I do because......
I just want to make something beautiful in my time and this seems a good start. I'm 15 and have already made around 29 unfinished maps, each with something i love. 1 certain area that I sit in awe staring at in different views about how i made it. I prefer to map to amaze myself and just enjoy the idea of filling emptiness with something.
But, above all, I just wanna make something that when everyone sees it, they recognize talent. Something that when you enter the level and start to walk around you stop at parts, just to look at what was made. Everytime I start a map like this, I barely work for 2 weeks and finish 1 room. Then I get bored and need a new theme and map. I guess a mapper's dread is the creativity that keeps him mapping.
So I had nothing to check cause all I want to do is make something really really impressive. Not to be god, or prove myself better then someone, but just to make some inkling of beauty.
Oh, and lastly I want to try to make a map so brilliant it helps to revitalize the UT mapping community. Cause lately we have kind of hit a bust in the mapping area, very few outstanding maps have come our way and I'm waiting for the UT Nirvana to come along and change the face of mapping. Maybe it can be me