Starlog 6745728366398467.2
Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak reporting.
These beings are amusing to no end. It seems that they have no direction and seem intent on saving every wounded being from here to the galactic core. I have managed to sneak into the command area again.
Hmm, noone appears to be about or noticing the lift's door opening and closing.
I see they attempted to fix that damn console called "Navigation". Hmm interesting. Here is one called "Life support" and another called "Weapon systems".
I quickly and carefully peels the name plates off and replaced "Life Support" with "Weapon systems" and vice versa.
Should be interesting to see the results. I, also found the captains quarters. I will hide in here for a while until I get more commands from the armada. In the mean time, I can snack on some peezza-schplam.
Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak out.
Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak reporting.
These beings are amusing to no end. It seems that they have no direction and seem intent on saving every wounded being from here to the galactic core. I have managed to sneak into the command area again.
Hmm, noone appears to be about or noticing the lift's door opening and closing.
I see they attempted to fix that damn console called "Navigation". Hmm interesting. Here is one called "Life support" and another called "Weapon systems".
I quickly and carefully peels the name plates off and replaced "Life Support" with "Weapon systems" and vice versa.
Should be interesting to see the results. I, also found the captains quarters. I will hide in here for a while until I get more commands from the armada. In the mean time, I can snack on some peezza-schplam.
Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak out.