commander's log don't know, can't see a thing
Damn it, that hunter is smarter than I thought. I nearly had him fried in the warp core when he leapt out and paralysed us with some kind of all powerful attack. Whatever, it was, I must try and teach it to my Gengar. Still, I now stumble blindy in the general direction of the holodeck where the holographic doctor is residing. hopefully he can restore my vision back to normal. Hold on, I just heard something. A lot of security guards just ran past me. And a giant pizza. Hmm, interesting. Does nothing normal ever happen on this ship?
Damn it, that hunter is smarter than I thought. I nearly had him fried in the warp core when he leapt out and paralysed us with some kind of all powerful attack. Whatever, it was, I must try and teach it to my Gengar. Still, I now stumble blindy in the general direction of the holodeck where the holographic doctor is residing. hopefully he can restore my vision back to normal. Hold on, I just heard something. A lot of security guards just ran past me. And a giant pizza. Hmm, interesting. Does nothing normal ever happen on this ship?