The ut2004 tips and tricks thread.

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Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
Day_walker said:
Heres one thing i want to know.....i seen people get into the Hellbender and switch from driving to being a gunner without anyone else being in the do you do that ??

Press 1,2 or 3. (or if you have new keybings for the first three weapons, press the keybind for the assault rifle, shield, or spidermines. respectively.)

And as a general principle, if you see somebody blasting away in a helbender, don't jump in and drive him off into the heat of things where a tank is inevitably sitting, as has happened to me too many times.
Mar 21, 2004
A good idea wud be to shoot an enemy vehicle till its smokin nd leave it, if u destroy the vehicle then it'll respawn in a couple of seconds. You see how long you can last in a Hellbender with 50 points left. 3 - 2 - 1 KABOOM!! :lol:
Mar 21, 2004
The avril doesn't work the way people think it does!

When i use it i stand on the tower or so, crouching on the edge will knock you back so you can't see the tower! HOWEVER that doesn't matter because you can fire the rocket WITHOUT having a lock and THEN when you place target over a tank the rocket will turn on the target! So what i do is fire a rocket straight up in the air and then when i find an enemy vehicle i target it then and it just comes straight down on top of them rather than from me!

I believe it's also possible to change your target aswell! So if your using the Avril on the centre tower just stand in the middle, shoot forward, walk to the edge and find yoruself a target!

Should also be noted that pressing the right mouse button does NOT lock the missile onto the target, just having the cursor over the target locks the missile, pressing right mouse button locks the cursor to the target ! So if your face on with a tank theres no point right clicking unless your afraid a scorpion might fly out and distract your lock!

I knaa this is old bt fire ur AVRiL rocket into the air newhere close to a target (this is funniest with n00bs [no offence intended]in the Raptor) wait till its close and then lock on and wacth the pilot/driver tyin to dodge the rocket inches from riding up their ass. Funny as f**K


<img src="
Jan 29, 2002
Oh deary me... I actually forgot about the AVRiL's tracking ability. Now I get why other people are so insanely good with it. :eek:


Only this, & nothing more...
Dec 6, 2001
Visit site
I'm in the habit of putting spider mines on either wing of my manta when I can. nice to have when you get into a fire fight with opponents on-foot.


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
Im too lazy to read all the posts, so this has probably already been said, but are you serious????? U dont need a tank to get any node, and if the Goliath pilot is good enough he will pwn the Raptor. One person is usually all it takes to kill a node wether they be on foot or in any vehicle.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
it better when there is a little dip between where you are standing and the start of the ramp.


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
The Goliath takes 4-6 shots to kill a node by itself. Grenades take 18, Flak Cannon Primary takes 19 I think. Vehicles take the nodes down faster than weapons, unless you link attack the node. Im too lazy to post anything else right now, but maybe later.


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
I understand taht many people think that the Manta should transport people, but in many maps its a race to the middle node. I transport people if they are fast enough (or if I get there first I jump on the Manta and w8 for them to drive it, sometimes that doesnt work though because someone will knock you off.) but its really a race to get taht node built. If you get there before the team and start to link it, the other vehicles that are meant for transporting (Hellbender, Tank. Scorpion is much easier to get onto than Manta) will get there to help you finish the link. This is why half the time people who pilot the manta will let you jump on, and other times they will drive off.


manta claus
Feb 23, 2004
Yeah - it really depends on the situation; if nobody's even near the manta when I jump in, I honk the horn, look around, and then take off. Time is of the essence.

[edit] damn, I can't type today.
Last edited:


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
Hi Shooters!

Can ya help me a little bit about bot skill autoadjusting in SP?
Iam not a biggun, I went over ut2003 in adept difficulty and i try that in the new episode. I passed the first 3 or 4 DM levels without any problems then bastard AI defeated me with one frag. So the upshot was 14/15 for the benefit of the bot. Then I try again and the result was only 10/15. Then I try again and again again again and my results were getting worst an worst.
I realized I have no hope to win when the upshot was 4/15 for the benefit of the AI. Not my UT skills lowers cause I still can defeat bots in masterful or inhuman in istant action, but the f***ing bots ajusting their skills as I defeated. By my observation the more of my fails makes the AI more better:(
Is this observation right or not? Is it a bug or what? Can I solve this problem somehow? (I see out settings but I can't find SP relations at all)
Sorry for the long story but I feel myself humiliated and it makes me angry
Answers I thank you in anticipation.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Raistlyn said:
I understand taht many people think that the Manta should transport people, but in many maps its a race to the middle node. I transport people if they are fast enough (or if I get there first I jump on the Manta and w8 for them to drive it, sometimes that doesnt work though because someone will knock you off.) but its really a race to get taht node built. If you get there before the team and start to link it, the other vehicles that are meant for transporting (Hellbender, Tank. Scorpion is much easier to get onto than Manta) will get there to help you finish the link. This is why half the time people who pilot the manta will let you jump on, and other times they will drive off.
The problem is WHEN THE MATCH STARTS not after that. Everyone needs help getting to the first node or else they have to run forever to get there. It's not hard to wait 2 seconds for a couple people to hop on. Like Huggy said, honk, look around and if no one is coming...leave. But don't just hope in and take off immediately.


manta claus
Feb 23, 2004
Bakter said:
Hi Shooters!

Can ya help me a little bit about bot skill autoadjusting in SP?
Iam not a biggun, I went over ut2003 in adept difficulty and i try that in the new episode. I passed the first 3 or 4 DM levels without any problems then bastard AI defeated me with one frag. So the upshot was 14/15 for the benefit of the bot. Then I try again and the result was only 10/15. Then I try again and again again again and my results were getting worst an worst.
I realized I have no hope to win when the upshot was 4/15 for the benefit of the AI. Not my UT skills lowers cause I still can defeat bots in masterful or inhuman in istant action, but the f***ing bots ajusting their skills as I defeated. By my observation the more of my fails makes the AI more better:(
Is this observation right or not? Is it a bug or what? Can I solve this problem somehow? (I see out settings but I can't find SP relations at all)
Sorry for the long story but I feel myself humiliated and it makes me angry
Answers I thank you in anticipation.

Say, you don't have "auto-adjust skill level" checked, do you? That would explain the problem.


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
The problem is WHEN THE MATCH STARTS not after that. Everyone needs help getting to the first node or else they have to run forever to get there. It's not hard to wait 2 seconds for a couple people to hop on. Like Huggy said, honk, look around and if no one is coming...leave. But don't just hope in and take off immediately.

This probably differs from server to server, but the clan server I mainly play on, If you dont get the main node fast enough, you almost always lose. The only time that not taking off in a Manta is stupid, is if you dont link the node. People that just hit the node and run off are really worthless. You can link a node easily by yourself, and those who didnt get a vehicle, can teleport there. I do this on maps all the time. Especially Severance.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Raistlyn said:
This probably differs from server to server, but the clan server I mainly play on, If you dont get the main node fast enough, you almost always lose. The only time that not taking off in a Manta is stupid, is if you dont link the node. People that just hit the node and run off are really worthless. You can link a node easily by yourself, and those who didnt get a vehicle, can teleport there. I do this on maps all the time. Especially Severance.
Um. It takes as long for you to take the Manta, get to the node by yourself, and charge it up by yourself as it would take the entire rest of the team to run to the first node without vehicles.


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
Its based on the map. My team is usually smart enough to let me or whoever gets there first link the node on their own, and go to the other nodes in the goliath, hellbender, scorpion, etc. I wait a few seconds for people to jump on, or I just stand and wait for them to get in. The manta is kind of hard to jump on most of the time, so I usually sit there w8ting for people to jump on while they keep missing.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
It's not that hard, but I agree alot of people on pubs have a hard time of it. It's not like it's a big deal on pubs anyways, it either comes down to the middle node (on whatever map) or else it's a blowout. It's never a stand still or throwing back and forth like clan play does.