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Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
MGS4 10/10

I feel I dont need to explain myself, just read the thread created by Twisted Metal to get my impressions on this game. Its a beautifully well made game and will probably not get topped till God of War 3


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
- [360] GTA 4 : 7 / 10 ... good story, funny characters (Brucie & Florian :lol:), stupid annoying missions that tend to break meta-game rules just to add to the difficulty.

- [360] Civilization Revolut'n : 9 / 10. It's Civ ... just one more turn, need I say more ?
Think of it as 'Civ Light' when compared to Civ4.
It could be seen as 'Civ 1' plus a few extra touches that make the game fast.

The artifacts (= barbarian villages with a powerup) pretty much make sure that you want to explore the planet as fast as possible. Especially the 'City of Atlantis' which is somewhere in the middle of an ocean, can give you an enormous technology boost by giving you access to a few techs once discovered ...

Problems ?
I wish there were bigger worlds, more random map options and a chance to continue once you've won.
At Chieftain-level the enemy civs will continue to threaten you even after they're down to just one city. Not that it matters much though.


I posted in the RO-me thread
and all I got was
a pink username!
Oct 20, 2005
The Club: Ive just spent an hour on it, got bored really quick 6.5/10


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Metal Gear Solid - PC


I played MGS on PSX when it first came out. After I finished it on very hard I didn't touch it again until now. So it's been about 10 years.

The PC version looks about 100 times cleaner than the original PSX version and it's the Integral release so you get all the nice extras, including VR Missions but I never had an interest in those. This game is still as good as I remember.

MGS 2 and 3, while decent, just can't hold a candle to MGS1. MGS1's storyline was total undeniable win. It started going downhill fast with MGS2 and it wasn't much better with MGS3.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
I recall playing MSG2 once. It was certainly more WTF than 10/10.

I'm going to assume this is all Halo-esque hype surrounding MSG4.

Mr. Noodle

Bringer of Deadly Farts
Jun 19, 2008
Ohio! In the USA!
Unreal Tournament 2004 For ATI Radeon HD 2400 Windows Vista 32,

I give it, a 10.0/10!
Awesome but My comp keeps messing up, Check Out My problem in the Troubleshooting Forum it should be on the top.


Jun 24, 2004
WTF with all those MGS4 10/10's? :con:

First of all, Kantham, it's obvious you haven't even played it. Second, I'm guessing you're not a fan of MGS, so don't try to make sense of it - you're never going to get it.

It's very much a game made for fans of the series, if you don't like MGS then you're simply not going to find anything in MGS4 that's going to change that. If you do, however, and has at least a decent grasp of previous happenings in the series, then MGS4 is probably the pinnacle of the entire series and is the game that makes sense of it all. It's an absolute must-have for MGS fans.

Fair enough, the gameplay alone doesn't warrant a 10/10, but that has obviously never been the sole focus of the MGS games.

It's another 10/10 from me. Solid gameplay (I've heard people complaining about clunky controls, but it's always been fairly natural to me), memorable boss-fights and breathtaking storytelling, music and presentation.

GTA4 - 9/10. Best story in the series by far and the refined gameplay is nice, but it still suffers from some of the same short-comings of the previous games. I was also a bit disappointed that there wasn't more to do around Liberty City.

I recall playing MSG2 once. It was certainly more WTF than 10/10.

I'm going to assume this is all Halo-esque hype surrounding MSG4.

Actually, I think a better comparison would be the hype that surrounded BioShock. People who really bought into the story and atmosphere raved about it, while it seemed like many that had little to no interest in the story expressed disappointment with the gameplay and deemed the game overrated.
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Dec 8, 2000
I bought Alone in the Dark 5 for the wii last night. I'm not that far into it, and so far, thoroughly enjoying myself.

It's a bit of a different animal to the other AitD's i've played. Much less 'read this document' 'solve this puzzle', and a bit more action based, but not enough to ruin the feeling.

Graphically, you may be disappointed. People are used to expecting nothing short of near realism, and quite frankly I hate those of you who do. The graphics are good enough to immerse me, and that's all I need.

The Wii controls are used to great effect, though it does sometimes get the wrong input.
I think that's more due to the game's coding than the control system though.

Example: To open your inventory, you twist the nunchuk to the left, and twist the wiimote to the right. However, to check how much ammo you have in your gun, you twist the wiimote to the right. Already you can see that someone didn't playtest the idea before they implimented it.

It doesn't pose a huge problem, as so far I haven't needed to open the inv at a critical moment, but honestly, the wiimote only shines when the game is coded to use it in a clever way.

All in all, a damned fine game, It doesn't deserve a gold pedastel, but a gold plated one might be deserved.

Gameplay: 9/10
Plot (so far): 8/10
Controls:6.555*/10 (eat it Jacks ;))
Graphics: 7.5/10
Overall: 8/10
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Dec 8, 2000
Having just finished it, I REALLY have to make a retraction on this one.

The game has left me feeling cheated and conned.
The gameplay, is bitty, annoying, and in the hours the game takes to complete, only gives a few moments of intrigue and fun.

The enemies are pointless, you could quite honestly take them out of the game entirely and you wouldn't notice a difference.
They don't attack.
The monster with the blades on it's hand, comes out of the fissure in the ground, charges towards you, and then stands there, waiting to be killed. That was my only tactic against them. Stand still in the middle of the room, and then slowly kill them.

The controls are frustrating and honestly, poorly implemented.
There's one section where you've just hotwired a car, and you're driving away whilst being chased by another car. If that car touches yours even slightly, game over.
You control the steering by holding the wiimote aimed at the ceiling and turn it left or right depending on where you want to go.

Great, in theory. Let down by the fact that your car reacts to every movement a few seconds late, if it reacts at all. The only reason I got passed that point is thanks to the 'dvd style chapter skip'. I just didn't bother completing that level. I don't mind hard, infact I love hard. But that wasn't hard, that was impossible. Literally.

The plot line never hits home. You don't feel involved in any way whatsoever. You barely even acknowledge that there's a plot line going on. And the ending... that ISN'T A ****ING ENDING. That's a cop out. That's what happens when your writers have the creativity of a house brick.

The only thing I can find to redeem this game is the fact that *I* didn't pay for it. If I had, I'd be even more ****ing pissed than I am now.

I honestly can't see how better graphics or even standard xbox/ps3 controlls will improve this game, as the faults are in the basic CONCEPT of the game.

DO NOT BUY. If you like throwing money away, then it's your choice, but honestly, if you value your wealth and dignity, stay the **** away. Alone in the Dark 5 is an absolute abomination. It barely entertains in the first 3 chapters and then proceeds to suck heavily through the last 7.

Gameplay: 3/10
Plot: .5/10
Controls: 4/10
Graphics: 4.5/10
Overall: 2.5/10

Quite a difference from the above review, but i'll point out that I was only up to chapter 2, level 2 at that point.
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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
in this case, rentals ftw. It's also good to have men working at the dvd rental store you know to get the newest games first :)


Cubely Wrath
Apr 5, 2005
Canada, Alberta, Calgary
I'm almost done act 4 of mgs4. The game is totally outstanding. The gameplay, story, presentation, graphics, sound, it's all top notch and unique.

Rating will be given in a day or two, I won't rate a game until i'm finished it.