the story of the starship 'uss eternaty'

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My last status sucked
Jan 19, 2000
Planet Express
Visit site
a rather uneventful day aboard the Eternaty...

first officers log stardate: whenever

Things have really calmed down here on the ship what with the captain back to normal (well, about as normal as we can get anyway) and no other threats from the Lorg or any other species. Started making up some imaginary trade roots I was so bored. We really need to open a portal to fluidic space soon 'cos I'm starting to get fed up with nothing but black (apart from stars and stuff) outside the window.


/me snores


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer's log Stardate lost my sense of time

I'm still sitting in this prison cell. I don't know how long I've been here as I lost my sense of time. It could be days or even weeks. Once they let me out and brought me to an interrogation room.
My people aked me all kind of questions about my life among the humanoids. They seemed very anxious if I told them anything about us. A lots of xenophobia was in the air, but they were more willing to ask question than answering them! I refused to give any answeres. This made them very angry. They injected me some unkown stuff, which caused me to morph back to my original shape! I don't look human anymore. I ask myself how the crew might react to this.

...the crew. If I only knew what happened to them...or if the will rescue me. I don't know if the Eternaty survived the battle! The last I know is that there was severe damage and hull breaches everywhere. We even lost the stearboard warp nacelle, and the Lorg invaded deck 11!
I must get out of here.


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
Visit site
Ambassador's log, Stardate 000923.1

Well, I've finally tamed the females, and they've agreed to come aboard the Eternaty and help us against "all those who oppose us" as I put it. The Eternaty should have received a delegation already.

I've spoken to the leader of the females, and she's agreed to meet with Vortex to "discuss some matters of mutual interest". He, he...

I am still awaiting an answer to the general broadcast I sent in an attempt to make contact with Thar T'Pak. I haven't heard from him, and we are in dire need of assistance from the Hirogen fleet in our battle against the Lorg.

I have heard that the Eternaty is in critical condition, unable to move. But at least the Captain seems to be back on board, undergoing un-lorgination.

I will leave this ship now, bringing my new sidekick Agge with me. We met during my negotiations with the females, and, well, we hit it off...

I'm off to find Thar T'Pak! More news as they evolve!

Omega Flyer - take me to the stars!

[Log - end]

Neo Skinz

Shinobi of the wind<br><img src="http://www.greer9
Apr 14, 2000
Northern Ireland
[Communications Officers Log : Stardate 98778.05]

The communications system was malfunctioning so I wasnt able to send anything directly to Starfleet. But thats been fixed now so I've been able to give them our current status that we are in need of critical repairs since we are now addrift it would seem!

Starfleet said they will send out a few repair ships which should arive soon to help repairs. They say they will send out the best technicians they have, perhaps they can help us work out a way let our ship enter fluid space. Heavy modifications will probably have to be done.

[End Log]
Starlog: damn damn damn

Starlog: damn damn damn

Here we are, living on a ship thats almost only fit to support moldy bubble gum, waiting for a repair ship to fix us so we can go into liquid space or something. Anyway, I have thought out my plan to dispose of the remaining lorg, and since no one else has mentioned any other ideas, I figure the only way to get 'em off of our ship is to jettison them out the airlocks using their favorite whatever to lure them in. All we need know is an expert on lorg behavior, then we get kill 'em all.



Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Transporter chief's log, Stardate 3464356

ok, since no-one seemed to take any notice of me when i said I know how to enter fluid space, I have once again informed everyone that we need to modify the deflector dish to emit a gamma frequency resonance burst at 14.6Ghz.

I've spoken to Beerbaron about the problem with the lorg on the ship, the lorg seem to want to seek new life forms and technology for their lorgination. if we put some new technology in the airlock, or a person, that might lure some of them in to be jetisoned. I could then beam the object or person back before any harm occurs.
Or I could just try to beam the lorg off the ship...
Beerbaron says he will consider my comments and suggestions along with everyone elses.

I still want to be a science officer, opperating transporters is boring, and now I have had a taste of being a science officer, I don't want to go back!


Official BuF-clown
Aug 7, 2000
Visit site
Ambassador's log, Stardate 000925.1

I'm hungry...

Has anyone seen our cook?

Still waiting to be contacted by Thar T'Pak...

[Log - end]

Thar T'Pak [=AA=]

New Member
Mar 2, 2000
Urbandale, IA USA
Star date 09583409873459438753

Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak reporting.

I have holed myself up in the captain's quarters again, letting my energy reserve build back up. I grabbed many a lorg trophy on a lorg controlled deck earlier, but managed to take a few injures from the fight. I think if I rest...

Wait. My communicator is going off. What is this? I man with bright red hair. Hmm, he's trying to communicate. I'll forward him to my voice mail as I am too tired to talk. And too hurt to even be of any good company.

Hmm, I just killed a a crewman. He was pushing a cart with some cleaning supplies. Ohh that was sad.

I just want to sleep....

*curls up in the captain's closet under his massive shoe collection*

Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak out.


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!
Captains log stardate 432424324242,432 or something like that

i have recovered very well, but as i was saying i still have some lorg implants that will and can not be removed.

as i walked to the corridors of the ship i saw some crew man looking at me as if i was some sort of fraek, feels very uncomfortably i might ad.
they realy looked afraid.

as for beerbaron: i have already told that i will be the bate for the lorg. as my remaning implants also contain a comphy spacemodule wich alows me to drift in space (the other lorg dont have them) so i will lure them to the air lock, guide them if you will, becuase they still see me as there leader (well sorta)

i am going to my courters now and have some rest (i'm still very tired from the surgery and lorg drone work presure)
i have urned it i might think.
what is that i hear????????
i hear a sorta snorring sound comming out of the closet???
lemme check that out.

WHAT!!!!!! it a hirogen hunteR!!!!!!!!!!!!


resume log.

man that was a scare!!!!!
since i have been back on board no body told me about the hirogen helping us out in the fight against the lorg...

i have to apogize the the hirogen that cals himself thar th'pak(SP?)

i am going to search for him now.

CaSCaDe out.


the idead of transporter chief D-stoya has made me think.
its a very good idea, and i think it might even work to help us get back TO 8472.
i think it is even so good i might even promote him to science officer since the transporters ar down neway and he can always help out in the sector when his other duties dont interfere with it.
ah what the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'll do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


good luck with the new post D-stroya, dont make me reget it.

CaSCaDe out.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer's log Stardate still don't know the time

I'm still in my holding cell. There were no further interrogations in the last days or whatever the time is now! In my original shape I don't any food or water. If I only were still humanoid! I'd die for one of Butress' home made pizzas. I guess my captors won't bring me one :(

Last night I fell into a telepathic trance (I don't need sleep). I had strange visions of my homeplanet. It's hard to describe within the limits of the human language, if not impossible!
When I woke up a strange pet sat in the corner of my cell. I still wonder what it is or how it came there. The authorities don't tolerate any other lifeforms in fluid space! This counts especially for not-so-intelligent minor animals. However it seems to be afraid of me. I can understand this: My current shape is in no way is cute as a human face. But I'm sure to gain it's reliance.
It pooped a strange black pearl on the floor. Being so desperate that even alien poop fascinates me I made a quick analyses: It's damn heavy and doesn't reflect any light.
I don't have a clue what it could be. If I only had a tricorder.

I made a first plan to esacpe here! That's the first duty of a Starfleet Officer (even before drowning with your ship). I saw a few guards who patroled the hallway or brought me to the interrogation room. Maybe I somehow manage to overwhelm one, put it into my cell and activate the forcefield behind me!
Then there is still the question how I escape from this ship, and get back to normal space!
But I'll deal with that problem I must get out of this cell!


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Science Officer's log: stardate 6247642.436^9

I've been promoted to science officer! I can hardly believe it! I just need to be carefull though, because if I abuse the position, I think Cascade will have me mopping the decks or something.
I was doing the graveyard shift on the bridge last night, and the repair crews reported that all of the damage has been repaired. I've made the modifications to the deflector, so we are now ready to venture into fluid space, and rescue 8-4-7-2!

Where the hell is Buttress? I could use some of his coffee when I'm on graveyard shift. Almost fell asleep last night on duty!
Starlog: Hmmm...

Hooray. We can finally enter that liquid/fluid/whatever space and rescue 8472! Anyway, since we seem to be missing a cook, I will volunteer my services as a backup cook until Butress gets back here. Although, everything I cook is either incredibly spicy, or has a high alchol content, its food notheles...

I hear that D-Stroya has been made our science officer. Well, congrats Dstroya, hope ya have fun with your new job!

Oh, I also heard that we still have a hirogen hunter on our ship. I still want to meet him, maybe learn something from him.



Feb 10, 2000
Medical Officer's Log
Stardate: Day of the moon married to the sun of the planet over there.
Whew what a relief. All that action going on with the lorg wiped me out. If hiding under my tiny desk wasn't bad enough, the crew pulled me out from my haven and made me work on the injured crew members. I mean comeon whose more important here??
The captains back, seems fine. Lorg on deck 11 haven't bothered my medical bay too much though their stupid lorg transmissions were messing up my interstellar net-entertainment viewer. I tried to request the ships engineer to send somebody over to fix it but he said something about being too busy? I mean WTF? So what if the ships falling apart. If I don't get entertainment I'll fall apart. I finally have decided to take matter into my own hands.
Ahh there it is. The object of my err..attention. The deflector dish controls. Now lemme see if I can just turn up the frequency here. Hmm no effect. I know I'll turn it up so high those lorg won't be able to get a damn thing through that'll disrupt my net. 14.6 GHz sounds good. Ahh there...wait a minute. Whats all this rumbling sound? Oh my whats happening, everything is is getting funky and curvy all off a sudden...err ulp..I'd better get out of here before somebody finds out I did this.....
*Out of Char*
Hope this ain't too out of it. I kinda got a synopsis of the story and then glanced through everybody's posts to catch up as I've been away. Feel free to correct me if something posted was wrong.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Personal log stardate 84932
I have been unconcious for day after the attack by the lorg. I am now trying to update on what had transpired in the past while. I have also found that humans sleep for extreemly short amounts of time. They only sleep a few hours I on the other hand am asleap most of the week and am only active two days of their weeks.
(that basicly means my parents won't let me get on the computer unless it's saturday and friday unless I get lucky which accounts for why I haven't posted for a while)


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Tactical Officer's log Stardate dont' know

During my time (I still don't know how long I'm here. If I only had one of those coll human wristwatches) here, I perfected my escape plan. I will wait until the guard comes again to take me to interrogation. If he (in fact, I don't really know if my guard is a "he". Our species has six sexes, and I'm bit out of practise to distinct all) switches off the forcefield, I will use my telepathic powers to confuse and shock him. ThenI should be able to push him into the cell and re-activte the force field. Once I'm in the hallway I'll head for the shuttle bay.
Then I must still find I way to reaturn back to normal space.


There is not much relaxation or variety in a prison cell! So I used my time to make friend with my new pet - whom a call Jim (in lack of a better name). I can know say that I won his confidence, as he often moves to my side of the cell and even humps my legs.
I further analized his strange poops. After I stared at it for a few hours ar it, I can say that it has a strange similarity with a rare and not wellknown substance, I heard our science crew talk about a few times: "Dark Matter"
It is said to be 100 times as powerful is the normal anti-matter. The only disadvantage is it's enermous weight: Every pound of dark matter weighs 10000 pounds! If I manage to escape from here I will talk to our Science Officer Skumboy, if he knows a way for the utilzation of this interesting power source.

Thar T'Pak [=AA=]

New Member
Mar 2, 2000
Urbandale, IA USA
Star date 986725498457345

Hunter-Seeker of the Third Triad Thar T'pak reporting.

Well, I am feeling better, though a little groggy from the smell eminating from the shoes.

Hmm red pumps. What an odd leader prey. They must by multi-sexual to be a leader.

Anyway, I have felt a very slight shift in the hull while laying on the floor....

Ehh, that damn leader saw me. I never heard someone shriek so high before. Maybe this leader is a female pretending to be a male. How odd....

Damn some tougher looking prey came in and picked me off the floor. If I wasn't wounded I'd....

Wait. I got a good look at the captain. He was lorganized?!?!?! And he still is here commanding this ship?!?!?!

Silly fools. Hopefully they did a full scan and disabled the neutrino bomb that they surely put inside the leader prey's stomach.

Ahh I think they are carrying me to sick bay..

Everything is blurring...turning black......


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Science officers log, stardate : 2624576.6537^pi

I'm still having trouble getting to grips with this new scientific pad! It's getting impossible doing stardates, I seem to get a load of nonsense numbers instead!
It would seem that someone has accidently opened the entrance to fluid space for us! I don't know who did it, so I've mentioned it to Beerbaron, and he's going to investigate. I suspect however that it was Shadow, our doctor, as the frequency that fluid space is on is shared with the frequency for Voodoo FM, which I believe our doctor favours. While a normal radio wouldn't open a portal, it seems he tried to tune the deflector dish to the station. If it was him that is.
I have scanned the opening, and it seems stable, so I see no reason why we shouldn't enter fluid space now. Onwards into the unknown!

I'm in the middle of re-installing my pad (PC) so I'm writing this log in the most basic screen configuration there is! AAAGH!


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Science officers log, stardate : 2624576.6537^pi

My scientific pad isn't calculating stardates right, nevermind.
It seems that someone has accidently set the deflector going to enter fluid space! the portal has opened, and seems stable, so it's all clear to take the ship in.

I don't know who set the deflector, but I've asked Beerbaron to find out. I suspect it's Doctor Shadow, as the frequency nearly matches Voodoo FM, which he listens to

I'm sure we can deal with the lorg on deck 11 on the way to rescue 8-4-7-2
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