UT3 Patch 2.0 Beta 1 Released To Testers

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Sep 17, 2004
Quaglax, do everyone a favor here, log off and never comeback, is that ok with you?


New Member
Apr 7, 2008
Quaglax: Here's a tip if you think you're better than they are.. which you seem to from the tone of your posts. whipping out a series of clever jabs on a forum on the internet is exactly the same thing as what you hate. people saying a game is "FAIL" or you chiding them with names for doing so.. What's the difference? Take a step back and think about it.

Now can we move on please..


New Member
Mar 10, 2001
Quaglax, do everyone a favor here, log off and never comeback, is that ok with you?
OH NOES!!! He's way too much fun. He gives us so much to work with...
Now can we move on please..
Absolutely. *clears throat* So, about that there UT3 patch...

I wonder why they bothered to change the color scheme at all. I mean I know that they took a lot of flak about the UI being ugly, but did people really have a genuine issue with the red on white scheme? Sure it looks better, but it seems pretty bold to make such a far reaching change, as I think the bold red on white became part of the branding. After all that's the color on the website and the retail boxes (minus the collector's ed.). Just wondering what the motivation was for that particular change.

But I'm glad to see them trying to inject life back into it. Some of us had started to give up hope after one year plus CliffyB's comments and the runaway success of the GoW franchise. It's reassuring to know that somewhere, SOMEONE is beating the drum for continued updates to the franchise, with real care taken to address the concerns of the PC crowd. Makes us feel like we haven't been forgotten after all.
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New Member
Apr 7, 2008
Maybe the black represents the Necris aspect of the game better. Besides I had always envisioned this color scheme for the game, I think it represents "UT" better than red and white, white has never represented anything in this series and contributes nothing to the feel. So it was the right move imo.


Yours truly
Dec 26, 2001
Am I the only one who finds it almost scary how many who just seem to care about the looks? I mean common, it's the same menu with a new skin slapped on it. It's NOT the esthetics of the menu that covered the majority of the people complaining from the beginning... it was the lack of options and customization! Or am I wrong?

Man I hope this patch doesn't fail in that area... again.


Art for swans is dope!
Jan 24, 2008
I know! Let's feed the obvious flamewar that's ensuing!! Oh wait, you're already doing that. But it seems you guys already stopped, sooo....

I like the Black color scheme as well. Especially the HUD. It actually feels more "powerful" than the previous one, like I could take on an army of Skaarj (Still never going to forgive Epic for excluding them from UT3 *nerd rage*) with that black HUD.


Teammember on UT3JB Bangaa Bishop
Feb 21, 2002
I'm assuming the grand total of 3 servers I'm seeing across all gametypes is because the patch is not network compatible with previous versions?

That said, I switched on the regular menu (instead of the mapmixer menu) and was pleased to see the grow/shrink effect on the main menus is gone, which actually makes selection easier (and it actually seems to perform better as a result.
In case you were wondering, in a similar fasion as to the pictures in the lower left corner of the 2k4 menu, It's not always Reaper that appears on the menu, different characters can appear on it.

Apparently, the patch will be available seperate from the titan pack-
Here's the new achievements screen. Note that some of the achievements are hidden because the titan pack is not installed.


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New Member
Apr 7, 2008
Am I the only one who finds it almost scary how many who just seem to care about the looks? I mean common, it's the same menu with a new skin slapped on it. It's NOT the esthetics of the menu that covered the majority of the people complaining from the beginning... it was the lack of options and customization! Or am I wrong?

Man I hope this patch doesn't fail in that area... again.
It is because we are aesthetically oriented creatures. That is where we focus first, kind of like how when you look for a girl you are probably more interested in her face or her rack or ass than the stuff that will actually matter when it comes to the routine of living with her from day to day... Good looks make it easier to swallow a few flaws. Fact.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
"Consolized" is a catchphrase that usually means "so bad that I would think they'd have put it on a console".

Problem is, UT3 wasn't made for consoles. Additionally, people are whining just as much about problems on the consoles, so what you console gamers use in place of "consolized" using the common definition? PCized? :con:


Que hora es?
Apr 3, 2005
when this became a playground for 8 year old to insult each other? really...
if all you have to say is crap about someone else, then please, keep it to yourself, or if you really have to take it out, then do it via pms.

Please keep this threads off of childish crap, imo


Flak Monkey
Feb 19, 2006
The Countdown Node
I mean common, it's the same menu with a new skin slapped on it.

That said, I switched on the regular menu (instead of the mapmixer menu) and was pleased to see the grow/shrink effect on the main menus is gone, which actually makes selection easier (and it actually seems to perform better as a result.

This is the point I was going to make. I think it's a big plus when menu buttons actually stay in the same place when you mouse over them.

Also, in the new patch during server map votes, if you click on a map further down on the list, does the list still scroll up in a way that makes you double click on a different map? That's my main issue. It'd be nice if they could just make that a normal scroll menu.


I used to be a man
May 17, 2008
Am I the only one who finds it almost scary how many who just seem to care about the looks? I mean common, it's the same menu with a new skin slapped on it. It's NOT the esthetics of the menu that covered the majority of the people complaining from the beginning... it was the lack of options and customization! Or am I wrong?

No, you are very, very right. There's nothing wrong with the UIs red & white color scheme, but everything with its functionality (lack of key features, clumsy setup). If the folks at Epic think recoloring the UI and adding a ridiculous amount of graphics settings will somehow 'fix' it, they obviously didn't 'get' it. FFS, just copy & paste the ugly-as-f00k-but-functional-as-hell 2K4 UI and slap some ghey carbon fiber textures + a bunch of Reapers on it. There, DONE!


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
Actually, give it the UI the original Unreal Tournament had and give it the options UT2004 had.


Dec 15, 2005
Montreal, Canada
No, you are very, very right. There's nothing wrong with the UIs red & white color scheme, but everything with its functionality (lack of key features, clumsy setup). If the folks at Epic think recoloring the UI and adding a ridiculous amount of graphics settings will somehow 'fix' it, they obviously didn't 'get' it. FFS, just copy & paste the ugly-as-f00k-but-functional-as-hell 2K4 UI and slap some ghey carbon fiber textures + a bunch of Reapers on it. There, DONE!

Right on the nail


New Member
Mar 10, 2001
FFS, just copy & paste the ugly-as-f00k-but-functional-as-hell 2K4 UI and slap some ghey carbon fiber textures + a bunch of Reapers on it. There, DONE!
Exactly. At the end of the day I think we'd all love to have our 2K4 or 99 menus back. But in software, sticking to what works is seen as "a lack of innovation," so everyone tries to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes this leads to great innovation, and sometimes, well ... it just doesn't.

I think what's really wrong with the menus should be obvious. All those options missing, and quirks like the menu options that didn't stay put when you moused over them, or having to go through Next... Next... Next... screens to launch a map. Or loading the game and getting a "Press any key to continue" screen. What's THAT about?! (Although I think this has been removed as of the patch.)

I also seem to remember that some settings weren't kept from one session to another. Like if you played deathmatch with a mutator and exited out to the menus, when you went back to play DM again you'd have to re-add the mutators. Maybe difficulty too. Or number of bots? Apologies if I'm remembering it wrong; it's been a while. QA 101 stuff like that. And don't even get me started on the graphic options.

Gameplay-wise, it's hard to say how I'd fix it. It just never felt right, like the physics or movement was off or something. It felt ... "floaty." I know that's vague, but that's what I got. Hopefully hardcore vets have been better able to articulate it to get it addressed.

I love that they're doing the patch and the bonus pack, and I want the game to be great. I really do. B/c I think that the series deserves better than the retail release. I think if people seem to be nitpicking it's probably b/c they now feel a sense of ownership in something they once believed to be great, and they don't like that someone hasn't done it justice. Whether that feeling is legitimate or not.


Teammember on UT3JB Bangaa Bishop
Feb 21, 2002
I think what's really wrong with the menus should be obvious. All those options missing, and quirks like the menu options that didn't stay put when you moused over them, or having to go through Next... Next... Next... screens to launch a map. Or loading the game and getting a "Press any key to continue" screen. What's THAT about?!
All of these things have been addressed. Still less options aside, the menu really isn't all that different from the 2k4 options menu. Clickable page tabs at the top, even the main menu is more like it with the removal of the stupid grow/shrink thing. The press any key screen is gone (technically just automatically skipped but effectively gone) and a number of prompts have been removed. It also remembers your settings and mutators finally.

You make it sound like all they did was recolor the interface. But they really did fix a number of issues, including one glaring one that prevented most mods from being configurable in-game.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
Hate to break it to you guys but I don't see much different with the UT2004 menu and the new one... Hell, the new one has far more video options than the UT2004 one ever did.


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