal Playground,that "H" kid and the "S" kid are not a good thing,and this quoteing comments is not good either,just wish they would leave the revenge ratings alone,system might take care of itself.

Now again for the LAST time,not trying to cause trouble,and WILL not respond,on this,but I will post links to the like above to point out some of those who's only intent is to arouse dislike twards to nalicity and unsuspecting authors,of whom will be aiming to use another site.

I remeber nalicity before they planet people took over,and would still like to see it stay as "the place to go is........" but after a spell here,there are (matter of fact) authors leving and or won't upload anymore.

Sorry Bot40,
good day all.

And no one seems to be reading this,but see my idea here,just a suggestion.

Or,have a checkbox for the user,to have their map they upload non commentable,I would have done that after the first few comments came in on those Q1 levels.That way you can pick and choose wether you want feedback or not,remeber feedback at a live concert is a bad thing.

Aw c'mon shadow,I got slammed with zeros and rediculas stuff,you guys just won't get it,don't make sense,geez,well i tried,I give up now.

A)because they got a poor review.
(I don't want reviews specilay on the Q1 maps)

B)because a lot of people didn't agree with them
(mabye true,but the comments I got were neither agree or disagree just or ANY justified statements "holy" "idiots" and oneliners.)

You just don't get it I aint mad at the comments,that make sense,I am not that great of a mapper,and I did not START anything.for every action there is a reaction.
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New but not improved.
Nov 4, 2001
Redfist, the only people I see leaving are people who have become unhappy...
A)because they got a poor review.
B)because a lot of people didn't agree with them.

People arn't just suddenly leaving, there is reason behind it. I still think NC is popular and whilst not as good as the UT1 peak, that is just the entire scene for you. Things have moved on and the fact that NC is still around is a credit to it's community.

Redfist, I apologise for some of the things I've said, but like I mentioned in my last post I think you need to take a look around and see that maybe, just maybe you are wrong this time. I've seen you comment on maps and be spot on.
I'm also sorry about this thread. It was at the peak of a huge surge of clueless, strange, an unjust posts on the comments. You entered at that point with a load of quake remakes (not a great way to start) and then claiming that they are great maps and not being happy with what people where saying about them.
You've improved now perhaps but lets face it, you brought this all on yourself. You hadn't read anything before. You have started many arguements, and once again you become hypocritical in the above post. You've quoted people with pointless arguements. Sure I've quoted people but I've always layed down just reasons.

Redfist, go, stay, read, ignore... I don't care. But I just hope you realise why this all started, why we are still argueing, and take something from it.


New Member
Sep 15, 2002
Visit site
ReD_Fist said:
I won't reply,again,
good day.

ReD_Fist said:
Well I am not trying to be an arse,all this stuff...


And just a sidenode: I'm getting really sick of people talking about other people having to learn english/can't speak english etc.
Not everybody has it as it's native language and it's lame to whine about it.



New Member
Aug 29, 2000
cbp authors said to try Unreal Playground,that "H" kid and the "S" kid are not a good thing,
redfist stop talking to gui, hes a lunatic who hates nc because his dm hardcore got a 6/10 review here which he didnt like, how noobish can you get...
so typical

Redfist, the only people I see leaving are people who have become unhappy...
A)because they got a poor review.
B)because a lot of people didn't agree with them.
hmm, wait, those rules apply to them....what a suprise


Jun 4, 2004
zZzZzZz, please just STFU! Enough is enough. RedFist not to be rude but..
you will NEVER change opinions or win peoples praise from going on & on,
we all have our opinions about this and that, just in this 1 case yours is different from the majority, its nothing against you, its just a different point of view, that's all it really is, it's that simple. Some peeps didn't like your quake maps, so what!..Please, you have your view on them, they (I) have theirs, does that make you wrong or them (me)?..No-one is wrong, as ive said 99.9% of NC3 user rate and comment fairly, that's the beauty about NC3 EVERY commenter is free to say and express his/her view on any given map, as they see fit (including you). Yes the (i'll get you back syndrome) should never have happened, but it did and i bet a lot of peeps wish they hadn't said nothing now, yourself included.

This has turned into an argument, discussion call it what you will, at first i thought it was just a little side joke, which no-one took seriously but it’s old and tired now. Both sides should just drop it, they should also realise that its going absolutely nowhere fast, 1 post makes another and so on, which is fine if you want to read BS after BS post, personally i dont..I love NC3 and mapping and i think we ALL should agree to disagree and NC3 forum staff should now stop this bickering, since this subject is now hackneyed...Quills out---> and i mean out!


New Member
Sep 6, 2004

Graphic User Interface ?I know no gui

WAIT !! don't tell me

And yes Quillion I'v stated all I needed to state.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Prolly superape then, or possibly even dagny fagtard, he's still lurking around somewhere like a bad smell afaik
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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
He won't stop

Also his statement could make it look like I send out flaming emails.that map is well over a 2,I have no purpose in doing that to anyone.
Wish someone around here would do somthing about him I thought he would be moving on,just not a good thing.

09-12-2004 02:50 AM EDT
i was sure redfist will comment this one

this map is a 2 .. but i don't want flaming e-mail"
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