UT3 Beta Patch Changelist

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


Loafing Bast
Nov 11, 1999
London, UK
Slowly but surely UT3 is getting to the state it should have been in when it first launched. :tup:

Hopefully they'll relaunch it or something when it's the right time and we can have a UT3 scene that doesn't comprise of about a dozen people.


Комиссар Гробут
Oct 27, 2004
Soviet Denmark
Not impressed for an instant action player. People need a "variable" game speed adjustment, customizable bots, fully customizable xhairs, active mutators lists to be saved when exiting game, full video setting tweaks, spectate mode, weapon drop and so on............:mad:

Agreed, as IA players this patch is not really interesting at all.

But look at the bright side, this one fixes some very big MP issues that needed to get out of the way, so hopefully that means they will have more time to spend on IA with the next one, atleast i really really hope so!

I also hope that when the Xbox version finally gets released, there will be more avalible manpower to work on patches, and the pace will pick up, but that could just be wishfull thinking.


Still no spectate tab added ? Are they being funny - or worse, are they being serious. Did I miss it in the beta patch list ? It's funny still seeing that players have to leave the server and chose spectate from the server browser in order to spectate. You could argue, just use the console, but using spectate command in the console while your in the server will cause it to say connection failed. I hate to be a downer, but otherwise that patch looks pretty good, maybe we can actually get some custom vctf maps on umg now after a few months of redirect problems.


better but no cigar...

Good batch of changes, especially that Rocket release bug. However my biggest peeve is the messed up gravity! When you hit someone with certain shots they fly sky high and you need to try and hit them while airborne or wait until they land. Players are being knocked way across a map and it really sucks! They need to fix this now! EPIC did the same with Ut2k4 and it killed the game and the game-play IMO.

I wish they would also fix the messaging system in game. It's not easy to response to certain community messages at times and they need more options on what you can do with messages too. I also want to allow players to jump from player to spectator mode and back w/o having to disconnect, and some other annoying issues with the UI. Oh well...

The game keeps getting better and better but it is not going to be popular I fear. Too many issues fixed way too late...


bSnakeCastShadow = True
Aug 18, 2005
on a plane
that's a nice list and as with the previous changelogs i find quite some things i like here as well.
but i still hope that somewhere hidden in this is improved bot behavior in instant action instagib. instagib was one of my favorite 'game modes' in UT2004 but since the bots seem to camp very often in UT3 it's just kinda frustrating :(


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006

Motion blur will be interesting. It's really grown on me since TF2, and I didn't have any problems running it in GoW.


Face down in a pool of his own vomit.
Apr 8, 2008
Okay.. it is nice to see a changelog, and it was nice of Epic to reveal it to us even before a beta.

I have to be honest. I really want to be able to get into UT3, it's a game that I felt sure would do it right, I would enjoy more than UT2004, which even while being modelled after UT2003, managed to hold my interest for 4 years, on top of the 2-3 I spent playing UT.. I put more feedback into the development of UT3 than probably most people.. so I don't want to write something that comes off like I don't care about the game. But this is the first time I've uninstalled one of the UT's for 2-3 months because I thought it lacked something. I've awaited patch 1.3 to give me an excuse to reinstall the game and have it finally feel "right", for lack of a better term.

Perhaps that is an unrealistic (koff) expectation to have, and too individualized a thing to ever happen.. but I don't think so. I've made suggestions in the past that the majority of the community got behind, and I think that there are certain issues that nearly everyone can agree on. I would really like to see this change implemented, and it's not in the list yet, but I realize it's still early in the process.

I also feel there are some good changes in the list, such as mapvote, player names in the server browser, and various other things but there seems to be a lack of focus on issues that would help address the problem of consistently low online player numbers. If I were among the Epic team this would be my focus and I've done what I can from the sidelines. I feel that as patch 1.3 comes to final public release, as it stands now the situation is really not going to change in this regard.. but I feel it could. I just hope that Epic really pays attention to trends among what people are saying in their own forums, in or out of the patch 1.3 thread.

I hate to say it, but I think I know where you're at here. I felt the same way about 2k3 and 2k4. Bought both of them, yet I never could get into them because of this. As much as I like this game and want everyone else to, I never did get over that and inevitable they started to collect dust on a shelf.


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
Self auto-taunts and motion blur options make me happy, and OMG, does this mean we can finally create custom factions? It's about damn time.

But why in the name of all that is holy can't IA players still not save maplist/mutator/gameplay settings? Let alone actually give themselves a name. I'm really tired of playing over LAN with a friend and having us both named Player.
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PC blowticious
Apr 24, 2002
Over there
They've also confirmed that the package download errors when using custom maps have been fixed, although it wasn't listed in the change log.