Before I write my log: Yes I'm back from holiday. Some may be happy, some may not

Revenant: Nice to see your interested to join the crew, but you have to post in form of logs (read the first 30 pages of THE thread to get the hang for it

OK, now back to the story
Helmsman RizMan's log, stardate when I came back from Gran Canaria
I don't remeber everything what happened during the last past days, but I'm gonna try to report in this log what I do remember since my last log entry.
When species 8472 jumped out from fluid space, they destroyed the lorg fleet with only a few shots. After that, I fell sort of unconscious. I don't know exactly why, but according to the Doctor OshadowO, it was due to a distress call from the lorg. I will explain this: The lorg thread started when I got almost lorginated, however, the doctor then managed to rescue me (well, it was more the hirogen hunter). However, it seems that due to this almost lorganization, I still had a link to the collective and thus fell unconscious when they called for help. Probably because the lorg devices which remain in my body where malfonctiuning and thus made me, as already said, fall unconscious.
However, I feel as a new born man now and I'm ready to go and rescue 8-4-7-2 from fluid space. I hope we'll manage to save him cause the ship isn't really the same without him. He's a really good friend of mine and I wouldn't like to lose him in these conditions.
So as the singularity has been opened, I feel ready to bring this babay we use to call USSEternaty into fluid space and kick these guys a$$es.
End Log