The chicks down here (in brisbane) are damn fine, and ATM boob tubes, tank tops and hot pants are all the fashion this summer.

And the best ting is this year, the actual Australia day was on a Saturday, while the public holiday is on Monday (so everyone can have a day off work), so everyone just has parties that start Saturday arvo and run till Monday. Your left with no money, rubbish bins full of bottles and a hangover that'll kill the pope.
To take this O/T, CoH is awesome, especially when you play with the various skin packs out there that introduce historical uniforms and paint schemes, etc. I've got to say, i've been playing this game since it originally released and i don't think i've got for more than a few days without playing it. OF is great but it completely breaks the game as most of the fixes in the patches for CoH are undone, it forces ridiculous security measures on you, it won't work online unless you fiddle with your ports, there's no sharing the disk for LAN's, the online servers are so unstable they crash every couple of days, half the games you can't join, the rest either freezes, lags, or you get kicked by the other player cus your winning and the other player can't stand to lose, most the time noobs hurl abuse at you in team games cus your not protecting them and fighting off the entire enemy team so he can just spam units and run around capturing. Most of your wins aren't recorded, or their recorded as losses, the Team Automatch or the Modding tools which was promised at the release of CoH over a year ago still haven't been delivered, they take months for patches which seem to only fix a couple of things and break things (so they seem that that 1 month testing period didn't result in any testing and things bing fixed), the developers rarely listen to the community's suggestions and criticisms, the AI sucks balls completey, OF completely breaks compatabilty of mods for CoH, so they non longer work, and maps with scripting no longer work, umm anything else i miss?
The only good thing is there a number of skin packs out for CoH and OF, and a few mods have been updated to work with OF, and ther are two AI mods that have fixed tha AI almost completely, something that the professional developers can't seem to do, and the game is slowly getting fixed, despite that what one patch breaks requires 2 or more patches to fix, and problems identified and fixed in the pre-release beta days still haven't been applied to the game.