...not when I do it back at you
my counter
- The Graphics blow GTA's out of the water, no blur after 50 meters.
On PC this is a no-contest. (besides that I don't get this blur after 50 meters you speak of [watch videos further down])
From polycount to texture resolution to draw distance, there is nothing in BP that even comes close to GTA IV or GRiD. On the PC at least.
I might go do some screenshotting - but there is really nothing to argue.
BP textures aren't even seamless. Grass *stop* Road *stop*.
Polycount of models... again, no contest. GTA IV > BP. (remembering here that GTA has a ton more going on on-screen and still manages higher Polycounts)
Realtime reflections in both GTA IV and Grid. Don't think there are any in BP. (BP fakes it with a static environment map- back to 2000 we go)
Damage models in BP are much weaker than either GTA or Grid.
When I clip a rear view mirror it comes off or after crashes my doors will open or my bonnet will tear off in both these games. BP's damage model is static compared to either other games.
If I smack specific parts of my car the damage is there - skewed wheels etc. Not so in BP.
The physics in GTA allow for destroyable environments which affect the player. So if I drive into a plank of wood and then drive over it, my car reacts. Similarly if I drive over a tyre I hit in the previous round in Grid it makes my car react.
NOTHING like this in BP.
I don't see how you can be so nonchalant about the collision in this game, as having bad collision in a racing game is like having ****ty hit detection in a shooting game. Makes most of the game rubbish after that as it's such an important part of the game.
[Grid has a higher polycount on cars than both these games whilst having completely modelled and reactive interiors too]
Does BP even use specular maps?
BP's shadows are weak too. Low-Res and I don't think they are even real time (environment) as in both afore mentioned titles.
(Hard to compare Grid to BP in the way of graphics as clearly Grid's graphics are better, but it isn't open world)
(don't even start on my that BP graphics are better than Grids because:
- GRiD has "real" stresses on objects made of different materials (and it compared to BP doesn't stop the physics just because you crashed)
- GRiD has then entire car modelled insides and out - down to details that the air valves on the rims of the tyres are modelled in 3D
- GRiD has completely accurately modelled car interiors and higher polycount models for the exterior)
- GRiD has multiple real time inside mirrors which when cracked show multiple instances of the reflection, like it would in reality
- Crashes are awesome. No other game has them so detailed.
Yes, on PC there are a few.
Two games I've played. GTA IV and Grid. Gird's crash physics are miles and miles better than BP's. (see videos in sig)
There's no contest what so ever.
Not only that, but when you crash in BP it stops realtime physics and changes it to a partially pre-calculated path. (hence why the crashes are boring)
Not only does that take away from the how spectacular the crash could turn but, but it makes it look super strange as it takes away the "action -> reaction" part. :tdown: [vid of how crap physics, or lack thereof can look in BP at bottom of page]
Often crashes in BP won't at all mirror the impact speed and angle you crashed with

GTA IV manages to be nicer looking, with higher polycounts and more detailed environments and still the collision is way more precise.
Not only that but remember that GTA IV is not a racing game, yet it beats BP in virtually every single aspect.
- Music --> OFF. Use custom playlists / iTunes.
Fair point. Probably the only one I agree with you on
- Arcade to the max!
Yes, I keep hearing that. But there's a difference between arcade handling and **** handling.
This is where the Parkinson thing comes in I mentioned.
Try this.
Drive a race and then just wiggle the directions quickly and press a couple of buttons. What happens?
NOTHING. It drives normally even though you're giving it strange inputs...
- Takes some time getting used too, but the twitchy controls help when you have the faster cars/bikes.
see above
In fact, I'm going to have to make a video of how funny it is that the controls are SO unresponsive.
There is a difference between "arcade controls" and plain unresponsive controls
- Actually this is one of the few games where I can actually use both views. I normally only use the incar/bumper cam. I like both.
But only 2!? Come on. That
barely qualifies as even a choice.

Is there a shortage of oil and racing views I'm not aware of? ;P
Behind view is useless because there's too much car onscreen and the "inside racing view" is too low.
Now you're ****ed as if neither suit you... that's it.
"In-car" is a bit of a big word for a game that has no models inside the actual car. "on-car" maybe?
Which game has better crashes ?
GRID see links in sig.
GTA IV. See my YT channel for two crappy vids I put up.[
2] (not to mention that GTA replays are toned down to speed up things taking away some effects and models which you have in-game and yet even with these omissions in the GTA replays it STILL looks better than BP)
And then
you look at BP in action (this is with everything turned to max too)

Let's compare replays of all three games!
Oh wait, you can't!
Because surprisingly BP has no replays. (even though it's the simplest game out the three)
Riders look nice, agreed.
But you know, as actual driving physics the bikes in GTA are nicer IMO.
Alone the car racing stuff in GTA IV > this entire game.
Like even the checkpoints in GTA racing are done a ton better.
"Can't believe this POS has such a high Meta score."
I can 
Actually me too. Crap games often get this kind of undeserved hype. ;P
The real fun of Burnout comes when you play it online. Racing around town with 4 friends is just a cool experience. And completing all the online challenges will keep me busy for quite a while
Yeah the online is
just about acceptable (though it's pretty boring too) and the
only reason this excuse for a racing game hasn't already been un-installed and used a coffee coaster.