What the heck are you talking about???? UE-market??? What the heck is this????
That's UE3 amateur modding market. Sorry, I did not clarify that at first, but I thought it was obvious. Currently this market comprises of UT and mods based on it.
I understand that one can build a full game of the engine, but a) that's not a full engine so to speak, but just a binary core plus Unreal Scripting which virtually limits game design to modding the core. As far as I understand native modules in this kit are not allowed either. b) every project people talked about so far used to be plain mods for UT. Building stand-alone executables for the same mods will not make it much different except for some bells and whistles like custom menues and stuff. That's where fragmentation will occure. Instead of having one user base and one executable with many mods, people will have to install many executables just to try somebody's amateur attempt to buld a stand-alone game.
Modding is much wider term than just building mods for UT, people. None of games based on UE are solely Unreal Script extensions. Every game has its own custom version of the core. For that a) you need support from Epic directly, b) have actual source code or at least have ability to plug your own code and native functions.
I participated in projects based on Q-engine and know how this thing works. No source - no good game... So for starters Epic should release source at least for UT1. Thanks for listening...