UT3 Beta Patch Changelist

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Active Member
May 27, 2004
That advantage you mention is precisely what I'm talking about. Here are some visual examples of what I mean.


Actually zynthetic got it bang on... Heres one I prepared earlier :p


And this is just ridiculous :confused:
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
lol, don't be ridiculous. What SirTangarth said.
What I mean is that, based on their description of the problem, this isn't something where they could just drop in a few lines of code and call it good.


Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
So wait a sec, moving perhaps scaling and adjusting the fov on the first person weapons could stop all this screaming about widescreen support :rolleyes:

Nope ... unless you figure out a way to make all that info that is getting clipped at the top and bottom (mainly the bottom since this affects how much of the FPV arms you will see). Again when you see some of Buffy's screenshots of EEs models it is VERY apparent how much is getting lost. And when you are playing with character models of that quality it really sucks that anything is cut off the screen.

And about demo guy ... all I know is that a bug like that should be fixed no matter what it takes ... plain and simple. That is the kind of unpolished mess that is giving the complainers so much fuel when they say that UT3 is like a very good beta but really missing lots of polish. This patch really does address alot but again for IA players its pretty shallow. Hopefully more will be done to get the bot management/team management UI closer to what it used to be. The lack of a management column for each side is really a pain in the butt and not being able to make up a team of say 4 v 8 is really ridiculous. Still thanks Epic for motion blur, fixing all the maps in the bp and also the factions fix. Now custom character models can be 100% complete.


that's because widescreen has less screen estate than non-widescreen, this is the main reason why I hate widescreen.

Our vision is designed to see more in the horizontal than the vertical. Also I have a feeling that my 26" LCD has more screen estate than your CRT. Since it can do 1920x1200 it has more pixels, too. Widescreen is good for many. I was a 4:3 CRT user for over 20 years and now when I go back to an old CRT it feels small and confined.


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
it appears theres barely anything for the editor? id assume they would enhance some things for it :/. i hope they do that. EPIC, is your unreal editor programmer done with UEd3 already :/ busy with the next UE... maybe hire a side programmer to add little new features and optimization.


Gold Member
Apr 3, 2004
London, Ontario
it appears theres barely anything for the editor? id assume they would enhance some things for it :/. i hope they do that. EPIC, is your unreal editor programmer done with UEd3 already :/ busy with the next UE... maybe hire a side programmer to add little new features and optimization.

They have been constantly updating UE3 since UT3, and making monthly builds available to licensees. Updating UT3 with new engine/editor code every month would be a massive amount of work I imagine. Would also be a massive download. ;)


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Nope ... unless you figure out a way to make all that info that is getting clipped at the top and bottom (mainly the bottom since this affects how much of the FPV arms you will see). Again when you see some of Buffy's screenshots of EEs models it is VERY apparent how much is getting lost. And when you are playing with character models of that quality it really sucks that anything is cut off the screen.

Well as I said you could move the FP arms up some, maybe tweak the fov's for the higher ranges people will use in the levels. Thats about the best you can do without resorting to hacks like adding another fov.

On a 4:3 aspect turning it to widescreen is adding black bars to cut off parts of the screen. I thought my pic showed it quite well, ofcoarse you might have alittle of the level on the bottom and top cut off if you move the weapons but its not going to be as noticeable.

Im not going to say which is better or worse but you can see its hard to find a comprimise that wont hurt people of the other view. Honestly I think another set of coords for the weapons when in a wider res would be the easiest and best solution.

Otherwise it might become an unfair advantage and people will be using high fov's no matter what their screen ratio and it'll look like turd.


Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
Our vision is designed to see more in the horizontal than the vertical. Also I have a feeling that my 26" LCD has more screen estate than your CRT. Since it can do 1920x1200 it has more pixels, too. Widescreen is good for many. I was a 4:3 CRT user for over 20 years and now when I go back to an old CRT it feels small and confined.

That is absolutely not true. The focus area of human vision no no where near widescreen, it's not even rectangular. It's a quite undefined ellipse (almost circle).
Also a 26" non widescreen surface has a larger space than a 26" widescreen surface. And if you don't think that's true then I suggest you redo the geometry part of math.

A 1920x1440 screen has more pixels than your 1920x1200
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Комиссар Гробут
Oct 27, 2004
Soviet Denmark
I can't believe some poeple are saying that the patch is "uninteresting". About the only thing I could have asked for more would have been gametype voting on the vote system.

Depends on what you play, this patch is great news for the online players, definately, but for the offline crowd, well, the only big change they list here is that bot taunts might not be as annoying, the rest of them don't really solve any of the big gripes we have with IA, some of them sound ok, its nice if they really do a bit better on the hoverboard for instance, but adding link-alt support without first making bots less accurate and solving the wall hacking they do sounds like a real pain to be honest, i think it may very well make the game more annoying than the double taunts.

But there's nothing in that patch that makes me want to download it and play the game, because it does nothing to address the issue that makes me not want to play it in the first place, i don't play it online, so what incentive is there for me?

The only thing i am actually very happy to see is the better mod support, but it'll be a while before that bears fruit anyway.
Maybe the final change log will add some things i find important, i can allways hope i guess.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
The only thing i am actually very happy to see is the better mod support, but it'll be a while before that bears fruit anyway.
Maybe the final change log will add some things i find important, i can allways hope i guess.
Yeah; the game needs all this but generally..........


Hopefully we will see some good mod content.


Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
but we have two eyes situated horizontally, without horizontal eyelids and such, so naturally we will have more x-axis vision.

Only your iris will let light through to the receptors. The iris is usually fully exposed and not obstructed by eye lids, so they have zero to no influence.
For the rest there is a large overhead in the field of view of both eyes (the binocular vision field). The "extended" part (where you do not have binocular vision) is only 30% (180 vs 140 -> 20 degrees on both sides). Now, here's the fun part, the aspect ratio of 4:3 is 1.33. Horizontally there is 33% more content than vertically. For widescreen this is about 60%.

But this is of course all irrelevant because the monitors people use are much much smaller that this all. These monitors pretty much always fall into the very small FOV where human eyes provide full coverage wrt to depth perception (not really needed for monitors) and motion detection. People usually have their monitor at a distance to that the angle from one edge of the monitor to face is about 30 to 45 degrees. So the correct FOV for presentation on the monitor is between 60 and 90. Otherwise you will have distortion.


New Member
Jul 23, 2005
I have to agree with el muerte, he makes a sound argument. Regardless however, I find widescreen monitors more comfortable to look at (and that doesn't have to do with the fact that they're flatscreen lcd ;)).

As for the patch, I'm just happy that they added -mod and fixed beams not rendering in cascade :)

I believe I made a thread about that very specific fact way way way back when.


Waiting for next UT
Jul 5, 2005
Bratislava, Slovakia
I've heard that many ppl never go online and UT3 was aimed for them as well. I'm one of them now (very stupid high-latency connection at home). I don't see few things I - as an offline player - miss:
* UI feature to turn off bots's taunt... I'm already sick of them.
* Will UI remember last map and last bot settings?
* Level of bots should raise their intelligence (however artificial) and aim hand in hand. Why the hell I have to play against adept bots who are still rather stupid but their aim is already sick? Heck, even Skilled bots have rather strong aim. That's very very cheap AI really.

Copy&paste is sweet. Can I add private favorite server now? (In case I played online. ;-))