FFS, just copy & paste the ugly-as-f00k-but-functional-as-hell 2K4 UI and slap some ghey carbon fiber textures + a bunch of Reapers on it. There, DONE!
Exactly. At the end of the day I think we'd all love to have our 2K4 or 99 menus back. But in software, sticking to what works is seen as "a lack of innovation," so everyone tries to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes this leads to great innovation, and sometimes, well ... it just doesn't.
I think what's really wrong with the menus should be obvious. All those options missing, and quirks like the menu options that didn't stay put when you moused over them, or having to go through Next... Next... Next... screens to launch a map. Or loading the game and getting a "Press any key to continue" screen. What's THAT about?! (Although I think this has been removed as of the patch.)
I also seem to remember that some settings weren't kept from one session to another. Like if you played deathmatch with a mutator and exited out to the menus, when you went back to play DM again you'd have to re-add the mutators. Maybe difficulty too. Or number of bots? Apologies if I'm remembering it wrong; it's been a while. QA 101 stuff like that. And don't even get me started on the graphic options.
Gameplay-wise, it's hard to say how I'd fix it. It just never felt right, like the physics or movement was off or something. It felt ... "floaty." I know that's vague, but that's what I got. Hopefully hardcore vets have been better able to articulate it to get it addressed.
I love that they're doing the patch and the bonus pack, and I want the game to be great. I really do. B/c I think that the series deserves better than the retail release. I think if people seem to be nitpicking it's probably b/c they now feel a sense of ownership in something they once believed to be great, and they don't like that someone hasn't done it justice. Whether that feeling is legitimate or not.