Unreal Championship 2 mod Recruiting!

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Oct 13, 2005
Well, we haven't really talekd about raiden, then ok. But people have made mortal kombat models before without being shut down :weird:

Random Elite

Put your feet up and frag.
Jul 9, 2005
Better safe than sorry, but you could always think up a new character to take his place. Actually, here's a few that would be possible, the 1st 2 would be the most easy, as they are just reskins.

Cobalt: a red skin for Raptor, would complement her, and her brothers Syzngy (green) and Rapier (blue).
Necris Selket.
Others in the opening movie to Ascension Rites.
Ninja Xan. :D
Otogi 2 characters: Raikoh, Seimei, Tsuna, Suetake, Sadamistsu and Kintoki (I'll try and find screenies for that lot*, and as far as I know, From Software haven't given a statement saying you can't use them a 'la Midway) Raikoh and Tsuna would be good, as you could adopt moves from Anubis and his mentor (old guy, blue armour) to help with their moves.

*don't count on me though, I'm really lazy whn it comes to stuff like this. Searching 'Otogi 2 Raikoh' on google should be good enough, replacing Raikoh with each charater name obviously. But if I'm bored I'll try and find some videos showing of their moves.


UTCMP Skinner
Sep 10, 2005
are you going to make those speeder bikes anubis and that old freak were on?


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Yeah I think syzegy or xan (ninja) what ever are probably better options, not a good idea to get caught up with the IP and Midway stuff especially if they have already said something. Dont want a cease and disit or whatever it is now do we...


May 24, 2004
San Diego, California
www. .
I don't believe this. You accuse HaloUT of copyright infringement, and look what you're doing now.


You also accused HaloUT administrators, me in particular, a bit into Maedondias, for "hacking" you. Tell us, if you please, how does that make sense? You attempted to hack us. MANY TIMES. If you're gonna deny, I'm gonna start posting IP logs. Because you obviously liked to flood our restricted areas for the Admins, and the logs prove it.

You even had a double account, Herr_Etic214, and claimed that you had a "roommate" that had your address.

Tell us then, why do you have ADSL? Logs prove it again, if you deny, I will post them.

Colleges would NEVER use ADSL. Think of how many people ADSL can serve, and think of how many people attend college that use internet. A lot. So don't BS to us.

And hell, you were using Residential Bellsouth ADSL. Don't give me bullcrap about "I go to college so that's why I have two accounts".

Now you're here starting your own mod. You ticked us off . WE GAVE YOU WEBSPACE FOR YOUR TARUS WEBSITE. And you abused it. Then you decided to abuse our site, http://torlan.dragonstarelite.com . Again, logs.

Users, if you would like to see the logs, sure, but not until I hear from Klasnic_E.

By the way: You accuse us of copyright infringement on our T-shirts. WE ALREADY HAVE PERMISSION FROM BUNGIE. DAY ONE.

Don't forget, Exodus (AnubanUT2, not Exodus from BU) saved your sorry @$$ a couple times even though you were clearly guilty with your violation of restricted access and IP / user doubling.
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Major Maedondias

Community/BU/DSE Site Advisor
Jan 6, 2006
_E, actually with the logic you gave us, anything labeled Total Conversion was illegal, which i still say, it's only illegal when someone complains, because that really is how the system works. Anyhow, Midway i believe actually had full rights to UC2, which means you can't touch Raiden, but you also can't touch anyone else who's basis is in UC2, if you made an UC conversion, and all your stuff looked UC not UC2, then ya sure Epic proly wouldn't care, but even touching those characters w/ new storylines and changed images in UC2 would be merky waters between Epic and Midway. i remember reading where all the rights for UC2 belonged, but with all the different people involved i can't remember who ended up having the most power over the games rights.
oh and way to go on the nearly impossible feat of getting 20% of the textures in the litteral 2 days you've begun your mod! having started this thread on the 16th, having 20% done 2 days later. so your about... done now that i look at my clock. so _E, shouldn't you be modeling and mapping by now? good luck
Damn. And here I was wanting to do maps for the UC2 mod until Neil came in here and posted that crap about you. Maybe next time.

Raiden was made by Midway, not Epic.

Unreal was made by Epic, not Midway.

You can't use Raiden, but it's ok to use the other characters. Unless there is some new law inwhich I don't know about.
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Major Maedondias

Community/BU/DSE Site Advisor
Jan 6, 2006
it's the concept of companies being able to sell the intellectual property. in all technicality you need to research how midway ended up getting their name all over UC2. if it's leased, or Epic hired them, then ya, Raiden's untouchable, but the rest are open. but if Epic just plain out sold the whole damn thing. they no longer have a say, and Midway can bitch all they like. that's the problem with games like this that get passed around. i could'a sworn that Atari had the original/core rights to the entire unreal thing a while back, since i see their logo on my ut2 box, ut2k3 and ut2k4. the only time i'd never seen their name was UC2.


Oct 13, 2005
When did i say we were using Raiden you idiot!?! i was telling MonsOlympos that Raiden and MK anouncers were on there, not "were using raiden" Neil and Maedondias, get your eyes checked or something cause you've got proplems :rolleyes:

Major Maedondias

Community/BU/DSE Site Advisor
Jan 6, 2006
ummm.... gotta read all the posts _E, technically we were discussing the grey area of where raiden is sitting, essentially using raiden as an example to potential problems. and since u can't use raiden, that makes the other chars highly questionable. thus why instead of ripping everything already, you should be researching who has what rights to UC2.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Now I think people are getting a bit confused. Atari's name was all over stuff because they were the publisher, epic and digital extremes are designers, Im pretty sure epic wouldnt give unreal franchise away. Legend also made an unreal game but again they are developers. Midway are publishers so Im sure they dont own anything unreal related, they are also developers and own the mortal kombat franchise. Does this clear things up?? I hope I got everything right please correct me if Im wrong...


Oct 13, 2005
Thanks Mons, someone's blind :rolleyes: This guy is pretty dumb to say that you can't port over any ut games from game to game ;)

Major Maedondias

Community/BU/DSE Site Advisor
Jan 6, 2006
again _E it depends on the associated companys... i wasn't sure how much control midway was given. 'cause it i'm not mistaken this is their first year w/an UT game. oh and _E, i dont see why you must resort to name calling. i'm just trying to portray an issue to warn you of, and make sure that you've done your proper research. not trying to make you look stupid, but if your gonna sit here and every other post say Maed is blind, Maed is an idiot, Maed is dumb, then how about not running around telling other Mods that already have permission for their work that their concept is illegal? Stop requesting that every person you meet who can make you forums or a web site to do it, you only need one, or even just need one that has both. i recall googling for something and finding 3 different forums with your name and email as an admin for it and the same mod on all of 'em. Your DSE site for UTCMP/xp died because you stopped going to it. it was running fine, but since it became a ghost site i locked everything down and left it for it's records. i'm done around here 'cause people like you who whine and beg for others work make people like me who attempt to help them get their stuff out look like an ass for helping that kinda person/group.


What are you lookin at...
May 17, 2004
In solitude
Major Maedondias said:
again _E it depends on the associated companys... i wasn't sure how much control midway was given. 'cause it i'm not mistaken this is their first year w/an UT game. oh and _E, i dont see why you must resort to name calling. i'm just trying to portray an issue to warn you of, and make sure that you've done your proper research. not trying to make you look stupid, but if your gonna sit here and every other post say Maed is blind, Maed is an idiot, Maed is dumb, then how about not running around telling other Mods that already have permission for their work that their concept is illegal? Stop requesting that every person you meet who can make you forums or a web site to do it, you only need one, or even just need one that has both. i recall googling for something and finding 3 different forums with your name and email as an admin for it and the same mod on all of 'em. Your DSE site for UTCMP/xp died because you stopped going to it. it was running fine, but since it became a ghost site i locked everything down and left it for it's records. i'm done around here 'cause people like you who whine and beg for others work make people like me who attempt to help them get their stuff out look like an ass for helping that kinda person/group.
I was already wondering how long you'd put up with his nonsense ramblings:lol: .
Name-calling and cursing just a way to express displeasure towards someone/something without the capability to use proper and civilized english/american.

Either way, I don't know much about the copyright situation between Midway and Epic concerning modmaking, but I doubt they'll sue you for big loads of cash or something like that.
As for the mod progress, more screenies, coz the others weren't all that impressive.


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
CTF-Omicron BONG
Guys please dont let Klasnic turn you away from the mod, He is on his way out Im pretty sure, or else a few of us are leaving.The guy who really got us going has laready had it with him and is about done with it.

Random Elite

Put your feet up and frag.
Jul 9, 2005
Calm down K_E, this is not how you achive something, you want something done, you need to respect those you work with.
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