Yes but I mean, after YEARS of bush bashing (since the first day because gore lost) and then go out and do a poll then say see. see, see, we told you.
Well not just the news, it's all the lame dems doing the same.But yet, they have no platform,plan nothing better to offer at all, just the same old old old, "see see see, we told you.
Now that aint no leader to me whatsoever, I will and will not vote for anyone who runs on that type of shallow crap.
I see people buying into it now after 4 years ,hell right at election a MOVIE? mickal moore? .That is why i absolutly hate the dems and people who confide in such tripe.
but the people are so stupid
"bush #1 terrorist"
"bush same as hitler"
i hope all those people fricking actually do die from a real threat.
Oh and "illeagal war" pffft like only 12years went by of shallow threats, as soon as someone does somthing, woo hoo "illkeagal war".
I don't give a rats ass about invading, it is what should of been done even before bin laaden came around.
all dems are two faced,and only exist to fullfill peoples selfishness, me me,me all day every day.
I mean just think if we were really bad we could doo all the things that people say we are doing but in reality, not all this drummed up political bush bashing,usa bashing trivial little minds who can't win an election.