I know I cant bring much to this discussion that hasnt been said elsewhere,or people will think im new to xmp but anyway...
and some voted for ramping up the other classes.
I couldnt agree more
No nerfing
Take ut2k3 for example,so badly nerfed after the thousand patches that the only people left in the end were pros(not ness pros,but good players)
Even epic realized this and fixed it somewhat with 2k4
A regular joe couldnt just walk in and have fun without getting tromped hardcore by regulars,it killed the game.
The first time players need to come in,get kills and have a blast,or they wont come back.There are too many different games that they can go to nowdays.
There comes a point where it might get be too powerfull,but until that point it only makes the gameplay faster and better imo.
The gunner is @ that point,everything else needs to be there too,(including turrets)
Dont believe me,just look at ONS
Its simple to get kills,and multiple kills @ once,this makes new players happy
Not saying that ons is good or to make xmp as easy as ons, but it attracted many new players that play the game daily and alot of them eventually become better.
This also doesnt meen that pros cant have fun as well ,they will have more fun because there will be more people playing.

(more than 60-100)
Pros will have to use movement/knowledge to overcome and stand out,(watching some of you it should be no problem)
I think Legend really knew how the game should be and did a excelent job with it,as im sure FMI will do
The beta is looking great,but im allmost scared to use a tech when i see a team full of gunners coming after me