nicetry said:
they would try and cheat their way into fooling everyone that they had a hit game on their hands.
I just don't get why you (and the various incarnations of naliking) worry about this so much.
Is it because you think having false player numbers makes Epic an evil corporation? If so, do you think them more evil than the likes of EA?
Is it because you think that by having false player numbers, then it fools;
a) people into buying the game, and
b) reviewers into reviewing it favourably.
Neither of these make sense to me to be perfectly honest. I wonder how many people actuallly buy the game because they think its popular. no doubt you'll tell me that you know "lots" of people who did. Well, whatever, but I know no-one. Buying games because you think it's popular is just plain dumb. You should buy a game because you like it, or because its the kind of game (ie a non-realistic FPS) that you like playing. And besides, assuming there are people who buy games because they think its popular, why would they buy the "4th most popular game" or whatever gamespy has it down as. Surely if popularity was the case they'd go for CS. Marketing a game a "the 4th most popular game" just makes no sense and no-one would bother doing it. I have never ever seen Epic use this kind of marketing ploy, indeed Steve Polge claims that UT2k4 wasn't popular in their opinion....Why would he say that if he's part of an evil conspiracy to pretend it's popular.
As for fooling reviewers? There is an assumption here that you are smarter than reviewers. That YOU can see that gamespy isn't telling the truth, but dumb old reviewers have never heard of the delphic oracle of truth that it Csports. What you are saying is that reviewers who claim the game is great online are being fooled by fake numbers. That if they were as smart as you and could see that it is merely the 12th or 14th or 251st most played game then there reviews would be different.
Perhaps these reviewers know how many people play it and reviewed it on it's merits as a game (shocking I know), or perhaps they don't just judge popularity as a comparison to CS. Because while UT is a lot less popular than CS or BF, that isn't the same as saying no-body plays it. I've never had a problem finding a server to play far as I'm concerned, that's popular enough.
But the strangest thing is why you think Epic would need to fool people into buying the game. This is a UT2k7 forum, a game that's not out yet, and basically A GAME THAT EPIC DON'T NEED TO MAKE. With the licensing of UE3 to the likes of Microsoft and for PS3 games Epic are absolutely minting it. If UT2k7 sells 22 copies...the engine will still have been a success and they'll have made a truck-load of why on earth would they feel any need to fabricate player numbers. As I've said, I really don't think many people buy a game because it's the 3rd/4th/5th whatever most popular game...they buy it cos it's UT or because they liked the demo (as was my case with UT2k4) or because they've read reviews and thought they should try it. Fabricating player numbers is going to sell how many...a couple thousand more copies (and I'm being generous I said, I can't imagine people buying it for that reason)...Do you think Epic will notice that? Do you think it really matters to them..
Reading the interviews with Steve Polge, and using your head to realise how popular the Unreal Engine 3 is, then ti becomes obvious that Epic are making UT2k7 pretty much for the fans of the series and themselves.
I know a lot of gamers. Many of them don't play UT2k4. They don't play it because it's not their kind of game and prefer the likes of MoH and CoD, it's nothing to do with player numbers. They probably won't play UT2k7 for exactly the same reason, and Epic are no doubt aware of this, aware that their game doesn't suit the prevailing tastes in the market.
Now if they wanted to sell more games, they could slow it down, reduce the crazy movement, get rid of the outrageous weapons...basically make the game a lot simpler, easier to learn and get into....I'm sure they'd sell a lot more games. I'm sure it's popularity would increase.
I'm sure that while attracting new players, it would alienate fans of the series.
But as I said, Epic don't do that. They make the game for the community and they make the game for themselves and they don't need to give a **** about whether it's the 1st or 101st most played game..
With UE3, they really don't need to do anything else.