The gunner will be nerfed in the next build, and the ranger and tech will get some fixes (including headshots). I have to disagree with the part of the post from many of the best movers and snipers in u2xmp. I know that I rank well among the top all around rangers from xmp and I do find utxmp challengine, but I'm also finding that most of the old tricks are still there. It takes different timing now is all. Wall jumping, boostdodging, even bunnyhopping are still possible but the physics engine is a little different so it reacts differently. There are some new moves that weren't in xmp that allow for even faster movment in some cases. For instance, there is more air control now than ever before. I can change directions and arcs in my jumps 10X better than one could in xmp. I honestly feel that this has a lot to do with the difficulty rangers are having (along with the x-hairs). I think that we're being too quick to blame utxmp hopping movment when the real problems are elsewhere. One thing that the rangers have now that the other classes don't is skii moving, if you use your jumpjets at the last possible second you can now use them to do a wierd skii effect where you actually slide along flat ground. I find this to be a better dodging technique to avoid snipers than almost anything in u2xmp because the speed changes during the slide making it hard to hit. Yes the lack of long bunny hopping chains is annoying, but equivalent movment techniques, and even new ones are still there. Yes it has a new learning curve, so some of the old players are feeling a bit down. Yes the gunner is overpowered atm. Yes the pistol will be fixed. But wer're looking in the wrong places for fixes. For instance, the pistol being fixed is alright, but I'd rather keep it as is and give me back fast weapon switching. The strength of the pistol was that I could quickly go from pistol to nade laucher to sniper rifle, wheras now if I empty a clip I have to wait to reload before I switch weapons. Fellow rangers out there, think about it and tell me if that istn't more crippling than movment differences. Let's work hard to look at the big picture and consider all possiblities during this beta so that we can make the best utxmp possible, no matter how much it looks like u2xmp.
-Love to everyone,