X3 Teaser Trailer!

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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
I think there's a Wolverine movie planned for 2007.

You know which X-period in time I really liked? When the team "died", defending the earth from "the other". Roma vs. the other.
Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Havoc, Dazzler, Rogue, Longshot and Psylocke.
Roma "restored" them and offered a choice, a second chance. They became invisible for scanners, and hid in the Australia. In a small ghost town. When they arrived there, it was the home of the reavers. But they were taken by surprise and the x-men took over...

Marc silvestri drew those comis back then. I really like those.


Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
_Zd_Phoenix_ said:
Is that like gonna be from childhood onwards? Because that would be brilliant...the opening sequence of X1 was fantastic, probably better than anything else in the movies to date. I hope they give it to a director who can really make it work like that.

I think they said it would be. Its hard to do a movie all about one character and not revisit the past which defines a turning point in his life.

It looks like they pulled the HD videos from the trailer site and the official site. Thankfully I saved the 1080p trailer! I'm using it as a reference point for working with H.264 :)
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Jun 29, 2004
I was so suprised at the quality of the first two, especially the second one. I hope number 3 is no exception.

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
OO7MIKE said:
I think they said it would be. Its hard to do a movie all about one character and not revisit the past which defines a turning point in his life.

It looks like they pulled the HD videos from the trailer site and the official site. Thankfully I saved the 1080p trailer! I'm using it as a reference point for working with H.264 :)

How did you save it? I couldn't figure out how to do it. It kept wanting me to upgrade Quicktime and pay money.:(

Automatic Kafka

with automatic shutoff
Dec 16, 2005
Universe City
Cat Fuzz said:
How did you save it? I couldn't figure out how to do it. It kept wanting me to upgrade Quicktime and pay money.:(


Right Click > View Page Info > Click on Media > Find The File In The List > Select It > Click Save As


Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
quicktime pro is the easiest way to do it. Out of all the programs I used .. quicktime pro has the biggest bang for your buck.

There are other ways like looking into the source of the page and opening the stub .mov file in a text editor... but yeah its going to be a painful process.

Super Feen

probably not a skrull
Jun 23, 2001
Erection Cove
NeoNite said:
I think there's a Wolverine movie planned for 2007.

You know which X-period in time I really liked? When the team "died", defending the earth from "the other". Roma vs. the other.
Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Havoc, Dazzler, Rogue, Longshot and Psylocke.
Roma "restored" them and offered a choice, a second chance. They became invisible for scanners, and hid in the Australia. In a small ghost town. When they arrived there, it was the home of the reavers. But they were taken by surprise and the x-men took over...

Marc silvestri drew those comis back then. I really like those.

man this is gonna make me dig through my old comics tonight, I believe that story line was called Fall of the Mutants and it was indeed fantastic. I remember the battle outside some building against a Mystique-led villain team, and Blob sitting on Wolvie only to recieve a snikt up his butt:lol:


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Actually Juggernaught is unstoppable because of the power of, if i recall, "the crimson gem of cytorak" or so, (in the comics, at least) and when in motion he physically cannot be stopped. Literally. The helmet is not armour per say, it is usually some kind of anti-psionic thing, because that's his only real weakness.

(afaik in the movie he is merely a mutant. In the comics, he isn't a mutant at all, merely mystically empowered.) Calisto is not particularly flashy. she's just stronger than normal, with the senses etc, yeah. It's a shame, almost, but she looks a lot prettier in the movie than her traditional appearence.

The Xavier "dying"/magneto changing storyline from the series, by the sounds of it, is based on an old storyline in the comics(duh), where Xavier is wounded, and only the Shiar have the technology to save him. (it happens at the end of a storyline involving magneto standing trial/facing up to what he'd become, and he gets left in charge of the "new mutants" in xaviers stead. a good storyline, that one). (so, like, no. Xavier doesn't die in the end of the series, because the storyline it's stolen from is exactly the same. but he's basically gone, after that. )

The pheonix-jean grey thing, oh brother. yeah, awkward ret-con and generally awkward labeling.
Originally, the pheonix was a primal universal force, no awareness. yada yada yada, it happens across jean grey, trying to pilot a shuttle back to earth during a massive cosmic radiation event, (no chance of success, she was dying.) It takes her place, saving the x-men and putting her body in the regenerative "pod", that the avengers later find, because the damage was that severe, and because it could then have fun literally being Jean Grey. (though throughout the Pheonix saga it is assumed, in a nod to the fact that it's retconned heavily, that the pheonix was at least conciously convinced it actually was jean grey.)
However, i'm pretty sure that seperate from the pheonix saga, and the whole daughter-from-the-future thing (rachel, who iirc possesses a portion of the pheonix's power, or did perhaps?) Seperate from all that, Jean does or eventually will use the code-name Pheonix, and it can be used in the original sense as referring to the ultimate expression of Jean's mutant potential. Cause, you know, retconning the original saga isn't confusing enough. :D

I'm guessing the ugly and/or cross dressing fellows in the back of the picture are random morlocks.

[edit] Oh, and the "aliens R dumb" thing is one of the reasons i am less interested in the self-conciously gritty "ultimate" brand. There won't be any, because they don't fit in the whole little trilogy thing, but cross dimensional, cross time, and interstellar adventures are as integral a part of "the X-men" as the racism/prejudicial parallels. Of course, the movies being mostly based on the ultimate x-men, you alien-hating peeps are pretty comprehensibly safe.[/edit]
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Beware the Apartment Emus
Aug 12, 2002
Bristol, UK
I wonder if Wolverine's ever gonna wear his famous yellow suit? People keep saying it would look silly, but hey, Spider-man is bright red & blue - can't they just de-saturate the yellows and, y'know NOT make it out of lycra? :lol:

Oh well, we can only hope. I always have that picture in my mind from the cartoon of him slicing into the neck of a sentinel robot. Classy.


Jun 22, 2001
_Zd_Phoenix_ said:
Actually as I recall, Phoenix is another entity entirely, that is using Jean Grey's body. Although the person who mentioned the Phoenix persona presumably meant just that, that it was a different persona, which would obviously be the same body still.

Hence: 'isn't Phoenix and Jean Grey the same person?' is a pointless question.
Ok, we need to clear some stuff up.
Jean -> Dark Phoenix -> Phoenix.
Jean was possessed by some extraterrestrial force which made her abilities incredibly stronger; as she was possessed, though, Jean had no control. Eventually, they came to an understanding, and the Phoenix entity left Jean, but left a piece of its power behind (and created a psuedo-Jean to be it's physical form). The resulting Jean + Phoenix's power == Phoenix, stronger, but Jean Grey.

Sabertooth is Wolverine's half-brother, not his father.
(As an aside, according to the comics, Nightcrawler is Mystique's son...)

Professor Xavier has no telekinetic powers; his powers are purely telepathic in nature. This means that he can't throw things around with his mind, but he can read minds, possess people, and so on... and he's the strongest telepath in the world (possibly farther).

As far as I know, Professor X only died in the comics during the recent splinter-story of Age of Apocalypse: in the true story, Professor Xavier is very much alive. He is, however, cut off from the team in Astonishing X-Men; the team is lead by Cyclops and Emma Frost ( :eek:! ).

[edit]I don't like Ultimate X-Men much; I find Astonishing to be much better, both in quality, and in that in Ultimates every-bloody-person-who-has-powers is a bum****ing teenager, it seems. Emo to the -max-. It's annoying.

This seems to be true about 90% of the Ultimates brand, so... (And why the hell does Wolverine have a goatee?!).

[edit2]You know, I was in the local comic store a few days ago, and I found something that really irritated me. X2: The Comic. Ok, let's run through this: it's a comic based on a movie based on a comic. WTF?
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The Seldom Seen Kid
And now for some caps:


Well, that looks to be a man. But that also certainly looks like a bra.
It seems the gender of thie character is a mystery. There's Pyro and Magneto in the background looking amazed and puzzled. I can't blame them though.


Colossus! Woo!
Need I say more?


Finally, that asian guy we talked about after the first trailer apparently has the ability to morph into a porcupine.
Kinda reminds me of that "Spike" character from the most recent (and bad) television series.

This movie is starting to look pretty cool. Though I can't stop thinking how much cooler it could've been if they brought in characters like Gambit.
Let's just hope this isn't the last of a trilogy...