Welcome To A New America!!!!! (For the better even)

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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
"Oh, boo hoo hoo, blacks can't use the same bathrooms as whites in most states. Cry me a river. Or, they can relocate to states that do allow integrated facilities."

This is the most ridiculous strawman argument in regards to the gay movement they could ever make. Anyone that tries to say that gays are running into the same problems as blacks (or even women) ran into during the civil/women's rights movements almost immediately loses all respect from me. I'm not a black person or a woman and I find it highly offensive for a group of people that has all of the same abilities in this country would compare themselves to groups of people that were seen as lower citizens. Can gays not vote? Do they ride in separate parts of buses and trains? Do they drink from different drinking fountains? Get jobs for lower pay then straight people?

The cries about gay marriage are nothing compared to what those groups went through. It pisses me off that anyone thinks those situations are even close to comparable.


Flyin' High
Aug 5, 2008
Oh, it's most certainly different degrees of injustice, but the point of the comparison is to point out how ridiculous it is to say that since the majority doesn't care, it shouldn't matter. That saying "just move to a different state" is beyond silly. It's a matter of context.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I just don't see that as anything more than justifying using a very bad comparison of two unrelated issues. How blacks were treated was a gross human rights injustice. Gay marriage has nothing to do with human rights at all.

The fact of the matter is, though, that majority rules in a democracy, so if you don't agree with the majority, you have got to go somewhere else.
The new America looks like the old america.

The Obama administration fell in line with the Bush administration Thursday when it urged a federal judge to set aside a ruling in a closely watched spy case weighing whether a U.S. president may bypass Congress and establish a program of eavesdropping on Americans without warrants.


Anus Retentus
Apr 17, 2006
I just don't see that as anything more than justifying using a very bad comparison of two unrelated issues. How blacks were treated was a gross human rights injustice.
Perhaps bathrooms and drinking fountains are not perfect examples, however, the laws in states of the deep south that used to prohibit interracial marriage are very relatable, and just as illustrative of how the oppressive majority had to be overruled.

Gay marriage has nothing to do with human rights at all.
Equal legal standing as a monogamous lifelong partner without discrimination as to gender—this sounds like a "right" to me. Whether one believes it's a right that should be afforded or not, it's still a right.

The fact of the matter is, though, that majority rules in a democracy, so if you don't agree with the majority, you have got to go somewhere else.
Not when the issue involves an oppressible minority. Such cases historically fall to the courts, as well they should, albeit only in rare instances, as well that should be also.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Equal legal standing as a monogamous lifelong partner without discrimination as to gender—this sounds like a "right" to me. Whether one believes it's a right that should be afforded or not, it's still a right.
Maybe legal rights, but California, for example, already has the same legal rights for same-sex civil unions as they do for traditional marriages. They just don't call them "marriage".
Not when the issue involves an oppressible minority. Such cases historically fall to the courts, as well they should, albeit only in rare instances, as well that should be also.
Except in this case they aren't being oppressed.

I really don't want or need this thread to turn into a gay marriage debate. I was simply pointing out how aggravating it is to compare something to a completely unrelated thing to make it seem like it's of such gravity that it must be taken care of immediately.


New Member
Oct 8, 2008
I was not born in the USA, nor do I live there, I am however USA at heart. I am a member of the 51st state of America(how many states has the US? 50? hang on, that's not right, there's only 2, no, that's not right either, since 9/11, there is only one state, the STATE OF WAR) Has this Obama character or his administration set a date or a policy for the first invasion of another country yet? We need to kick some @$$.

We need to invade some towelhead country, and kick their towelheaded @$$'s, no point in sitting around letting those little terrorists breed, repopulate and regroup. Let the bombs fall, send in the troops(don't forget the cameras and the TV crews). I want to see innocent civilians going down, collateral damage, it's war FFS, if your a civilian, and there is bombs falling, and your not running, then you need to go down. Or is this Obama character some sort of hippy homo pusy, if he is, bring back George, I liked him, if there was @$$ that needed kickin', George would kick it, sure he might not have been able to spell or speak to good, but you don't need that to be able to kick @$$.

In this day and age, what with those Iranian towelheads making all that noise, the North Koreans, and those slanty eye'd chinks coming on as formidable world power, the USA need to stand tall and show they are willing to kick @$$ if @$$ is needed to be kicked. Knock 'em down and keep 'em down, we don't want their uncivilized commie ideas infecting the rest of the civilized world.

And the gays, don't get me started on the gays, the Bible says it's an abomination, round up those gay fagots, that includes bi's, gender reassignments or whatever, as far as I'm concerned, if you were born a man, and you are either sticking your wang up another mans backside, or having another mans wang stuck up your backside, then your a fag, round 'em up, throw 'em in with the towelheads, and nuke the sons of beaches.

I felt a lot safer with George in charge.



Jan 24, 2004
Ladies and Gentlemen, this thread shall now be known as:

The Official Political Rant Thread!

Keep it in here, not in the other threads.
Be quiet you nipple!

I guess what I rather should say is, if you can't deal with what the majority wants in one place, then you should move to a place where the majority agrees with you.
That's not always optimal or possible.

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
I was not born in the USA, nor do I live there, I am however USA at heart. I am a member of the 51st state of America(how many states has the US? 50? hang on, that's not right, there's only 2, no, that's not right either, since 9/11, there is only one state, the STATE OF WAR) Has this Obama character or his administration set a date or a policy for the first invasion of another country yet? We need to kick some @$$.

We need to invade some towelhead country, and kick their towelheaded @$$'s, no point in sitting around letting those little terrorists breed, repopulate and regroup. Let the bombs fall, send in the troops(don't forget the cameras and the TV crews). I want to see innocent civilians going down, collateral damage, it's war FFS, if your a civilian, and there is bombs falling, and your not running, then you need to go down. Or is this Obama character some sort of hippy homo pusy, if he is, bring back George, I liked him, if there was @$$ that needed kickin', George would kick it, sure he might not have been able to spell or speak to good, but you don't need that to be able to kick @$$.

In this day and age, what with those Iranian towelheads making all that noise, the North Koreans, and those slanty eye'd chinks coming on as formidable world power, the USA need to stand tall and show they are willing to kick @$$ if @$$ is needed to be kicked. Knock 'em down and keep 'em down, we don't want their uncivilized commie ideas infecting the rest of the civilized world.

And the gays, don't get me started on the gays, the Bible says it's an abomination, round up those gay fagots, that includes bi's, gender reassignments or whatever, as far as I'm concerned, if you were born a man, and you are either sticking your wang up another mans backside, or having another mans wang stuck up your backside, then your a fag, round 'em up, throw 'em in with the towelheads, and nuke the sons of beaches.

I felt a lot safer with George in charge.


This is either the greatest example of sarcasm or the greatest example of what's wrong with this country.

I feel I will edge towards the former and hope for the best.
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Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
Heh... touche.

I guess what I rather should say is, if you can't deal with what the majority wants in one place, then you should move to a place where the majority agrees with you.

What if the majority decides it's okay to enslave anyone under 6'2"?

What if the majority decides to place anyone who can't flip their eyelids inside out in concentration camps?

What if the majority decides that all people should worship PeeWee Herman?

What if the majority decides that witches float and good Christian women sink?

What if the majority decides that people of different races can't marry... oh wait... been there, done that. Never mind.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
Visit site
What if the majority decides that all people should worship PeeWee Herman?



Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
What if the majority decides it's okay to enslave anyone under 6'2"?

What if the majority decides to place anyone who can't flip their eyelids inside out in concentration camps?

What if the majority decides that all people should worship PeeWee Herman?

What if the majority decides that witches float and good Christian women sink?

What if the majority decides that people of different races can't marry... oh wait... been there, done that. Never mind.
Blah blah blah. If the majority decides that, then that's how it is.

Our country is set up to be ruled by the voice of the people. Once again you're comparing apples to oranges here. If the majority of people in America wanted to put terrorists in political positions, guess what? WE COULD.


Anus Retentus
Apr 17, 2006
No. This is where Congress, Senate, Presidents, and Supreme Court justices—in that order of presumed level-headed judiciousness—are Constitutionally obligated to step in and save the people from the whims of a fickle majority.

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
We could do that, too... but guess what? You still need a majority :)

An insurgence needs but one.

But really, sometimes "The Majority" is wrong. History proves this again, and again, and again. Thankfully, we here in the United States of Hamburgers and Stuff have a system in place to counteract the prejudices of "The Majority"; "The Courts".

As an example. By popular vote (AKA "The Majority"), it was once illegal to own a handgun in Washington DC. The Big Daddy Court of Courts felt "The Majority" was a bunch wimpy crybabies and kicked them in their collective buttocks, and bought everybody Bazookas.... or something like that. Anyway, Sometimes the "The Majority" is wrong and needs a swift kick in nads to do the "Right Thing".

Edit: This just in...

By popular demand ("The Majority") has decreed that all homes in the US shall have operating at all times the fabulous "Nacho Fountain". Failure to comply will result in a $500,000 fine and/or imprisonment for up to 10 years. (Chips will be provide by US postal service on a daily basis (at the home owners expense)).


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