I get the cease fire order from the captain, and quickly seal the door with a large amount of the sticky goop made from our Disturbed-Cocktails. But then I am contacted in private by him:
"Thrakhath, we need to get those things out of here NOW. We can't have them ripping up the station, they've gone NUTS! Don't you have some way of . . . of . . ."
"I understand captain, remove pokemon, post-haste. I'm on it."
I head down to engineering to set up some thing, I don't know how long it could take. I begin to look for some kind of sub-space burst, something that would affect them and not the rest of us.
Why do I have this creapy sensation? . . . my spine is tingling.
I begin by analizing the weird energy patterns that they seem to be feeding off of. It sudenly occers to me that I could rig the singularity generator (the fixed one in the time-lock) to send out a massive energy pulse of the same nature. I'm not sure what it would do. Bt it might have the same effect on the pokemon as pinching your skin when a mosquito is drawing "energy" from you.
"Thrakhath, we need to get those things out of here NOW. We can't have them ripping up the station, they've gone NUTS! Don't you have some way of . . . of . . ."
"I understand captain, remove pokemon, post-haste. I'm on it."
I head down to engineering to set up some thing, I don't know how long it could take. I begin to look for some kind of sub-space burst, something that would affect them and not the rest of us.
Why do I have this creapy sensation? . . . my spine is tingling.
I begin by analizing the weird energy patterns that they seem to be feeding off of. It sudenly occers to me that I could rig the singularity generator (the fixed one in the time-lock) to send out a massive energy pulse of the same nature. I'm not sure what it would do. Bt it might have the same effect on the pokemon as pinching your skin when a mosquito is drawing "energy" from you.