the story of the starship 'uss eternaty'

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Jan 7, 2000
Lt. Junior Grade RizMan's Log, stardate: the day the whatever they are called attacked the USS Eternaty

While I just wanted to beam down to the surface of Casperia Prime, the captain beamed up, ordering everybody to battle station. So, I ran back to the bridge and sat down at my console, staring at the fleet of (acording to sensors) 34 ships. I don't know what the captains gonna do, but he ordered to fire at will, although I'm convinced that this is not a good idea, faccing the huge armada we're facing. However, as a Lt. Junior Grade I'm not allowed to question the captain's order. I hope our henke will be powerful enough, but he have to wait for TO. He's the one in charge of the ships weapons. Facing this armada, I would recommend using the Dicard Maneuver, perhaps it's gonna work. However, it's best to retreat IMHO/ However, as I already stated, I'm not gonna question the captains orders and I'm gonna wait for his orders.
It's no up to TO to fire at these bastards. I can't do anything else then try to avoid the ennemy fire, if they reply it, cause until now, they didn't open fire.

End Log


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!

thi....s cap...n C.....De

m....ogs.. r.... a little due to the surve....r p.......w los...

(humming noize)

Ah thats better!

good job engeneering.

as i beamed up to my ship and runned to the brige i gave the order to fire cuse the idiot henke gave me the message we were attackt!

i will have to speak with him about that!
(it might also be a misstake at my end)

good thing that when i arrived at the brige no shots where fired. i immidiatly saw that we were not under attack yet and with thte armada infrond of us we would not stand a change ne way.

i have ordered my communication officer that he should try to find out what these hailings r the r sending to us!

o wait i for got we dont have a com officer yet.
now i need to give our cyborg cannon ball the duty to try and learn the language and ajust our unibversal translators to communicate with them!


CaSCaDe out.


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Jun 6, 2000
Stockholm, Sweden
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cyborg canonball's log: stardate 4526.7

i could strap up both the emp and the Nitro pack and blow some of the Zonitopians into the next world. but it would proabably leave a few maybe 15, 20 ships intact. And i would need all the pikachus we have on the ship, and all the warheads we got.
but it wont be enough to take them all out, but i will be a hell of a bang.

Maybe we could call for some backup from somewhere?

but ill get ready and wait in the launce tube...just dont forget to pick me up this time.

over n out


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
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Manual Nutrition... Oper... no Status... aah forget it, Menial Worker's Log Stardate Krogposkjduiohfsygewfyus

How convenient, the log is corrupted just on the stardate.

Anyway, on emerging from the pizza pokemon I found that I had saved TO's and Rizman's lives, and it looks like I shall be accepted back into the crew. It almost makes up for coming out covered in pizza and Rizman running all the words in my name together in his log as if I am something TryingToBeCoolByNotUsingSpacesInMyNameButFailing.

Unfortunately it looks as if we are about to face certain death from a huge battlefleet. And what a coincidence, just I back down and remove Communications Officer from my title we need one to negotiate. Well, I'm not going to do it. No, I have my pride. Oh wait, no-one's asking me to. Well, I'd better get back to waiting for the order to switch the food replicators off to conserve power. Man this is boring. I didn't think anything could be more boring than being stuck with Pokemon A Curious Shade Of Pinky-Russet, Tinged With Mauve And Vomit-Coloured Stripes, but PACSOPR, TWMAV-CS looks like Unreal Tournament compared with this job. Maybe if I perform well during the almost-certainly-upcoming battle I can get promoted to switching the holodeck on and off as well. From there it is only about a million steps up the ladder to Captain, and THEN Eternaty will be spelt with an 'i'! But looking at our agressors through the viewscreen, it looks like I shall have to do this pretty quickly.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer's log Stardate 58945.5

Damn, just when I wanted to beam down to the surface we must be attacked by an armada of a race of which I forgot the name. I made some close range scans with the tactical sensors. They revealed some strange neutrino signatures. It seems that this armada isn't as poweful as we thought 25 of the 34 ships are holographic projections, created the distract us. As we now deal with only.... eh....9 ships and the Captain ordered us to fire at will, I decided to follow Lt. RizMan's idea of using the famous Picard manoeuver! The idea is this: We fire and intantly jump on warp 1 for a split second. The enemy ship will fire at our last position. Then we jump out of warp and open fire!
Nothing helps in this maneuver. And as we predict we were able to destroy 2 enemy ships before we took the first hits of torpedos. One of them hit the secondary energy dispatching system and a plasma line diectly behind the com console exploded. To our shock our loved Sam_The_Man stand there and was imedately killed when he was doing his best to help us. We will all miss him!

Damn, sh!t, the what-ever-the-are-called are stronger than I thought. Lt. RizMan: perepare henke for launch and fire when ready.
What's this........another Starfleet ship: USS Pannzer Blade NCC-56203. They will help

Neo Skinz

Shinobi of the wind<br><img src="http://www.greer9
Apr 14, 2000
Northern Ireland
Captains log: stardate 96854.70

We have just dropped out of warp and have commenced all out fire on the enemy fleet. Luckly we made it in time to backup the Eternaty before they managed to over power it.

Wot the, where the f00k did they come from ...........

[log interupted]


[Ship anouncment from Captain Neo Skinz]

We have been taken by suprise by what seems to be the other half of the enemy fleet. They where lying in wait using cloaking devices and took us from behind when we started our attack. (Damn llamas!)

Although we have destroyed the bulk of their forces, because of the heavy damage sustained in the attack I am ordering a complete evacuation of the ship, all personnel report to the escape transports and beam down to the surface of Casperia Prime. The emergency escape pods wont make it out of the blast radious in time so dont use them.

I will be setting the auto distruct in T minus 5 mins, I have requested that the Eternaty lures the other half of the enemy in proximity of the blast area and then warp out before she blows...those bastards are gonna fry with us. :mad:

[End of ship announcment]


My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
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Damn comm systems. I have been unable to communicate with the Etarnaty for a long time now. Before I crashed here, i detected a fleet of ships closing on the Eternaty with their weapons charged. I just hope that the ship has not been destroyed in battle. Nevertheless, the crew have proved themselves brave in the face of many dangers, so I am certain they will pull through. I can only continue to attempt to communicate with the captain.

Hold on, a large group of people have just beamed down not far from my position. They are not from the Eternaty but I'm getting lonely so I am going to greet them anyway. Hopefully they can give me some good news about the Eternaty.

Neo Skinz

Shinobi of the wind<br><img src="http://www.greer9
Apr 14, 2000
Northern Ireland
Ex Cpt Log : Piece of paper cos I left my comp on the Panzer Blade

Well the battle is over and I am happy to be in one peice. But alas my ship has been completely desimated (is that a word?).

As predicted the Eternaty lead enemy the fleet into the blast radious of the Panzer Blades auto destruct completely destroying the entire fleet...HA, NEVER LOST A BATTLE! Lost plenty of ships though, something to work on I guess. :p
The Eternaty thankfully managed to warp out not a minute too soon before the auto destruct commenced, just practicaly scorching the tail end of her causing little or no damage.

Sad news to report. My No.1, Lt. Commander Jennyway, was lost in the emergency transport being the last one of the ship (she had to make sure everyone of off first). I was sure she was right behind me but the transport must have been disrupted by the explosion of the Panzer. Either her particals where scrambled up into the nothingness of space or she has been bounced to another location on Casperia Prime away from the transport site. Its a known fact that such a transport failure can cause amnesia, so if she is alive it is imperative that we locate her quickly as her condition could be dire.

Most of my crew will be picked up by Star Fleet and reasigned within a few days. But I doubt Star Fleet will let me have another ship of my own for some time now so at the moment I'm waiting to see if the Eternaty will take me on as a Lt. Commander. Hopfully I can help with tactics and stratigic manuvours etc.
I've sent my request to CaScaD and hope that he will grant it.

Oh yeah and I need a new comp, this pen and paper thing sux ass! :mad:

Dammit, now my pen is running ou~

[Edited by [PuF]Neo_Skinz on 08-15-2000 at 04:09 PM]


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer 8-4-7-2's log Stardate 56655.2

Again we used henke and again he created havoc. Using his EMP blast he diabled 5 ships which we then destroyed with one shot. The USS Panzer Blade however was destroyed. But before I gave the order to fly in her vicinity and the jump on high warp. The enemy ships of the race I still don't know the name of, followed us and were completely wiped out! After this we flew back to Casperia Prime and salvaged henke. The repairs are underway, but the losses on both sides were high! We destroyed 25 enemy ships with about 10000 people on board. The USS Panzer Blade was lost to auto destruction,but all its crewmembers were safly beamed to the planet.On the Eternaty we lost Sam_The_Man.
I was glad to see how well our fine ship prooved in combat. She brought honor to her name: Build to last forever.

The Captain Neo_Skinz of the USS Panzer Blade will join our crew and serve as Lieutenenant Commander. We must still find a adequat position for him. As our Science Officer Skumboy is mysterously lost, that would be a possible position. I'll ask him what he likes. We also need a Communictaion Officer and a cook!

With the latest troubles over, I hope I can now finally relax on Casperia Prime. I set the ship to autopilot and checked in into a 6-star hotel named Kampana Inn Resort. I'm sure I will see the rest of the crew there soon.

[Edited by 8-4-7-2 on 08-15-2000 at 08:00 AM]

Thar T'Pak [=AA=]

New Member
Mar 2, 2000
Urbandale, IA USA
Stardate 0986509805649.1

Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak reporting.

Well, I have scoured the ship. No sign of the zonitopians anywhere. Rather odd for them.

%^&* - Damn the ship took a hit. I saw several members of the crew running around screaming about hull breaches and stock-on replicators.

I managed to make my way down to engineering. It is way to quiet, almost eerie. Where is the engineering crew? And the chief....wait..*sniff*sniff*


Hmm, how odd....


Damn, guess I better try shielding the other munkeys for a bit.

I have installed a local forcefield by the entrance/exit of the engineering section. They shouldn't be able to beam in now.

Now the hunt truly begins. Let's hope the unconscious munkeys stay that way until I am done.

The zonitopians should make excellent trophies.

Now the hunt in engineering begins.

Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak out.

Neo Skinz

Shinobi of the wind<br><img src="http://www.greer9
Apr 14, 2000
Northern Ireland
Ex Cpt (Currently Unasigned) Neo Skinz Log : 98876.71

Yay, been provided with a new comp, commence the spamming....errr...I mean logging! ;)

I've decided to take up the communications officer position as its the only one left that I can probably do.

Dammit I hate replicated food, I need to get in contact with my old cook from the Panzer Blade, hes probably browsing the vast food markets here on Casperia Prime. (*ahem, thats the cue for a new member of the crew to step in!*)

I've heard that the Eternaty is under heavy repare at the moment, with wot is left of the Panzer Blade being used to make the repairs. Apparently there is a situation in Enginering and they are having difficulty accessing it.

But for now I'm enjoying my surroundings on Casperia Prime, and getting very drunk at that! (Hey the loss of a ship can be a pretty hard thing to get over ya know!). Vortex is with me at the moment aswell, I've been updating him on what has been going on during his absence from the battle.

Still no word from the search party reguarding Jennyway. The search goes on, hope she's is ok. I'm keeping my hopes up that she is still in the land of the living. :(

[Edited by [PuF]Neo_Skinz on 08-15-2000 at 04:11 PM]


My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
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Kind of lost track of time on this planet, but who wouldn't. It feels good to be actually having a rest. I was relieved to here from Captain Neo (forgotten how to spell the last part, natch) that the battle went well although not without the unfortunate loss of his ship. I do feel guilty that I wasn't there to help during the battle. Still, we must all try and forget our duties for a while. Although I may feel obliged to search for Neo_Skinz (sp?) second in command Jennyway (OT - name sounds like a poster on these forums? :)). Always nice ot do a good deed every once in a while and we REALLY need some female crewmembers amongst us soon!

If not we'll either go mad from sexual frustration or die out, whatevers first. Talking about sexual frustrations, methinks it's time to try out some of this planets more "specialist" attractions. :)

Last minute memo to oneself:

get a new comp. You cannot live without the double spacing the other crewmembers seem to be enjoying.


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!
captains log stardate: ..............urhm...........urhm......still proccessing......

he battle is fought, the enemy has been wiped out!!
finaly we can have a rest!!!!!
he i think i might go here when i retier! (NO NOT YET!!)

the search for the lost commader of captain neo still goes on but in the mean time i take my time off to rwelax for a while and get relieved from the stress of runnign a starship:)

my own crew as far as i know is fine, repares are being conducted while i speak.

due to his bravory in the last battle i have given ex-captain Neo-Skinz the rank of ltd. commander and the position of communication officer as he requested.

well that was it for the formal job stuff, now LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


CaSCaDe out (party noise on the background)
Personal log - startdate -3.79+25.34i

I have just left the vorticon repair base where I got a new control console installed in my BMW, after I spilled coffee on the old one. The new one is made by some generic company - M1crosoft I think. Oh well, as long as it gets me to Casperia Prime in time to catch up with the rest of the Panzer Blade fleet.

[Edited by Elrod on 08-15-2000 at 05:59 PM]
Personal log - Stardate 3x²+5x+3÷Cos x

Well, first off, I've already begun to notice problems with this new console. It seems that this m0crosoft piece of $hit has difficulty getting the Stardate correct. Secondly, those idiot at the service station have bOrked my communications systems, because when I tried to contact Captain Neo_Skinz of the USS Panzer Blade fleet, all I got was a message on my console that read 'Illegal Operation', whatever the h3ll that means. I guess I have to choice to continue on this course until I'm within visual range.

[Edited by Elrod on 08-15-2000 at 06:04 PM]
Personal Log - Stardate 23134145.6

Well, I finally got the stardate fixed. Now I'm within visual range of Casperia Prime. However, I see no sign of the USS Panzer Blade...

Hmm, looks like there's been a battle; there's a large quantity of debris floating around out here....

Wait a minute! That piece of debris had the words USS Panzer Blade on it!! I wonder if any of the crew made it to safety?!?

WTF! All of my console screens just turned to a solid blue, with gibberish messages. Damn this m0crosoft peice of shit. Now I've lost control of the ship. Preparing for crash lan.................

[end log]


Feb 10, 2000
Medical Officers Log
StarDate: 69696969...
Ooops too many sixty nines...but it is casperia prime after all. I have found a new obsession lately. Monkey genetics. I'm trying to breed three headed monkeys on casperia prime. It's amazing nothing is illegal on this planet. Just being here all my inner shamanistic tendancies seemt to have been buried deep within me again. As long as I keep busy I don't think the curse of zipquee qua fil la should affect me. I don't know what that m0's problem was. All I did was sleep with his daughter and dissect his pet oodle-doodle the sinonian poodle. Ahh yes a unique specimen. It had three nipples instead of just two. I think I shall try to find one on casperia prime and gift it to the captain. They aren't very dangerous the worse thing they do is nip you in the buttocks and stick to them like glue till somebody beats the living daylights out of them and gets them off. For some reason the little buggers love hump the feet of Hirogn Hunters. I have my doubts we even have one on board since none of my Pokemon could detect it-alas they had served me well- it shouldn't be a problem therefore and stay tottaly loyal to the captain.
I beamed aboard the Eternaty to store medical supplies-finally bonafide human being medicine with no side effects- and somebody said something about this huge battle. Strange nobody told me. Though I think everybody else missed the wondeful display of fireworks!
Personal log - Stardate ?????

Somehow, I survived the crash with little more than a few bruises. Can't say as much for my ship, as it is now at the bottom of a lake. I think I see the lights of a city not too far away from here. Hopefully I can make it there on the few rations that I managed to pull from my sinking ship.
I wonder if I might find any of my comrades (sp) from the Panzer fleet there. I'm being optimistic that at least a few of them were able to escape to safety before the destruction of their ship.


Jan 7, 2000
Lt. Junior Grade RizMan's Log, Stardate: after the battle. To tired to look at my watch

Except of Sam_The_Man, all crewmembers have safely arrived on Casperia Prime. What a relief after the battle against the Zanitopians(sp?). As I had recommended, TO ordered the Picard Maneuver, and I'm really surprised that it worked so well, although we only managed to destroy 2 of the cruisers before being hit.
Fortunately, The USS Panzer Blade came for us, else, we wouldn't have stand a chance against the fleet. In the name of the whole Eternaty crew (I think everybody agrees) Thanks to Capt Noe for sacrifying his fine ship to safe ours.
The Eternaty is still being repaired. I asked Chief Engineer if it is possible to install a so-called Slipstream Engine on the Eternaty (see Voyager, don't know which episode), then we'll be able to fly faster, very much faster. Unforunatley, I even don't know if this engine can be made, as I only heard from it from rumours. Hopefully it can, would be great :), but enough of the business, it's time to party now.


I'm writing this log in my room in the Kampana Resort In, where I checked in. I don't know who else checked in there, but I saw 8-4-7-2. I'm gonna meet with him later and we're gonna get really drunk, and then we're gonna see if we can find any hot chicks to join the crew (or to do other things with, but I'm not gonna give any details ;) )
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