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Iron Archer

Holy ****ing King of Trolls
Mar 23, 2000
I look at it this way; Since Bush was such a failure in everything he did in office, including his speeches, this guy already did more in less than one hour that Bush did in 8 years. It was a great speech.:)

Obama is an arrogant, disingenuous prick who is selling gloom and doom over the economy and telling everyone that he's going to instill faith in the government. Oh yeah, just what we need, more government. :rolleyes: The government has done SO well in the past 20 years under those that are still in Congress and administrations on both sides of the aisle. Where do we sign up dear leader Obama? :rolleyes:

Start counting the times that Obama has to clarify and re-clarify the difference between what he says and what he means.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Just because Bush may have started drawing back doesn't excuse the fact that he and his cronies started the whole mess.
We'll see what we think about that in 20 years.
This is true of every president. Ever.

No president has ever been able to accomplish or get started more than a couple of the things which they tried to promise during a campaign. At least during a single term.

That's just politics. It has nothing to do with one's competency for instance.
I didn't say it did have anything to do with his competency at all. And I know perfectly well to whom it applies.

But I think it's silly to sign off that they get broken just because it always happens or that it is bound to happen. The fact that there are people out there who honestly believe Obama is going to make the government pay them to live in a nice house, for their gas and groceries is a testament to the fact that he has probably far oversold himself on things that he simply can't ever hope to deliver.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Eight years after what? People have been bickering about the same things for as long as two sides have existed.

Eight years after playing lemmings in real life became a popular pastime and voters interests were set aside to address the threat. It may be only subtle, but the western world has definitely changed since then.

"Thanks for keeping us safe", says the billboarder of one Texan supporter welcoming the return of George W. I'm sure you can all elaborate on that.
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Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
Obama is an arrogant, disingenuous prick who is selling gloom and doom over the economy and telling everyone that he's going to instill faith in the government. Oh yeah, just what we need, more government. :rolleyes: The government has done SO well in the past 20 years under those that are still in Congress and administrations on both sides of the aisle. Where do we sign up dear leader Obama? :rolleyes:

Start counting the times that Obama has to clarify and re-clarify the difference between what he says and what he means.

I am not sure how having a confident, well spoken, and not being the last to know the economy is in the **** hole is such a bad thing.

I guess I don't know what you suggest should be done. No government is going to fix this. Yeah, that seemed to work well with the banks leaving it up to them to check and balance themselves.:rolleyes:


The person that puts "iron archurrr" in the tags when ever he posts is my personal hero. There is just something about it that makes me laugh.:D
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Obama is an arrogant, disingenuous prick who is selling gloom and doom

Really? Well hey, you guys have a lot in common then. Have you asked him out yet?

We'll see what we think about that in 20 years.

lol. ok?

there are people out there who honestly believe Obama is going to make the government pay them to live in a nice house, for their gas and groceries
I've never talked to a single person who believed anything like that. But I keep hearing it from you and the Righties. So I guess if you say something enough it might come true... :rolleyes:
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Name me a President that everyone thought did the right thing while they were doing it. The next several years are going to determine whether Bush's actions were the right thing or not, not the last several years.
I've never talked to a single person who believed anything like that. But I keep hearing it from you and the Righties. So I guess if you say something enough it might come true... :rolleyes:
Good for you. I've heard with my own ears people say stuff like that. I'm not just regurgitating what I've heard on some retarded talk show or editorial broadcast. Just because you refuse to believe something happens doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Name me a President that everyone thought did the right thing while they were doing it. The next several years are going to determine whether Bush's actions were the right thing or not, not the last several years.

Yeah and I'll still bet you anything that Bush's review doesn't improve much.

Good for you. I've heard with my own ears people say stuff like that. I'm not just regurgitating what I've heard on some retarded talk show or editorial broadcast. Just because you refuse to believe something happens doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
I guess you should surround yourself with less morons ;)


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Well here's my apolitical view of the situation itself...

the tone around here is pretty remarkable. we've got people who support the man because they voted for him. then there's people who support the man who didn't vote for him and are just trying to be reasonable because you can't change the outcome and like it or not, he's our guy.
and then there's the people who didn't vote for him AND who won't support him. these people all seem to arrive at the same hostile bitterness towards the man himself AND those who voted for him.

I've never seen such negativity. I mean really, is this what's going to happen to me when I'm older like Brizz and Archer and become jaded or something? Am I going to turn into a Negative Nancy? A Downer Dan? Ready to spew my pessimism at the drop of a hat as soon as something doesn't turn out the way I had hoped?

You guys do realize we're in this together now, don't you? The least you could do is give him a chance. A CHANCE. I took my signature down once he was inaugurated and even though it was barely up for a month I still had a few people complain about it. I was only trying to appear optimistic but was accused me of being part of the "cult of personality."
No sooner do I do remove it and Archer revamps his whole sig to reflect the bitter/negative/sad/hopeless/depressed feelings he has about our future.

You know what? That's another cult right there. The cult of sore losers and total downers who won't even consider the possibility that Obama at least has the potential to do something right and change the way America is viewed by the international community.
To immediately begin digging your own grave is pretty sad.

I mean I know I voted for the guy so I've always got his back and feel positive about him.
BUT I would do the same for McCain. This election had some of the best candidates we've seen in years. Whether it was McCain or Obama we'll be far better off than we were with Bush or would have been with Kerry or Gore. And like I've said numerous times, I really liked McCain until he got a little off-keel with his tactics.
While a little disappointed that the guy I voted for didn't win, I would have been right up there supporting John, not beating down the guy, the country and the people who voted for him. That crap is gone with the election season.
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Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
Obama is an arrogant, disingenuous prick who is selling gloom and doom over the economy...[/B]

So, the worst stock market performance since the "The Great Depression", and the fact that 1600 people have been laid-off at the place I work since early December, and hundreds of thousands have also lost their jobs around the nation in recent months, is all in Obama's imagination?!

Edit: forgot an "s".

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_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
I've never seen such negativity.
Uh, where the hell have YOU been the last 8 years or so? Wow, the hatred for Bush has been through the effing roof on this and many forums I frequent.

Just in case you and many others who are on the America Rebooted Express might serve your own selves well to learn what exactly Bush was in fact doing while in office. For example, not many know or accept the fact the Bush Administration identified the Fannie/Freddie issues early in his tenure, and as recently as 2006 held hearings on the impact and what needed to be done to prevent the economic catastrophe we are in today. Oh, but Barney Frank and other key leaders of Congress earlier this year stated that both Mac and Mae were fiscally strong. Where was our Congress, including now President Obama, when the Bush Administration was making some attempts to stave of this disaster? Oh, yeah, they were passing bills that were intended to "send Bush a message."

Personally, I'm giving the Obama Administration a fair chance to succeed or fail, which is much more than I can say for many here regarding the previous Administration. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing about new ways of getting things accomplished for our country, and I think Obama's crew may be capable of succeeding in that respect. But again, I'm reserving judgment at this point. I'll revisit after the 100 day honeymoon phase is over.

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
The government has done SO well in the past 20 years under those that are still in Congress and administrations on both sides of the aisle. Where do we sign up dear leader Obama? :rolleyes:
May I point out that the last 20 years were Republican-controlled. :p

1989-1993 - George H. W. Bush
1993-2001 - Bill Clinton
2001-2009 - George W. Bush


If you want to go back even further, say, 30 years, it gets even more Republican slanted:

1977-1981 - Jimmy Carter
1981-1989 - Ronald Reagan


This is 30+ years of failed policies, initiatives, and proposals. And let's not forget, we didn't do pretty shabby under Clinton, while Bush I renounced his major campaign promise, and Bush II called "Mission Accomplished" 5+ years early.

What's causing our problem is that we left too much unchecked for far too long, and it created a domino effect. All the money that was spent on war, between Reagan and both Bushes, would probably have gone to far better use if put toward domestic agendas.

All of this waving our "We're America, how do you like that?" **** Republican leaders tend to pull is what's getting the world hating us. The sooner we can pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, the better. Our money needs to be spent here... not there. I understand the importance of a free world, and terrorism needs to be stopped, but I think we could've been out of Iraq at least a year ago. Afghanistan might take awhile longer since the Taliban are active insurgency. Most of the Iraq militants simply want us gone.

Either way, it's up to the people in these countries to stand up and fight. If they value their freedom that much, they will fight for it.
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