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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Silver Sequence said:
The gunner will be nerfed in the next build, and the ranger and tech will get some fixes (including headshots). I have to disagree with the part of the post from many of the best movers and snipers in u2xmp. I know that I rank well among the top all around rangers from xmp and I do find utxmp challengine, but I'm also finding that most of the old tricks are still there. It takes different timing now is all. Wall jumping, boostdodging, even bunnyhopping are still possible but the physics engine is a little different so it reacts differently. There are some new moves that weren't in xmp that allow for even faster movment in some cases. For instance, there is more air control now than ever before. I can change directions and arcs in my jumps 10X better than one could in xmp. I honestly feel that this has a lot to do with the difficulty rangers are having (along with the x-hairs). I think that we're being too quick to blame utxmp hopping movment when the real problems are elsewhere. One thing that the rangers have now that the other classes don't is skii moving, if you use your jumpjets at the last possible second you can now use them to do a wierd skii effect where you actually slide along flat ground. I find this to be a better dodging technique to avoid snipers than almost anything in u2xmp because the speed changes during the slide making it hard to hit. Yes the lack of long bunny hopping chains is annoying, but equivalent movment techniques, and even new ones are still there. Yes it has a new learning curve, so some of the old players are feeling a bit down. Yes the gunner is overpowered atm. Yes the pistol will be fixed. But wer're looking in the wrong places for fixes. For instance, the pistol being fixed is alright, but I'd rather keep it as is and give me back fast weapon switching. The strength of the pistol was that I could quickly go from pistol to nade laucher to sniper rifle, wheras now if I empty a clip I have to wait to reload before I switch weapons. Fellow rangers out there, think about it and tell me if that istn't more crippling than movment differences. Let's work hard to look at the big picture and consider all possiblities during this beta so that we can make the best utxmp possible, no matter how much it looks like u2xmp.
-Love to everyone,
I cannot believe that people are starting to get what I've been saying for months.


Yours truly
Dec 26, 2001
I still think these flamewars, that yes went a litte overboard and Im sorry if I said anything offencive since I got a little hyped :D, has been quite giving anyway, think of all these the deep discussions. I've never seen these mass of very long and deep replies been written on any board before. This truly must prove that people really are trying their best for the best of the mods sake even if peoples opinions are split sometimes. A great mod needs good discussions, I think FMI can get alot out of this if they combine what has been said with their own common sense... and then alot of time to execute :).

GL FMI, I really hope UTXMP will be a successfull one, especially when it's more close the finish line, and I will do everything I can do to support it!


New Member
Mar 4, 2004
I have to agree with Angelus here. I tried UTXMP for a couple of hours over two days and then stopped. I normally play ranger but after trying to play UTXMP it was just unplayable because it was so much unlike and like the original in many ways. I'm personally experiencing a bunch of issues with netplay primarily concerning that when I would get shot at or do a boost/dodge/jump like in U2XMP I get thrown high up into the air suddenly in UTXMP and die 90% of the time. Net performance appears the same as the original U2XMP but vehicles work better now though. As for the game, balance is off as what has been said before and something seems wrong with the wide angle of the game. Garden isn't slightly as wide as it was before in terms of the map.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
Well...I don't agree about gunner needing to be nerfed.


The vote clearly shows that people who think gunner need to be nerfed is 15/41 votes...

The gunner is easier and better to play then before in u2xmp, but a lot of people thought that it was underpowered compared to other classes. Now that it is somewhat useful, why destroy it, while enacting headshots and such. I think if balance needs to be met, it should be after all the classes have been bug free and tweaks have been done before any more nerfing goes on.


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
just STFU thanks. What if FMI would have never done anything at all . we would be playing stupid games like CSS and the sims. Look at it that way. Its not getting what you want, Its wanting what you have. FMI did a great job they are still working and keep your opinions to yourself till the product is finished. Beta test, post bugs but the crying needs to stop


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
If FMI didnt do anything...we would still be playing U2XMP, no?

But I am glad FMI came along and gave XMP an uplift to a new home


New Member
Aug 18, 2004
Play the game and enjoy it is for what it is. A BETA

Try looking at the fix list before posting since alot of the issue are being addressed.

This is becoming exactly like the INA forums when 2k3\2k4 was released.


oC Ranger
Apr 30, 2004
I'm not quite sure where I said I can't shoot in utxmp Angelus. I haven't given utxmp a real shot yet and I probably won't until a few patches are released. I'm not interested in playing it in it's current state and there are more than enough betatesters available anyway.

Very good post though Angelus.


Father of Wings
Mar 16, 2004
Thanks Guppy

I think i may have at some point been misunderstood:

1. The last thing i am recommending is for the gunner to be nerfed, my main point is that adding to the game not taking away is what will improve it, therefore the gunner should be kept in my opinion more or less as he is now but the ranger and tech to be returned to their U2XMP levels so they are no longer inferior. As the gunner was already somewhat of a hard class to play "outdoors" his new found speed and rocket speed is perhaps an improvement in the game but the other classes must at least be playable and able to confront a gunner to some extent, my point being that any additions to the game are welcome, reductions perhaps not so.

2. I am not posting with any negative feelings towards FMI, I love the guys for the work they have put in to keep XMP alive. I am offering simple suggestions to what I believe will make UTXMP nothing other than a complete success.

3. I understand FMI are still working on UTXMP, both for the next patch and for the "gold" edition, and I only hope this brings in much more favour with both the old players of XMP and with the new players from elsewhere.

Silver Sequence

XMP Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2004
I have been really impressed with the focus and though in the posts in this thread so far. Way to keep the faith guys. Let's stay focused and keep working hard, if we do XMP will rock. - =vD=Drunken


Feb 16, 2004
Yes I'd like to commend Angelus as well. Might take some time off of this, although I have not invested much, until patches come out. I want playable classes too.

I don't think Angelus bitched at all. So what if he said things that the community knows? Let the man say what he wants. Sheesh.


Feb 16, 2004
PhatAzz said:
Well...I don't agree about gunner needing to be nerfed.


The vote clearly shows that people who think gunner need to be nerfed is 15/41 votes...

The gunner is easier and better to play then before in u2xmp, but a lot of people thought that it was underpowered compared to other classes. Now that it is somewhat useful, why destroy it, while enacting headshots and such. I think if balance needs to be met, it should be after all the classes have been bug free and tweaks have been done before any more nerfing goes on.

Not to start a war or anything but you can't use information like that without polling the entire community. Which won't ever happen, its ideal. You can't base judgement of "it doesn't need to be nerfed" solely on the 41 total voters that bothered to click on the poll.


Feb 4, 2004
San Jose, CA
The line between whine and advice is very, very thin to some people (specially in this forums).
I consider the first post well constructed with lots of pointers...the reactions to the post however (not all, of course) I consider whine.

/end whine :D


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
[[Vash]] said:
Not to start a war or anything but you can't use information like that without polling the entire community. Which won't ever happen, its ideal. You can't base judgement of "it doesn't need to be nerfed" solely on the 41 total voters that bothered to click on the poll.
That's so interesting considering many of the "pro" U2XMP players are saying that their opinion is the right opinion based on the fact that so many posters on this forum agree with them.


Feb 29, 2004
Over there!
Angelus i think i love you. You spoke my mind entirely ... but with longer words. You actually brought back old memories of myself trying to kill kenshin & detta on a U.S server when i was a noob and didn't understand that i shouldn't play on non-euro servers because of connection problems & lag. Was a hell of a lot of fun though :) Shame they buggered off to Lineage 2 :p


Feb 16, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
That's so interesting considering many of the "pro" U2XMP players are saying that their opinion is the right opinion based on the fact that so many posters on this forum agree with them.

I only meant it in the way he phrased his post.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
[[Vash]] said:
Not to start a war or anything but you can't use information like that without polling the entire community. Which won't ever happen, its ideal. You can't base judgement of "it doesn't need to be nerfed" solely on the 41 total voters that bothered to click on the poll.

1) I didn't base judgement due to the 41 votes. If you actually clicked to the post and read the thread. You'd know that.

2) I didn't say 41 was a magic number, it clearly showed that 15/41 votes were for nerfing gunner as opposed to the other which didn't. You can draw your own conclusions to that. And yes, that isn't the whole community, yet it has 500+ views and 41 voted - small percentage, but it is a trend. You can not argue that. I used the stat. I didn't even say majority of the community. It's how _you_ read into it.

3) And yes, I can use that information - it's available. I used it.

Thx and GG.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
iddQd said:
I still think these flamewars, that yes went a litte overboard and Im sorry if I said anything offencive since I got a little hyped :D, has been quite giving anyway, think of all these the deep discussions. I've never seen these mass of very long and deep replies been written on any board before. This truly must prove that people really are trying their best for the best of the mods sake even if peoples opinions are split sometimes. A great mod needs good discussions, I think FMI can get alot out of this if they combine what has been said with their own common sense... and then alot of time to execute :).

GL FMI, I really hope UTXMP will be a successfull one, especially when it's more close the finish line, and I will do everything I can do to support it!

Nicely put. I think the reason is because almost everyone in this community feels very strongly about XMP. Its no wonder people have been butting heads on everything.

I'm glad that so far, it hasn't gotten too far out of control, and that people are realizing that the "end has not yet been written" (shameless Myst quote I know).

If anything, when XMP Gold is finally released its gonna be one helluva time. As I saw someone from FMI tell Magwa, we are the BETA TESTERS. Let's keep the discussion flowing and the gaming going.

And for old times sake, a pat on the back for FMI and their undertaking of this project. And a round for everyone in the community for giving them plenty of feedback (and it hasn't even been a week!)

P.S. - If anyone hasn't noticed, on the Gamespy stats XMP is one of two mods listed under UT2004. It's higher up than vCTF and the only other mod on the list was Red Orchestra.
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Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
[[Vash]] said:
Yes I'd like to commend Angelus as well. Might take some time off of this, although I have not invested much, until patches come out. I want playable classes too.

I don't think Angelus bitched at all. So what if he said things that the community knows? Let the man say what he wants. Sheesh.

1) Ranting == Bitching
2) Angelus called it a rant.
3) Etc.

And he did say what he wanted, he's just dealing with the consequences and I deal with mine.

Oh and yes, this is officially a flame war.
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Dec 4, 2004
There seems to be alot of back and forth to this, so I thought I'd quote some material that is found on FMI's website about UTXMP. This isn't meant to be given in a negative or positive way, it's just from what I've read people are getting skewed perceptions of what is going on here.

FMI said:
Free Monkey Interactive is developing Unreal Tournament: Expanded Multiplayer (UT XMP), a total conversion that brings popular XMP gameplay to Epic Games' Unreal Tournament 2004 with the support of former Legend Entertainment employees.

“Unreal II’s Expanded Multiplayer add-on was a great multiplayer experience which sadly had its life cut short by the closure of Legend Entertainment,” said Erik Cederman, Lead Designer at Free Monkey Interactive. “We would hate to see XMP become a ‘forgotten classic’, and so that’s why we are working to combine our own original assets with top-notch XMP gameplay and the speed and style of Unreal Tournament 2004.”
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