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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I threw your name in because you're just as critical as the rest of the naysayers. And the fact that we ridiculed Bush is irrelevant. We already know what he's done and now it's the past.

My point in a nutshell which goes for anyone: It's been 2 days, give the guy a chance.
I plan on giving him a chance. How was that not clear in my previous posts? And of course I'm being critical of him, he's made some hefty promises.

And the fact you ridiculed Bush is irrelevant how? If Obama makes a mistake and conservative people jump on him over it, how is that different than what happened with Bush? If I told people to give Bush a chance either time he was elected, I would have been ripped to shreds over it.


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
This is what is wrong with America. It's okay to have the rights afforded to you by the constitution completely shredded as long as the government promises to protect you from the boogeyman! It's okay for the government to completely disregard its own laws as long as it's done in the name of "The War on Terror"!
When did I say it's okay? I have never made any such statement. That said, can you name any part of the Patriot Act or other similar legislation that has directly eroded your personal freedoms? Dodging the question does your argument no justice.

This is how dictatorships start. You cannot allow the governing body to become more powerful than the people it governs. You cannot give control of your life away to a select few stuffy old men who lied and bribed their way into positions of power. You have to stand firm, even if it means you have to face that terrifying thing called Life without the government throwing a cloak over your eyes.
If you take an actual look at the Patriot Act legislation, it has an planned expiration dates. This is done to help prevent what you are claiming could happen.

I mean, seriously? "Name one of those policies that have affected you directly"? I'll bet the jews were happy to hear their fellow Germans consoling each other in the same way. No, that's not a Godwin, and the American government isn't close to Nazi Germany yet. But if you don't protest ethically wrong things simply because they don't affect you personally, if you allow such injustices to happen, you are betraying your fellow man.
You're missing the point of my question, which I conveniently asked again. If you do not know the actual wording, intent and full up policy and how it is handled, how do you know if those who claim that our freedoms are being eroded are in fact telling you the truth? My god, man, think for a minute, mmkay?

Stop blaming the terrorists. People are responsible for their own decisions. Airlines and their paranoid security is not a function of the government; they're what I was talking about when I said that the paranoia gripping this country over TEH TERRORISTS was ruining it. The objective of a terrorist, by definition, is to induce change via fear. Well, when we're so scared ****less of people on planes that we'll harass people with metal knees at airport security, I'd say they've accomplished their goals. We have allowed one event to completely and totally alter our society into something very closely approaching a police state. Do you remember McVeigh and Oklahoma City? Did we suddenly have every driver in the country submitting their cars to checkpoints on the road for bomb materials? No, because we were a stronger country at that time and didn't allow it to paralyze us with fear.
The attack from within was very compartmentalized and localized. The Al Qaeida threat is much farther reaching and powerful than a couple of pissed off hicks. You need to understand that with such a huge country as the US, with its massive infrastructure and the fact that none of the 50 States all can agree on security policies, yeah, things have gotten a bit crazy in the airline world. In all honesty, most of these whacked out policies and rules have been relaxed over the years.

As for the Patriot Act? Stop being stupid. Not giving government unlimited license to spy on its own people and evade the established legal process -- a process that was set up for a reason -- doesn't mean we would have just pretended 9/11 didn't happen. 9/11 happened because of lax security in already-established processes. Because some flight controller watched a plane fly nearly halfway across the country, then turn around and come all the way back without a single call, and didn't think to inform somebody there was a rogue plane about. There were lessons to learn, to be sure -- at the time they thought it might have just been a kidnapping, and now we know that if a plane goes wildly off course and doesn't call in, you give them a chance to affirm it's a kidnapping or blow them out of the sky.

What makes you think a terrorist attack would have occured? You think your government can save you? What makes you think people wouldn't plan something outside the government's jurisdiction, come in and be completely silent until whatever it was they were planning went down? You cannot prevent things like that by just giving them license to do whatever they want in the name of counter-terrorism. If the war in Iraq should have taught us anything, it is that the US government is not prepared to deal with non-central, disorganized groups. It cannot be. Intelligence is nothing more than glorified pattern matching, and if there's no pattern you have nothing to match. Remember the Maryland car snipers? Lot of good all our government powers did there, yeah? Virginia Tech? Any of a long list of events that were no different in basic premise than the Twin Towers, they just didn't have some brown guys in turbans halfway across the world claiming credit. If the Patriot Act doesn't stop those, then what good is it? It accomplishes nothing except giving government power that is dangerous for it to have.

It is foolish to grant them powers to stop threats they cannot possibly stop, especially when our government has a rather sordid history of abusing its powers -- if we go to war with Iran, we will be fighting the very weapons we gave them.
I have no idea how to reply to this rant. But you know, iwe had all these incidents occur almost one right after another. We barely had time to paue and reflect on one, and then BAM! Yeah, blame the Bush Administration on all this crapola. Sure, the plicies could have been a bit less powerful and threatening, but then again, how would a Gore or Kerry Administration have handled these crises?

It is good to question plicies you feel are wrong or unjust, but unless you have read the polieis and understand what they are, how can you fight to have them removed?

Again, just because it doesn't affect you doesn't make it unimportant.
Obviously, it doesn't affect the majority of Americans either. You gonna blame me for them not giving two craps as well?

Because the Bush Administration came up with the overall idea, and established the concept of cutting funding for schools that were failing to meet those goals. What a marvelous concept; if an institution is failing at something, just cut back their funding to make them try to do it with even less. You can argue the competence of the public school system, but with something as important as education you cannot just go around cutting funding. These aren't car manufacturers making bad cars, these are people trying to educate the next generation.
Well, do you have a better idea? I did some research back in 2005 and found that students in South Dakota schools receive 33 percent less funding per capita, yet their score in math and reading were 25 percent better than California students in the same grades. Do you really think that MORE MONEY will solve issues in Cali schools?

Bush caught flak after he screwed up. Obama has not screwed up yet. When he does screw up (as he is most assured to do), then he will catch just as much hell. People are 'whining' because the anti-Obama attitude is aimed at lambasting his ideas before they're even tried -- but boy howdy, the previous policies worked great, didn't they?

Whoops. Terrorism still happens and the economy is in the crapper.
In regards to both Presidents, the office is only one-third of the US Government. To put that much blame and or credit to either man is borderline ludicrous. Funny though, how you are jumping in my sh1t because I'm not bashing Bush and kissing Obama's arse.
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Flyin' High
Aug 5, 2008
When did I say it's okay? I have never made any such statement. That said, can you name any part of the Patriot Act or other similar legislation that has directly eroded your personal freedoms? Dodging the question does your argument no justice.

The statement was implied by your support of the act, because that's exactly what it does. More specifically:

Section 213 revises Title 18 of the US code to allow for effectively indefinite delay of search warrant notification -- meaning that the government can search your privacy and is no longer required to notify you that a search warrant has been served. Initially they can just delay it for "a reasonable period of time" (unspecified, oh-so-conveniently), but courts are given the power to extend it. This is in violation of the Fourth Amendment which bars unreasonable searches and seizures.

Section 215 revises Title V of the FISA by allowing the government to demand "any tangible thing" from any business in connection with a terrorism investigation. Further, paragraphs c(2) and d explicitly state that this is done in secret with no notification of the search. The only limitation is that it cannot be "solely on the basis of activities protected by first amendment". The Fourth amendment prohibits such sweeping search and seizure powers.

Section 216 revises Title 18 to remove the particularity of wiretaps, such that a wiretap order can "apply to any person or entity providing wire or electronic communication". Again, this violates the Fourth Amendment's limitations on searches and seizures, specifically put in place to prevent the government from simply being able to monitor all of your communications at will by mentioning the word 'Terrorist'.

I could go on quoting each and every piece of it, like the parts that allow indefinite detention of immigrants, but it's really unnecessary; I stand by my point. The fact that many of these kinds of provisions have since been challenged and ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court only further supports this. They were challenged after people were wrongfully jailed. Yes, I do hold the administration and the congress responsible for passing this garbage.

Crotale said:
If you take an actual look at the Patriot Act legislation, it has an planned expiration dates. This is done to help prevent what you are claiming could happen.

The Act had expirations built into it for July 2005, originally. Then they wanted to remove those expirations. The Senate wanted to re-authorize the act after revising it to not so flagrantly disregard the Bill of Rights, the House wanted to keep it the same. It went to committee, a version that was almost entirely the House version passed congress on March 2 2006, and Bush signed it into law on March 9.

For reference, those were H.R. 3199 and S. 1389, though the senate replaced its language mostly with H.R. 3199. That bill made permanent all of the Patriot Act except for roving wiretaps (section 216) and business records (Section 215); which it only extended.

Crotale said:
You're missing the point of my question, which I conveniently asked again. If you do not know the actual wording, intent and full up policy and how it is handled, how do you know if those who claim that our freedoms are being eroded are in fact telling you the truth? My god, man, think for a minute, mmkay?

See above. I'm quite capable of thinking for myself, 'mmkay', and intent is meaningless in such matters. The fact is that the act gives them these powers that quite deliberately and explicitly erode the rights granted to us by the Constitution, and all it takes is a few corrupt people to abuse them, as they have abused most other laws. Again, people have been wrongly jailed under the Patriot Act. Where I come from, violating the rights of innocent people is not an acceptable tradeoff for security. Collateral damage may work to fool idiots with regards to war, but not when it comes to your guaranteed rights as a human being.

Crotale said:
Obviously, it doesn't affect the majority of Americans either. You gonna blame me for them not giving two craps as well?

So let's just let the majority oppress the minority and everything is all hunky-dory. Okay.

Iron Archer

Holy ****ing King of Trolls
Mar 23, 2000
"what? me arrogant?" whitehouse.gov 1/20/09

Change has come to America: same old politicians, same old failed policies, now with criticism-proof, pseudo-minority POTUS!
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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Barack Obama will get credit for the good things that he does. I'm sure he will do some, we'll just have to wait and see.

One thing that really bugs me is when you guys go back and forth about about "Democrats this" or "Republicans that". Well guess what? These aren't party-specific problems, so stop talking about them like they are.

Guess what else? While the "buck stops" with the President, there are three branches of government. There's plenty of blame to go around.

KaiserWarrior... I'm going to disagree with you on airline safety. I fly all the time and it's really no big deal. What's the alternative?

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
The Right will claim any good done by the Obama Admin. was really just the left over effects of the Bush Admin., and any bad will be solely his fault, or maybe, if they have difficulty making that fly, they'll put the blame on the Clinton Admin.

The left will do the opposite.

Partisan politics as usual.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
The Right will claim any good done by the Obama Admin. was really just the left over effects of the Bush Admin., and any bad will be solely his fault, or maybe, if they have difficulty making that fly, they'll put the blame on the Clinton Admin.

The left will do the opposite.

Partisan politics as usual.
I agree with quoted text.

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
What's the alternative?

I hear that it's easier to get through security at an Israeli airport. When was the last time a Israir Airlines flight was flown into a building?

Me, personal, I haven't flown (on a commercial airline) since before 2001. It's not that I fear terrorist, I fear the TSA. I don't want to be subjected to full cavity search for forgetting to remove fingernail clippers from my bag.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I hear that it's easier to get through security at an Israeli airport. When was the last time a Israir Airlines flight was flown into a building?

Me, personal, I haven't flown (on a commercial airline) since before 2001. It's not that I fear terrorist, I fear the TSA. I don't want to be subjected to full cavity search for forgetting to remove fingernail clippers from my bag.

I haven't experienced Israeli Airlines, so I can't rightfully compare.

I know you're exaggerating for the sake of humour, but it's not at all like that. I walk through no problem - it's a breeze. I rarely see people even get wanded anymore. I've yet to see (not disappointed, mind you) someone get a full cavity search. ;)
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