Klasnic_e... i'm not a skinner, i'm not a coder, i'm not a mapper(unless my friends and i wanna shoot each other in a really big box with random gravity fluxuations(it's actually pretty fun to do)), i'm a web host and release engineer. and i never said i made the theme, i said i had the respect to not change it because it wasn't mine. it's an underused, modified nukemods theme. modded by Lorkan Themes. Majority of the time, especially with making phpnuke sites, you ask full permission for throwing your logo on a theme, or touching any image on it. i dont see why you had to choose that theme, it has no naturally affliction to your content. especially with the ugly green on top of blue, if your gonna have a green logo, have a matching theme, simple, natural, concept behind web design.
oh yea, speaking of, i didn't challenge your skills, other then post a quote of you saying your soo good on the thread where your begging for help/other people to do your work for you.