what the hell is he thinking??!!

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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Hell the total 100% anti bush news and media along with thier pansey polls I feel sorry for bush, to a point.
Glad he got in instead of those ultra political dweebs, kerry and gore, alPuke'O .
DEMS are so funky and mindless,no plans of thier own, dumb just so lame.All they have is "see bush did it" platform to run on.
My only comment on this thread,pointless trying to get automatic brainwashed bush bashers to make any logical sense at all.
One good example is how they claim fox news is a right wing news, just wrong, oh well, you all can live under your shining hillery LoL........
ReD_Fist said:
My only comment on this thread,pointless trying to get automatic brainwashed bush bashers to make any logical sense at all.
One good example is how they claim fox news is a right wing news, just wrong, oh well, you all can live under your shining hillery LoL........
Ironically, I think the kettle's calling the pot black. Who's brainwashed here? *raises hand* :lol:


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Stilgar said:
lololol, dems are FUNKY! so sayith Red Fist

Hehehe well they are.

And I aint brainwashed,

what gets me is logicaly only because fox says things (the truth) they don't want to hear doesn't make them a right wing network.lol
I listen to other news as well and they just don't do "news" as exciting or good with a tad of bush bashing going on.They sound so exuberant now reporting on how bad " the polls" are, fricking childish. Dems are allways fighting the wrong battles and allways saying how downtrodden we are and they think they know whats best for me,and then, blame Bush for all that is wrong.THAT IS a shallow way of trying to get elected, and thats all they think we neeed is them leading us around from cradle to grave.

You see the riots in france because some politician , they will losse a GARUANTEED first 2 years of being hired-job.
Also they are doing a radio staion , a new one, the owners (the gov) said it's got to be in english to make any money,so 3 hours of it will be in french/
So there ya go the ultamate scocial snood falling just like the rest, to OUR ways and peace.
A snoody type of mode, makes me laugh and cry.


Dec 20, 1999
Visit site
Fox spend a lot of time bashing dems it seems. They also have little pep talks for Bush, ie what he has to do to get back into the good books, which strategy he should be using etc... Even when opinion polls are low they constantly suggest that the ublic dont 'get' what's so good about 'the war' and that there's a lack of good news about Iraq because the rest of the worlds media is biased. They even go as far as criticising people who criticize Bush because IT'S WAR TIME OMG WE ARE CONSTANTLY AT WAR DON'T CONTRADICT THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF IN A TIEM OF WAR!

If they aren't right-wing then they're certainly the most patriotic news channel I watch.

The other night they were critisizing Barbarra Striesand because she has less than flattering views of Bush. They looked for spelling mistakes and typos on her blog, and even pulled her old school records in an attempt to make her look stupid. :rolleyes:

Watch out Barbarra, Fox's quality journalists are on to you!


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
It's true, but I would rather have the news biased to help us leave iraq rather than being so dispicable all the time and ALLWAYS try to either make us look bad, say we are the allways wrong,bad, tortures,invaders,occupiers on and on.

And I do hear fox spelling it out against bush quite a bit.
It's not all one thing at fox.


New Member
Feb 16, 2004
I wonder if perhaps some people are trying to appeal to a well-deserved sense of guilt when they do those "despicable" things redfist. I mean what if your president did lead you into an illegal war that still hasn't been justified...
I always thought it was "spineless" to hide from the truth rather than to face up to it.

Despite that you're obviously entitled to your opinion. I think the thing that is worrying is that yours sounds like something pre-packaged by a media institution rather than something you've bothered to formulate yourself.

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
Pseudo Safari said:
I wonder if perhaps some people are trying to appeal to a well-deserved sense of guilt when they do those "despicable" things redfist. I mean what if your president did lead you into an illegal war that still hasn't been justified...
I always thought it was "spineless" to hide from the truth rather than to face up to it.

What are you, like, 17? You don't remember Bush 41 or Clinton do you? Do you remember the Gulf War? Clinton and company constantly talking about Saddams WMD,s and his nuclear programs and how he must be stopped? Remember? "The evidence is clear", they would say. "Saddam Hussein MUST BE STOPPED", they would say. Remember Bosnia? Was THAT an illegal war? Of course not. Clinton could do no wrong to you people. Even when he commited a felony and was impeached for it. If you really want to blame someone for this war, blame Clinton or even Bush 41 for only driving the Iraqi armies out of Kuwait and stopping at the border.

Despite that you're obviously entitled to your opinion. I think the thing that is worrying is that yours sounds like something pre-packaged by a media institution rather than something you've bothered to formulate yourself.

And how do you fomrulate your opinions? Exhaustive research, I'm sure. :rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
I will give you another example of how things are told now.Remeber when clinton bombed that so called pharmacutical building?
Well everyone was saying he did that on that day to relieve or detract from minica luinski.Now me that is soooo stupid ,it wouldn't matter wich day he bombed the stupid news or people would have said that anyway (wag the dog) rediculas.

Thats the same stupiness now,for example CNN headline news first starts with showing that whopping 500 people protesting in autralia, THEN a few minutes later they run the sme damn clips for the "story".

So that means all day now people will be seeing protestors 2 times every half hour, and thats just CNN.
pure BS


New Member
Feb 16, 2004
Cat Fuzz .. a historical precedent of illegal wars does not in any way remove the burden of responsibility from Bush's shoulders. I didn't support Clinton either. War should be a last resort, often it is justified to the American populace for ethical reasons (eg. Genocide) and/or the perception that the said nation poses a threat to the American people. It makes a politician's life a lot easier when the people are afraid (as you so well demonstrate) of everything outside their borders. What is so ironic about American foreign policy is that it is self-fulfilling. Iraq was never a real threat to US security, only it's interests, as any other country is in some way. It is far more likely to be now. Bush is responsible for this.

In defence of myself - I'm not naiive and have in no way expressed support for Bill Clinton. The fact that you assume because I think A rather B on one issue I must therefore do the same again on another shows your own naiivety. It also demonstrates a lack of real thought on the subject, also giving the impression that you haven't the capability to see the world as it is so try to pigeon-hole arguments into black or white. World affairs are not a simple issue, pretending they are does not make you any more knowledgeable, just ignorant. You'd make a good puppet.

EDIT: Yeah CNN go over the top too. Despite the pretention of truth you'd have to ignore the whole history of the media to trust what they say as being real. The worrying this is that people do, regardless of political bias.
The media is a business, and will prettymuch always have an inherant bias on a subject. The aim of any media institution is to get you watching/reading them rather than the other guy as you're not only fueling their development but also putting yourself under their ideological sway. Helps to hold this in mind...
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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Yes but I mean, after YEARS of bush bashing (since the first day because gore lost) and then go out and do a poll then say see. see, see, we told you.

Well not just the news, it's all the lame dems doing the same.But yet, they have no platform,plan nothing better to offer at all, just the same old old old, "see see see, we told you.
Now that aint no leader to me whatsoever, I will and will not vote for anyone who runs on that type of shallow crap.

I see people buying into it now after 4 years ,hell right at election a MOVIE? mickal moore? .That is why i absolutly hate the dems and people who confide in such tripe.
but the people are so stupid
"bush #1 terrorist"
"bush same as hitler"
i hope all those people fricking actually do die from a real threat.
Oh and "illeagal war" pffft like only 12years went by of shallow threats, as soon as someone does somthing, woo hoo "illkeagal war".
I don't give a rats ass about invading, it is what should of been done even before bin laaden came around.

all dems are two faced,and only exist to fullfill peoples selfishness, me me,me all day every day.
I mean just think if we were really bad we could doo all the things that people say we are doing but in reality, not all this drummed up political bush bashing,usa bashing trivial little minds who can't win an election.
Cat Fuzz said:
Clinton could do no wrong to you people. Even when he commited a felony and was impeached for it.
Heh, it's sad when one president gets impeached for lying and then his replacement gets off scot-free for the EXACT SAME THING! Is that a bias? I think so. Clinton lied about sticking it where it shouldn't have been, Bush lied to go to war. Which one is worse? I personally don't think Clinton was sending troops off to die when he lied. He also didn't have nearly as many scandals as Bush has had in the past year.:eek:


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Frisky"Bush lied to go to war. Which one is worse? I personally don't think Clinton was sending troops off to die when he lied. He also didn't have nearly as many scandals as Bush has had in the past year."

Spoken like a true follower liberal left wing typical dumb response,

Yeppers bush was pres 12 years ago, no wait his parents had him because he knew he would lie about the trade towers, that never happend and bush knew before he was born, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

ONLT 2400 troops died, compare that to all the car crashes or all deaths on ONE year in usa alone,libs are so condesending ,PUKE...........
Jesus, learn to roll with the punches, Red. If you can't take the criticism, just don't bother even trying to argue your point. Calling others "stupid" for their opinions is simply naive of you. Perhaps they know more on the topic and formed their opinions that way. If Clinton didn't get impeached for lying about Monica, then exactly what do you think he got impeached for?

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
Frisket said:
Heh, it's sad when one president gets impeached for lying and then his replacement gets off scot-free for the EXACT SAME THING! Is that a bias? I think so. Clinton lied about sticking it where it shouldn't have been, Bush lied to go to war. Which one is worse? I personally don't think Clinton was sending troops off to die when he lied. He also didn't have nearly as many scandals as Bush has had in the past year.:eek:

Obviously you're a Moore fanboy. Bush didn't lie about anything. If Bush lied, then so did Clinton and his fanbase. I can remember Madeline Albreicht and James Carville foaming at the mouth about Saddam and his nukes. I'm sure that Saddam was no threat back in the early '90's when he invaded Kuwait with plans to keep moving on from there.

My point about bring up Clinton is that the SAME PEOPLE who say one thing today, said the complete OPPOSITE back when Clinton was in power. Nothing changed, except for the fact that Bush was willing to do something instead of spouting off about this and that. If I get motivated, I can dig up the quotes.