UBL said:
I was asked what have I done to contribute, I document partof it, and continue to offer up and I get this response. I am a CEO of a defense contractor in the Beltway doofuss. That's right: bangers, boomers, fast attacks, and the very real WMD programs I have been involved.
This game is a cherished out for me when the rest of the world is going nuts.
Heh... UBL, a true original.
Well anyway, I think a significant part of your problem is competitive instagib... and I certainly don't mean that as a slam. Rather, insta (being all hitscan) is something of a cheater's paradise, and since it's competitive there's A. more incentive to cheat and B. greater consequence to cheating.
By way of comparison, your average ONS pubber doesn't lose any setup time if a cheater turns up, stands to lose nothing from match to match, and doesn't deal exclusively in hitscan weapons.
And, after all, the average ONS pubber is at the end of the day the Lowest Common Denominator. There are so many "interest groups" within UT these days that the best Epic can hope for is to please the big ones and maintain their revenue.
Hence, Epic is unlikely to go out of its way to address the higher- maintenance concerns of the (smaller) competitive insta scene. It is, as they say, nothing personal... just business. And that, I think, is bottom line what we can reasonably expect.
Pubbers (of which I am one) will tell you that cheating isn't a big deal in UT, and from their perspective that's true. Cheats of any real consequence on the pubs are rare, and if you do see one... so what? It's just a pub.
For the competitive crowd I see that it's different. You yourself have seen that even trusted players get the urge to cheat... but then again you've only seen that because you've also seen them get caught. So things can't be 100% bad.
As you should know from your line of work, for every measure there is ultimately a countermeasure. That's how arms races happen, and that's how cheat vs anti- cheat happens in online gaming. That battle is never going to be won, by either side, neither is it going to go away. As one of the "good guys" the only thing you can do is make life as hard for cheaters as you possibly can (or at least as you possibly have the time for
To sum up: as a minority demographic, competitive insta is never going to get the full attention of Epic. 2k3 was the best chance it had, and it'll probably never be that good again. Furthermore, the endgame against cheaters is an outright impossibility.
So what can we reasonably expect? Simply that dishonesty has always and will always be with us, and even quitting the game won't insulate you from that problem. The things you value in life are always going to be something of a job... try not to let it get you down.
If, on the other hand, you think you've got the magic bullet, well... the range is clear, you may commence firing. Or not. Entirely up to you.