Yurch's antics reach a new level!

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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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I am seeing evidence of people hurling themselves into a room, then crouching and firing perectly aimed shots at the people that were trying to cover the area. I do it myself sometimes even. I wanted to add a half/full second before the full sensitvity reduction took place.
edit: wording error.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Could you imagine...not NEEDING to have restrictions on what you carry??? There'd be no reason to have multiple weapons, since they would ALL act differently. You would actually have to PRACTICE *gasp!* with one weapon vs another if you wanted to be able to hit anything.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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The ballistics in those screenshots get the official Yurch Seal of Disapproval (YSD).
In short:
They suck, and I am redoing them.
Yurch quality control keeping it at a professional level. Yes sir.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Due to the nature of how UT calculates things, the ballistics will change from machine to machine, and in game. I dunno what I was thinking when I wrote it. But when gravity suddenly stops effecting bullets or something like that in the middle of a firefight, for everyone in the server, Im sure you aint gonna be happy.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Thats basically what any ballistic system will be, if you think about it. Mine consists of intervals the size of a game tick. :p
I don't know how you plan on making yours very accurate... Considering if a non-level shot is fired.
I just screwed up on the math on mine. And I got finals. So not much time to werk on it, dig?


[AFA]'s unoffical godfather
Apr 4, 2001
United States of America
Originally posted by yurch
mebbe im just on crack, I dunno. Seems like it would be hard for me.

I have no real issue with this, as in RL, with training, dropping to a knee and being ready to fire is done in one quick fluid movement. The only difficult part is getting in position to return fire without getting your head blown off. Seems to be well represented in INF so far.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Its not based on the tick. Its dependant on the tick I E as fast as the computer can run through the code.
Which brings some very interesting problems to the table considering the fact that we are talking about 10ths of a second here.
From what I hear, the tick can be as slow as .3 second. Which means the bullet can fly 150 meters or farther without even being affected by my code.
I have no real issue with this, as in RL, with training, dropping to a knee and being ready to fire is done in one quick fluid movement. The only difficult part is getting in position to return fire without getting your head blown off. Seems to be well represented in INF so far.
If thats the case, I will leave it alone. In defense of the idea however, it would not reduce the ablity to return fire, just effect the accuracy of that firing. It would never be any worse than standing.


[AFA]'s unoffical godfather
Apr 4, 2001
United States of America
Heh. Dunno yurch. Maybe my style is restricting myself to see that which could be wrong. :D

No matter what weapon the person is using (excluding the RC-50, of which, target aquisition is the best thanks to the uber rapid mega turbo zoom :D) the shooter has to risk poking his head out, spotting the target, and then lay steel on target. Seems damn realistic to me, regardless of position (as it stands in RA, that is.)


aka FURY13RT
err, if your still talking about the insta crouch.
I think I see (kinda) what yurch was saying.

ex, right now I can jump though a window with the crouch key held. Ill land on one knee (irl, this move would send me tumbleing to the floor :p ) and then get the shooting benefits and accuracy (in 2.87, lower recoil too) as if I was kneeling the whole time.

but with a bit of delay in the system: even though your instantly on one knee, you'll still have 'the numbers' of a standing-moving man for a second or two more.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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I appologise to the snipers out there, but I heard a suggestion I liked the other day.
I can make a version of rav2 that removes PSG, Robar, and all class 0 attachments (aimpoint, ACOG, flashlight) in roughly 6 minutes. The reason?
Iron sights night!
Mebbe the AFA server could run a night without scoped weapons... would be fun. Like pistols only, only more **** flying around. :D