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New Member
Dec 15, 2003


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
......radium........come ba c k t o ussss............ohhhhh ::ghosty voice::

Love always


New Member
Dec 10, 2004
we [the players] need
-more jetpack-power for tech class
-more [faster] pistol power for ranger class [use against ultimate techshootgun in infight]
than we have a better balance to play
at the end fix some bugs
thats all
its not much


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Richteralan said:
why you don't want utxmp to look, play, feel, and be 100% exactly like u2xmp? :rolleyes:
Beause I realize that U2XMP had problems. Anyone who didn't was just fooling themselves.
isn't this thing FMI promised at the beginning?
No. They proomised to bring XMP gameplay to UT2004. They could have just added the gametype with none of the original assets and fulfilled their "promise" to you.


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
I know I cant bring much to this discussion that hasnt been said elsewhere,or people will think im new to xmp but anyway...

and some voted for ramping up the other classes.
I couldnt agree more
No nerfing
Take ut2k3 for example,so badly nerfed after the thousand patches that the only people left in the end were pros(not ness pros,but good players)
Even epic realized this and fixed it somewhat with 2k4
A regular joe couldnt just walk in and have fun without getting tromped hardcore by regulars,it killed the game.
The first time players need to come in,get kills and have a blast,or they wont come back.There are too many different games that they can go to nowdays.
There comes a point where it might get be too powerfull,but until that point it only makes the gameplay faster and better imo.
The gunner is @ that point,everything else needs to be there too,(including turrets)

Dont believe me,just look at ONS
Its simple to get kills,and multiple kills @ once,this makes new players happy
Not saying that ons is good or to make xmp as easy as ons, but it attracted many new players that play the game daily and alot of them eventually become better.
This also doesnt meen that pros cant have fun as well ,they will have more fun because there will be more people playing. :D(more than 60-100)
Pros will have to use movement/knowledge to overcome and stand out,(watching some of you it should be no problem)

I think Legend really knew how the game should be and did a excelent job with it,as im sure FMI will do

The beta is looking great,but im allmost scared to use a tech when i see a team full of gunners coming after me :lol:
Last edited:


frequent eembotter
May 28, 2004
In the basement
Sir_Brizz said:
Beause I realize that U2XMP had problems. Anyone who didn't was just fooling themselves.

I have been thinking about this, but strangely enough, every match I'd encounter an equal ammount of tech, gunners and rangers, even though they are supposedly unbalanced. If they truely were as unbalanced as some people say, wouldn't there be an overusage of a certain class?


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Keasis said:
I have been thinking about this, but strangely enough, every match I'd encounter an equal ammount of tech, gunners and rangers, even though they are supposedly unbalanced. If they truely were as unbalanced as some people say, wouldn't there be an overusage of a certain class?
Where did I say the player classes were horribly unbalanced?

Gameplay flaws aren't only existant in the fact that you can play any of the three classes and survive equally well with them. The problem was that in U2XMP you could play any of the three classes and basically move, kill, and win exactly the same no matter what class you played, and that wasn't because of the classes, the was because of other elements.

Also, I have absolutely zero doubt that were people to play UTXMP in the state it is in right now for 6 months, they would get used to the mechanics of how everything works and you would see about equal amounts of every class. The reason you don't right now is because a few little things are disturbing to people and make them stop playing their "class of choice".

Personally (THIS IS AN OPINION) I don't care. I played BF1942 for a while because it was a FUN GAME. I played Call of Duty for a while because it was a FUN GAME. I played RtCW for a while because it was a FUN GAME. I played WC3 for a while because it was a FUN GAME. Do you see where I'm going with this? I play UT2004 because it is a FUN GAME. And I've been playing UTXMP too because it IS A FUN GAME. Seriously, all the personal attacks and serious b1tch1ng in these forums has got to stop because you are just pissing off people in FMI and that doesn't make them want to work harder.

Keasis: The above paragraph was not necessarily directed at you but the forum members in general.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Keasis said:
I have been thinking about this, but strangely enough, every match I'd encounter an equal ammount of tech, gunners and rangers, even though they are supposedly unbalanced. If they truely were as unbalanced as some people say, wouldn't there be an overusage of a certain class?

Um in u2xmp, there were far more greater numbers of excellent techs and rangers then gunners. Almost anyone can name about 10 excellent rangers, 10 good techs without a hitch...now name 10 excellent gunners...


There are some that consistently play and are good, like skip...etc

Some people who are great at gunner and play other classes primarily ->detective,jago,seiken,lithium,crow,snake,berserk,etc,etc,etc,the list goes on and on...

Many felt that gunner was underpowered in u2xmp -> balance was off in that regard.

But really, all the really good pro players mainly played Ranger or Tech...

There is just handful that consistently were dedicated to playing gunner.

Coincidence? I don't think so. A lot of people can play gunner well, but choose to play other classes because it was fairly useless in real scrims outside for defense...

So 1 gunner per scrim team...maybe 2 depending on the map, but 3 rangers or 3 techs? You're telling me u2xmp was balanced? BAH!!!

Please realize this balanced u2xmp thought is fantasy.


frequent eembotter
May 28, 2004
In the basement
Well, apart from the fact that that list of far from complete. There is just no need for too much gunners in a match. Two tops, on defense of midfield. Rest is all ranger and tech. There is just no role in a attacking position for a gunner.

The main strong points of the gunner are defense and suppression. When these situations arise, the gunner excels.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Keasis said:
Well, apart from the fact that that list of far from complete.

I don't play on the euro servers, but i can guarentee you that your list of excellent techs or rangers is a lot bigger than gunners.

There is just no need for too much gunners in a match. Two tops, on defense of midfield. Rest is all ranger and tech. There is just no role in a attacking position for a gunner.

That's how the game has evolved, no? I mean some really good gunners on u2xmp were excellent art runners. Zaknefein etc...if you ask a few players, they enjoy assaulting the base with a gunner to deal with the opposite teams defense.

The main strong points of the gunner are defense and suppression. When these situations arise, the gunner excels.

EVERY CLASS can play defense and supression if they are played correctly, but gunner has "no role" in attacking position. The idea of having a gunner on offense was crazy. This is what happened to Gunner. It became the "acceptable" thought. And truly, what has happened was -> thinking outside of the box for utxmp and breaking Gunner out of this crazy role of just "defense and supression."


Mar 18, 2004
Phatazz, a gunner is ill-suited for most offensive positions, same as a ragner is ill-suited for defense. YES you can play ranger defense, even on a closed map. And YES you can play gunner offense on an open map. Have I played these positions with these classes? Yes. Did it work that well? not in all cases.

Ever class is suited for a different job. Different bases, different layouts, different maps, call for different strategies and different classes for tasks. Would I use ranger defense on Sirocco? yes. Works wonderfully. How about gunner offense on Last Rites? Very fun. It's hard to get in that base as a ranger.

If you want the gunner to be better in open fields, then expect to take away some of it's usefullness in tight spaces, or give the other classes more splash damage. Otherwise you have a class as versitile as tech, but bigger/more sheilds and with rockets and stuff.

as for the gunner being useless in open ground... it's hard to hit a gunner that is conc jumping. And you can still conc jump, at least I haven't been having a problem with it. It blinds yor view, but not your hud... ie you can steer by radar.

And as for the gunner being overpowered? Sure, it is a bit. But only because the balance is off. Can't really have an uproar if it'sd a beta. Are some people being blah about that? yeah, they are. But you're on the other side of the fence, yelling equally loud about things that just don't hold together.

Are people going to come here and complain as long as the balance is off? of course they are. Ignore them if you don't like it. I have been doing my best to keep out of it, really, but some people are beginning to get to me. And when the discussions get turned around to how U2XMP was, and what the balance SHOULD be like, well i think it's good that people are here talking about it instead of just playing another game for the time being and assuming everything will be fine. It's human to speak up.

UTXMP? Fun. yes. Has it got problems? Yes. People will talk about them. Don't juimp all over them, you're no better.

man i got all kinds of things to say but i'm on my break at work. so long fellas.

P.S. Phatazz, i have nothing against you. you're a good player, and from what I've seen a good sport. But I still have to bite back a bit.