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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
My whole sunday was wasted playing at a friedns wii :)

Super Paper Mario could be from a 7 to a 9. It's nice to see a twist to 2d platforming. But only 1 world finished doesn't give you a whole picture of a game.

Mario Galaxy

again, I only played like 1 hour but Galaxy is definitely one of the Wii's top games(even if I died alot). I hope I'll manage finishing this game.

Resident Evil 4 wii edition 8-9/10

So, I really got stuck playing RE4 till 4 am in the morning. Finally RE is coming to a point where controls dont punish you(reason why I hardly played any of the other games much) and make you extra slow on purpose. MY dream is that RE5 will excell even more in this point making RE5 the first RE game with good controls.
We only made it to the 3rd chapter but expect RE4 to be finished by me soon :)




Jun 24, 2004
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - 8.5/10

Funniest game I've played in ages and the gameplay is surprisingly addictive.


Face down in a pool of his own vomit.
Apr 8, 2008
I just finished Bioshock for the first time. I'm a little late to the party, but I didnt have a pc to run it until this spring.

Anyway, the first thing that comes to mind is that I have serious concerns for anyone who ever suffers from Amnesia. They're going to end up in some strange place with a lot of creatures/people who want to hurt them, and ultimately they'll turn in to a homicidal maniac, destroying all in their path. There's been a lot of games who present the story this way, as "someone trying to learn who they are". CLICHE.

Graphics were cool, the 50's thing was definately unique. I think the slight blurring that you get when you run through water got old though. Certainly looked like a AAA should though, so we'll leave that alone.

Game play was ok. I did like the ability to hack turrets and cameras to actually turn the levels on the enemies. Very cool indeed. I abused that a lot.

I didnt think there was enough variety in the plasmids, I really only used 3 of them. Electric, Fire and the Hypno. None of the others seemed to interest me, and the game was certainly beatable without the rest. Some of the other elements seemed to be things used in other games (pictures of the enemies, metroid prime), etc.

Overall it was a good game, but playing through it on hard only took me a week and a half.



The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001


If I was trying to swear I'd look to a culture that isn't known for chillin in the sun puffin doobie. ;)
bumbaclot = no street cred :D

edit: and this is coming from a guy who's impatiently looking at his watch wondering where his doobie man is
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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
Kids, do we need another Fourtwenty thread?

mention anything remotely jamaican and it just happens ;)

speaking of green, I did enjoy playing the incredible Hulk game on xbox360. I've heard it's nothing new if you've played the sequel on xbox1, which I didn't. Anyways, I killed the abomination last friday.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
I think you mean d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.

Oh, I tried playing Stalker a week or two ago. Terrible. As soon as the game opened it bugged up and skipped half of the initial conversation that explained stuff. I didn't play it for too long after that, but in the short time I did I noticed the combat system is absolutely terrible and the menu/inventory stuff is unintuitive and poorly done. After my first big battle with some bandits I had a very strong feeling that I would never be able to enjoy a game with such a f**ked up combat system, so I uninstalled it about an hour after I'd installed it.

Mega fail. 0/10. Guess that's what I get for buying the sh*tty games that go on GoGamer's 48 hour sales. D:

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
I'll give a big +1 to the 10/10 for MGS4.

If you read any of my reviews in the movie thread you would know that I never give a 10/10. But MGS4 truly deserves it. It's so beautifully artistic and it really messes with your emotions like no other game can. The experience is extremely nostalgic for those who have played the originals. You practically time warp back to 1998 and relive some of the best video gaming moments of your life.

Epic is too small of a word for this game. A particular split screen sequence towards the end of the game will leave you breathless. The cut scenes are probably the best I've ever seen in any game. Flawless animation, fight scenes so well done that you will feel the pain of every blow, and voice acting to die for. The music too, oh my god! Absolutely gorgeous.

I don't know what else to say other than play it! It is without a doubt one of the best games of all time. :tup:


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Breath of Fire 2 - 8.5/10 I love old school RPG's more so than todays offerings. The story isnt half bad either, especially given the subject matter about "God" and such. I'm surprised Nintendo's censors didnt come out full force on this one. Some points taken off because of the HIGH encounter rate in the later dungeons. Jesus Christ I know its old school but let me take more than 5 steps. Made treasure hunting a chore.

Breath of Fire 4 - 9/10 This one still remains one of my favorites in the series. Playing through it again just to relive some of the memories.


New Member
Jan 28, 2008
I think you mean d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.

Oh, I tried playing Stalker a week or two ago. Terrible. As soon as the game opened it bugged up and skipped half of the initial conversation that explained stuff. I didn't play it for too long after that, but in the short time I did I noticed the combat system is absolutely terrible and the menu/inventory stuff is unintuitive and poorly done. After my first big battle with some bandits I had a very strong feeling that I would never be able to enjoy a game with such a f**ked up combat system, so I uninstalled it about an hour after I'd installed it.

Mega fail. 0/10. Guess that's what I get for buying the sh*tty games that go on GoGamer's 48 hour sales. D:



Zer0 as a number
Apr 12, 2002
In the Borderlands..


Oh noes I did not give it 10/10 like most media reviewers... :lol:

Finally beat it last night. The game had some really fun moments and others were quite dull that I just wanted to get the mission over with as fast possible and redoing any bit was frustrating

And now that I am done with it I really don't feel compelled to just mess around like I did in San Andreas or Vice City.

But other than that the game was pretty solid.

Now I need to go finish Ninja Gaiden 2 currently playing the chapter Submit or Die.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
XIII- 7/10 I've been meaning to p[lay this for years and picked a second hand copy up the other day. I'm enjoying it as far as it being just a fun shooter without pretensions to being much else.

COD4-9/10 Played this on my bros' PS3 last weekend. Intense.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Now I need to go finish Ninja Gaiden 2 currently playing the chapter Submit or Die.

That and the chapter right after it are often said to be the lowest points in the game, followed by one of the best scenes in the game (Chapter 10 specifically).

I Want to Be That Guy
This game kicked my ass more than anything I've ever played. Pretty awesome game :)


With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
Soul Calibur IV - 9.5/10

Brilliant, just brilliant. It has exceeded all my expectations and it completely blows the rest of the series out of the water! \o/
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Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Soul Calibur IV - 9.5/10

Brilliant, just brilliant. It has exceeded all my expectations and it completely blows the rest of the series out of the water! \o/

5 more days until I get to play :( I want Ivy action dammit!

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
There are so many things to do in this game that it deserves a grander scale than 0-10. I'd say out of 10,000 points in the game 8,500 are good. My biggest acclaim for this title is that it's varied in its enormity, unlike Oblivion's generic expanse. Along with being more of a freeform project than Oblivion ever could be (Levitate > *), I'm falling in love with Morrowind again.