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See This Needle? See my arm...
Jun 10, 2001
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I thought of two things that could implemented in the next RA, i dont know if theyve been mentioned as i do not have the time to read this whole massive thread ;) I noticed you could still open doors and stuff while reloading. Doesnt seem too realistic, maybe that could be stopped. Also, i notice you can reload when running. Now im not a gun expert, but wouldnt it be difficult to grab a magazine from your bag , remove your current one , replace , all while running. Maybe im wrong. Oh well, just suggestions.


Crunchings and munchings!
Mar 25, 2001
I agree with the doors bit but, not sure about run'n and reload'n. Removing the mag is a simple matter of thumbing the release and allowing gravity to take it (ok, in MOST weapons, with the exception of the 5n7 it seems, as it simply MUST have SUCH a slow reload!!! *grr* :D ) Pushing a fresh mag into the well might serve a bit tricky tho, it would depend on the dex of the average soldier in the game I'd say as all it would be is a simple matter of concentration (presence(sp) of mind) and multitasking ability.

Streaks :p


Airsoft Player & Inf fanatic [AFA]
Mar 12, 2001
Lomma, Sweden
reloading and walking

Imho and experience is that´s not that hard to reload and walk
even jog. Done that several times with my airsoft famas.
Keep in mind that it´s a bullbup gun so it´s a bit harder to learn.

Opening doors and reloading? Don´t think so unless you have 3 arms :p


aka FURY13RT
But if the run in inf is supposed to represent a full speed, all out "OMG THEIR GONNA KILL ME!!!" type dash. then any action besides running shouldent be possible.

for that kinda speed you really wouldent want to be juggeling a 40mm nade, trying to slide a fresh mag, or even worse trying to reload a minmi (which looks to be a somewhat complicated affair)

I like how it is for the hk69 now
if you start reloading while standing then start to run, it stops mid way.
if you start reload while running, it reloads.

I think that fairly represents both the abilities of someone familiar with the gun, and someone who was just interrupted in the middle of their reload.

aside from that, when you can reload should be limited on a weapon by weapon basis. reloading pistols is easier than reloading minmis :p


New Member
Aug 17, 2000
I think most actions should be stopped if you are shot as well. Perhaps drop the magazine you were trying to load, as well.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Yeah, but those actions are always very buggy if you cut them off while they are doing things. Like the faster reload with the p90 if you flicked the flashlight on in 2.85.5 - you could skip the chambering round animation, and be ready to fire.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Dont remember. I think I disabled underwater firing around in there somewhere. Im somewhat impulsive, I usualy make changes, then record them later...