What if they run around the garden?
What if.....what if they are flying zombies?
Zombie pigeons ?

What if they run around the garden?
What if.....what if they are flying zombies?
I don't need weapons.
I would just call in...
Because Chuck Norris is deadlier than any weapon made by man.
Best regards from Serious Sam & Left 4 Dead, aye?>http://www.epicycle.org.uk/images/minigun2.jpg<
You'll also want to team up with these guys if possible. That game thaught me that shotguns are the most awesome firearms ever so I'll consider that a viable alternative should the smell get too bad. (but one always has to keep in mind that ammo doesn't last forever).
Might help around here.....They could spit in your eyes giving you undead eyes. I'm not sure what those would do though.
Zombies' lives can be ruined too................
That seems a bit of an understatement. Don't they own National Geographic?Modern day Disney is a toilet.