That all great! Interesting stuff... I'm also very exited by all this.
I really like the looks of these apcs. Anyway I guess that we are now fixed on the engine! I hope you'll get in touch with Angelhart... i'm sure he'd like to get some maps going for Infiltration again. Just imagine the EAS maps he could do! *droooollll*
I'm also very happy with the beta team news. I hope it gets things running smooth and efficiently! Good work guys...
Then I need to point something out. I hesitated to say it, because I know how it feels to get ones work critisized by this community. Nervetheless this is too important in my eyes to go on with mentionning it.
Please, no flying vehicules that can be player-drivable (which doesn't mean "no flying vehicules". I'm all for flying vehicule for insertions or things like that, but I honnestly think they should be AI driven or scripted).
All I can say is what ever you do, if you put flying vehicules (whether those are aircrafts or helicoters) in a game like Infiltration you must also change your motto: "As real as it gets". I'll be honnest, If such a thing happens, the changes that I'll close the book on this game and move on are considerably high. Just the fact that an airfield would take at least 10% of the largest map you could make with ut2004 makes is not reasonable. Anyway _ALL_ my experiences with aviation tells me this would be wrong (and I have quite a few).
ok ok ok... it's early, this is only an early concept and bla bla bla. But the fact that you guys decided to show this tels a lot.
I'm happy by the news, nontheless. I guess we are now fixed on the engine
I hope none of you takes this little comment personnaly. I just wanted to make my opinion clear. That is yes to flying vehicules, no for them to be user "drivable".