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New Member
Feb 22, 2004
I honestly love this forum. Things get done here without immaturity. We can have discussions that contain differences-in-opinion, but keep it civilized. Seriously, <3 to you guys.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
That's cause the game attracts the intellectual Unreal players. Or at least those that have progressed beyond DM.

PETzizzleSeagizzle said:
I honestly love this forum. Things get done here without immaturity. We can have discussions that contain differences-in-opinion, but keep it civilized. Seriously, <3 to you guys.


Feb 16, 2004
1) Ranting =/= Bitching. A person can rant without bitching.

2) I did click on the link, thank you, and yes I voted.

3) My post was not meant to be interpreted in the way I believe you read into it as. I did not try to read into your post, I posted my own comments based_on_the_context of what you wrote.


overCruel Ranger
Jul 11, 2004
apologies if I was offensive or anything in earlier posts..

ýeah, opinions is what makes us going so hard on these forums, I never wanted to start a flame war in the previous post about this matter or anything just felt so strong about the early info about the conversion and the way it felt it was going, have to rephrase myself, I dont feel it must not be as u2xmp was at 100%, and the more I play utxmp the more I like its movement, netcode, superior engine´, etc

Besides the initial flaws and bugs I think this project is very well done and on its way hard, UT2004 is having a real competetive mod on its way, keep up the good work FMI


Mar 18, 2004
PhatAzz said:
1) I didn't base judgement due to the 41 votes. If you actually clicked to the post and read the thread. You'd know that.

2) I didn't say 41 was a magic number, it clearly showed that 15/41 votes were for nerfing gunner as opposed to the other which didn't. You can draw your own conclusions to that. And yes, that isn't the whole community, yet it has 500+ views and 41 voted - small percentage, but it is a trend. You can not argue that. I used the stat. I didn't even say majority of the community. It's how _you_ read into it.

3) And yes, I can use that information - it's available. I used it.

Thx and GG.

sorry, i'm half asleep and not reading the whole thread. I don't know if someone has already pointed this out... but some people voted for nerfing the gunner and some voted for ramping up the other classes.

The balance is out of whack. We're all sitting tight and hoping it will be fixed in the upcoming patch. But for a week now, UTXMP has been out and I haven't played any XMP, due to lack of servers. Basically, I haven't had my fix and I'm cranky.

Vash, you are a good guy, i know you well enough to say that. But yeah, your post was a bit on the inflammatory side. but you're a good guy and i know it wasn't how you meant it to be. Your temper is inflamed and so are a lot of others right now.

And Sir_Brizz, you need to please please PLEASE stop being so adversarial. can't someone just bring something up without you jumping in and being so negative?


Jan 22, 2004
utxmp is a great game that has potential but i personally won't be playing it anymore untill the next patch as it's impossible to play ranger especially in duel with a gunner as his damn rockets miss you at ten feet and the splash kills you
at the moment


in time

utxmp>xmp i hope

i just hope that all the newbies that are trying this for the first time won't get scared of all the bugs and unplayability at certain times as it would be a shame

<3 fo angelus

as for the people that have problems with no servers in xmp do a reinstall of xmp, you'll see that you're server browser will show you more then 10 servers with people on.
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Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
[Shadow]Aksen said:
sorry, i'm half asleep and not reading the whole thread. I don't know if someone has already pointed this out... but some people voted for nerfing the gunner and some voted for ramping up the other classes.

The balance is out of whack. We're all sitting tight and hoping it will be fixed in the upcoming patch.

Yes, that was my whole point. 15 people voted to nerf the gunner, vs the rest who thought either it didn't need nerfing or the other classes need improvement. The argument was about not nerfing the gunner, not that it was not balanced.

In regards to game balance, it is out of whack, but it's something the very experience players notice more so then the noobs and average players. So at the better than average to pro players, it is definitely obvious. On the otherhand, it isn't so bad that it impacts the game and debilitates it so that everyone plays that class. So...it's close, I think they did a good job getting it this close with the first open beta. Now that headshots will be implemented, the gap will further close. Ranger shots will be faster, even more close, sniping distance - further range, even more close...etc etc.


Registered user
Feb 17, 2004
Jubei said:
i just hope that all the newbies that are trying this for the first time won't get scared of all the bugs and unplayability at certain times as it would be a shame

Most of them are not scared. In fact, I'd say the ones getting scared of the bugs are the XMP "pros".

Naib said:
xmp is less than utxmp?

Beat me to the punch ;)

Euphoric Beaver

impeccably groomed
Apr 19, 2001
Great Britain
Iceboy2003 said:
That's cause the game attracts the intellectual Unreal players. Or at least those that have progressed beyond DM.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
Ciced said:

I almost took a jab at CS in there, but I figured it wasn't necessary. (At least most XMP and ONS matches don't boil into DM with the objective taking a backseat)


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
[Shadow]Aksen said:
And Sir_Brizz, you need to please please PLEASE stop being so adversarial. can't someone just bring something up without you jumping in and being so negative?
Let's look at what makes me so adversarial. I come into a thread and add my OWN 2c and instantaneously the half the "pro" community is jumping all over me because I don't want UTXMP to look, play, feel, and BE 100% EXACTLY like U2XMP.

And then, how funny do you think it is to me that I hop into the forums the past couple days and people are starting to say "Yah, the movement doesn't really bother me much anymore...yah the ranger does seem a little strong on the Sniper but it does need some work...yah the shotgun has some problems but overall pretty good...yah the game is great just needs a little work" and 3-4 days ago everyone was berating on me for saying THOSE EXACT SAME THINGS.

It's not me that was being adversarial, I was only trying to supply my opinion at first. It's when everyone lunged on me that I became defensive, and I'm sorry to anyone I argued with for getting that way.


Feb 6, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
Let's look at what makes me so adversarial. I come into a thread and add my OWN 2c and instantaneously the half the "pro" community is jumping all over me because I don't want UTXMP to look, play, feel, and BE 100% EXACTLY like U2XMP.

And then, how funny do you think it is to me that I hop into the forums the past couple days and people are starting to say "Yah, the movement doesn't really bother me much anymore...yah the ranger does seem a little strong on the Sniper but it does need some work...yah the shotgun has some problems but overall pretty good...yah the game is great just needs a little work" and 3-4 days ago everyone was berating on me for saying THOSE EXACT SAME THINGS.

It's not me that was being adversarial, I was only trying to supply my opinion at first. It's when everyone lunged on me that I became defensive, and I'm sorry to anyone I argued with for getting that way.

why you don't want utxmp to look, play, feel, and be 100% exactly like u2xmp? :rolleyes:
isn't this thing FMI promised at the beginning?

P.S. or maybe you > FMI? :rolleyes: :lol: