Yurch's antics reach a new level!

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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Originally posted by TheNut
w00t! a new milestone in forum history!!!
uhh, theres 3000+ reply threads in BuF off-topic.
edit: of course, this is the biggest one in the inf boards...
Back on topic, you miscreants.

I need a way to make shooting harder.


New Member
Dec 11, 2001
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what do you mean harder?

why dont ya... force some sort of arm control system where you need to move your arm inline with your eye and the target
THEN you gotta move your wrist so the sights line up

wow this is getting complicated


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001
Any plans to add a horizontal factor to recoil?

Either muzzle climb in a fixed direction, or (which would look more realistic but wouldn't depend enough on the player's own skills) the gun wobbling sideways after a shot, the amount depending on stance, movement, whether or not you were controlling your breathing and, of course, the gun and ammo?


The sh¡ttiest Infiltrator
Jul 30, 2000
Why hasn't the nifty bobbing that you put on the scopes been added to open sight weapons as well... after all, the sensitivity changes were made to level the field between scopes and open sights right? Just haven't gotten to it yet?


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001
AFAIK the issue isn't "leveling" so much as simply making gun handling more realistic... in any case I'd also want the sights to imitate the scopes a little more, just to make it a bit more intuitive...


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
All I know is that when you actually try to fire a gun, even if you are very, very careful, your muscles do random things and it is NEVER perfectly steady. Even if you are resting it on a shooting stand, and are very, very careful.


May 19, 2001
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I'm assuming this has come up before, but is there an arguement against adding universal weapon bob as your stamina goes down? And that holding your breath can only reduce it by a percentage (or perhaps also related to how much stamina is left, so the effect is compounded as you near total exhaustion)?

I've also been wondering about the idea of stamina recharging quite a bit faster (still relative to how much is left) but have more draining effects, so it acts more as a pacing mechanism instead of quick-rushing-burst-damn I'm out-oh well I'm dead now anyway but took 4 of them with me... making more an overall mental+physical 'wear n tear' indicator than just lung capacity.

A lot of small independent factors that add and cancel each other, like shouldering bulky weapons, shots vs time, body position, movement mode... jogging while firing a shouldered heavy weapon on full auto for instance would wear someone out very quickly, but the act of crouching or going prone would in turn reduce the tiring effects of firing a lot of rapid shots and holding up the bulk of the weapon.

And this goes back to the first point of lower stamina=more weapon bob+less ability to steady said bob.

Overall making complete bezerk players' effectiveness fall apart quickly without damaging aggressive playing (short bursts of conserved energy).


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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wow this is getting complicated
Damn right! :D
Are you trying to prove something?
Uhmm, maybe!
Yurch: How about NEVER letting scopes stop moving? And when you turn your player arm, it increases the scope movement?
Damn you! Its not just about the scopes!
Any plans to add a horizontal factor to recoil?
Why hasn't the nifty bobbing that you put on the scopes been added to open sight weapons as well... after all, the sensitivity changes were made to level the field between scopes and open sights right? Just haven't gotten to it yet?
Phear! Its coming!
AFAIK the issue isn't "leveling" so much as simply making gun handling more realistic... in any case I'd also want the sights to imitate the scopes a little more, just to make it a bit more intuitive...
Hell yes.
All I know is that when you actually try to fire a gun, even if you are very, very careful, your muscles do random things and it is NEVER perfectly steady. Even if you are resting it on a shooting stand, and are very, very careful.
Yes, shooting is very "demanding". Thats why I want to make it harder, the snapshots that are supposed to be there to surpress the enemy are killing them outright.
Just implement my trigger-pull idea!
Im having a bit of a hard time with it. Will try later.
I'm assuming this has come up before, but is there an arguement against adding universal weapon bob as your stamina goes down?
Its already there, sorta. "Bob" just doesn't effect weapons aim... yet :con:

I am also considering far more seriously to tweak the movement a bit more. Run and walk are a wee too fast. With more difficult shooting, this will be nessessary.


aka FURY13RT
Well, since irl gun aiming is neither instant nor snappish.
why not toss in a bit of gun lag motion?

ok, lets say your aiming to the right, and you see something to the left you want to shoot.
make it so when you start swinging to the left the weapon dosent move instantly, but laggs behind your intended aiming point.
and when you arrive on target, the weapon dosent snap to center either. but swings around for a split second in a spiral motion, befor centering on where you want it to aim.

the bigger the gun, the longer the lag.

that should add the missing 2 to 3 second delay in shooting I think.


It's Suntory Time!
Mar 11, 2001
Razz, I think a better way to think of this is weapon inertia. Basically, the heavier the weapon the harder it is to get moving and the harder to get stopped. Now the Robar won't be like moving a mack truck, but it should be noticably harder than a light MP5. Ideally, this would reflect a difference between the M203 and non-M203'd M16.

BTW, Yurch
Reading through the beta logs, it looks like a fair number of really signature RA features are integrated. From what I could read, there is some positional relationship to recoil, as well as stamina links to jogged aiming. Since you've played the betas, what is your take on the need for RAV3? Is the scope sensitivity in there?


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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I don't think I'm allowed to comment on that. Remember the way they do something and the way I do something may be radically different, although the same idea may be behind it.