Lt. Junior Grade RizMan's Log, stardate: the day the whatever they are called attacked the USS Eternaty
While I just wanted to beam down to the surface of Casperia Prime, the captain beamed up, ordering everybody to battle station. So, I ran back to the bridge and sat down at my console, staring at the fleet of (acording to sensors) 34 ships. I don't know what the captains gonna do, but he ordered to fire at will, although I'm convinced that this is not a good idea, faccing the huge armada we're facing. However, as a Lt. Junior Grade I'm not allowed to question the captain's order. I hope our henke will be powerful enough, but he have to wait for TO. He's the one in charge of the ships weapons. Facing this armada, I would recommend using the Dicard Maneuver, perhaps it's gonna work. However, it's best to retreat IMHO/ However, as I already stated, I'm not gonna question the captains orders and I'm gonna wait for his orders.
It's no up to TO to fire at these bastards. I can't do anything else then try to avoid the ennemy fire, if they reply it, cause until now, they didn't open fire.
End Log
While I just wanted to beam down to the surface of Casperia Prime, the captain beamed up, ordering everybody to battle station. So, I ran back to the bridge and sat down at my console, staring at the fleet of (acording to sensors) 34 ships. I don't know what the captains gonna do, but he ordered to fire at will, although I'm convinced that this is not a good idea, faccing the huge armada we're facing. However, as a Lt. Junior Grade I'm not allowed to question the captain's order. I hope our henke will be powerful enough, but he have to wait for TO. He's the one in charge of the ships weapons. Facing this armada, I would recommend using the Dicard Maneuver, perhaps it's gonna work. However, it's best to retreat IMHO/ However, as I already stated, I'm not gonna question the captains orders and I'm gonna wait for his orders.
It's no up to TO to fire at these bastards. I can't do anything else then try to avoid the ennemy fire, if they reply it, cause until now, they didn't open fire.
End Log