The story of the space Station "Deep Space Proxima Alpha"

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Uh oh.

*grabs a mic and calls up the salvage team*

EVERYONE!!! GET BACK TO THE STATION, FORGET THE SALVAGE, JUST GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE!!! I have analyzed the source of the pokemon goo on deck 11 and it was from a species VERY close to our station. Dont take any chances, just get back here! We will plan out what can be done about the salvage later.

I have increased production of my shotgun and I now have enough guns and shells for every member of the crew, come by and collect your weapon ASAP.


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
hmmm, well, we got a recall order but no captains auth.
the other DeaJae wound is gettin worse so he may need to return, no body knows if doc's holoemitter is working.
ill remain here, just hope some1 can fly the other shuttle, trouble is i think DeaJae's got about 3 hours to live i think he might just make it. bringin back phaser modules sheild arrays and tons of stuff.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
As I walk over the promenade deck my view swifts over the few visitors we already have. Even as this station is still a piece of trash held together by ducttape, I couldn't help but noticing the increasing numbers of merchants, travellers and pilgrims using Proxima Alpha as stop in the last days. If I look at this I think this station has the potential to become something bigger, to have success. Even all the hardship of the last years seem to be forgetten. Suddenly my communicator beeps.
"Sir...this is beerbaron...I have...the...the pokemon...deck 11...they are...everywhere!! Run for your lifes."
"What the hell!? Can you repeat that. The pokemon?"
"Yes, they are everywhere down here. Crates, ventilation ducts, replicators....get the crew back...I made weapons..we need to fight"
"Acknowledged. I will see what I can do. out"
That can't be true. After our reports to Earth, dozens of Starfleets vessels were sent out to hunt the pokemon to all four corners of the galaxy. Their homeworld was wiped out. And yet, as misserable as the odds for survivors were, and of all the places in the universe they come here. I begin to believe that this crew is cursed.
Beerbaron suggested to cancel the salvage mission. But I can't let this wreck fall into the hands of the enemy. This mission has to succeed. I walk a few meteres further. On a pillar to the right, I find a instestellar com panel.
"Captain to Lt. DeaJae. We need one of your teams back on the station. You, Myrmidion and my son are to get back here as fast as possible. We are in deep shit. Trakaath, Kilham and Stryker will proceed with the mission as planned. Good luck."
"Sir, somehow this ship is a portal into another universe. I found a duplicate of myself. What should I do?"
"Leave him where he is for now. We already got enough trouble. We can deal with him later. Give me a report about that phenomenon when you return"
"Yes, on my way"
With this a make my way to the armory, to grab a shotgun. I see some monks staring at me...


May 3, 2001
Wezep, The Netherlands
Visit site
Seems like we're gonna kill some pokemon!!!
I am very excited, those irritaties little furballs are disgusting and I can't wait to mow some of 'em down...

Now I don't have to express my anger on the crew, I can go and kill those pokebeasts!! Beerbaron wasn't talking crap after all...
Hmm, not many people taking weapons, I've only given out 3 shotguns w/ 2 boxes of shells each. Oh well, I warned 'em, let those f00s get plastered.

8472: "Beerbaron, are you certain its pokemon?"
Beerbaron: "GET DOWN!"
*shoves 8472 to the ground with his left hand, shottie in the right.*
*8472 looks up to see a pikachu biting down on the barrels of Beerbaron's shotgun
Beerbaron: "EAT THIS!*phwoom**splatter* "You still want proof sir?"

8472: "Good point, load me up :)"


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
the injured DeaJae is on his way back with team 1, they'll be there within the hour. ive found my way to main engineering and about to bring main power online. just need to clear the plasma streams. the others are with salvaging what they can.
Lt. DeaJae to Kilham, we have shields, propulsion, some weapons, naviagation and life support, we can take this ship away. Helm is controled by the bridge though, someone needs to get up there and transfer it to here, or take control of it.
Hmmm don't like that idea huh? Well, we can plan several more shuttle trips or just bring the whole wreck back.
"ok, ill send someone up there"
Right, ill work on restoring power sir.
When we get back to the station we'll secure it, then im enforcin marshall law till every1 learns to spell my damn name right!!!!


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
oh man, big probs, seems one of the deajae's is hurt badly, i knew we should have brought the emh, i tried to desinfect the wound with some trilian beer, lets hope it helps
In other news, i'v found a small device, its triangular, and has some lights on it, the blue one seems to flash all the time, i'll have to study this on the station.
The communications system aren't working as they should be, so we'r unable to conntact the other shuttle without having an annoying voice of spaceburger saying, can i help you?
Something is routing our communication relays, wish i know who or what it is.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
After an exhausting doubleshift I walk through the endless corridors to my quarters. Somehow I can't lose the feeling that I'm persuit. Maybe I got shot in the back a few time too often in the course of the years. Maybe all the latest troubles really gets down to me. As I come around another curve I nearly run over one of the monks. He is dressed in a black robe and painted his head red. Lt. Tarrantella said they are pilgrims from the planet Goshen, but actually I have no clue.
"Captain, you are doomed. The pokemon have come to avenge their kind and make you pay for your sins."
"What sins?"
"Listen, in three moons, when the twin suns set, this place will fall"
With this words he disappears into the hallway. I'm tended to think of it has spiritual bogus. But i have enough experience with this situations to know, that he can as well be true.
I make my to my quartes, still pondering why we hav't any contact to the away team

Read my last post!! You mixed up who is part of which team!!


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
DeaJae to all, Right ppl, power should be online in a moment, if the bridge is unlocked when Thrakhath resets the core we can get in and take control and take this ship back to the station.
and we'll catch up with the shuttle in 6 minutes.
resettin power core now.
*massive power drain on auxilary lights and systems*
"Thrakhath to DeaJae, Bridge is open we are plottin course to the station"
good, we'll be ready to tractor the shuttle on the way.
eta to shuttle 6 minutes, eta to station 30 minutes.


Lost in RL
Oct 11, 2000
Lying on a bunk aft of the shuttle, drifting half-asleep, still suffering the after-effects of the doctored drink two days ago. At least that's my excuse, though some of these thoughtless pilots aren't helping. Nor was the constant interruption of my sleep. 'veteron cascade emission please' 'of course why not?'. I really need to see the holodoc if err when we make it back.

A bright flash and a familliar sickening sensation brought me back to reality suddenly. I sat straight up, not a good idea when the bunks are only 18 inches apart. Ouch.
I stumbled forward to the engineering room, holding my bruised aching head.
'Engineer Thrakhath, that's a dangerous toy to be playing aroud with. I hope you remembered to set the destination dimension as well as our time-space coordinates?'.
'er um well I'
'Let's have a look, i've spent years trying to use these things to transport Starships instantly anywhere in the universe, but the spacio-temporal distortion field weakens at the inverse square of the distance from the generator. Using it on a shuttle this size any kid could do. Just try it on an Eternaty class ship though.'
'errr no thanks'
A few seconds told me that the destination was not correct, and more importantly, that this wasn't the generator I was looking for.
'I'll have this sorted in a couple of seconds' entering in the correct co-ords. I hit the engage button, which wasn't a good idea as it fell apart. Still, it must have worked as there was a brief sickly sensation nobody else would have noticed. We were back in our own universe.

'Give me a hand to get into this biosuit, I hate these things' I asked, but I was too late. The others must have had the comms systems switched to a different channel as they didn't appear to hear me. Though having seen the condition these spacesuits are in, maybe they just don't work.
Switching my portable scanner on, I was surprised to find many different power emissions from different areas of this very alien ship. Outside the shuttle airlock now, I used the rocket pack to move back from the alien craft. This was incredible, quite unlike anything I ever imagined travelling interstellar space. It seemed almost to have grown, rather than being built. Reminding me of an immense spider I felt a sudden urge to get back to the shuttle and take off for the safety of Proxima Alpha. I felt a cold chill of fear, not just due to the suit heater batteries failing. I had to find the rest of the crew, warn them something was waiting here for them. Loading my shock rifle in my right hand, I headed for the only visible opening in the dark ship ahead.

'DeaJae?' 'Thrahhath?' 'Anyone?' Nothing. My radio must be dud. Com badges were no use out here, they needed a central server onboard the space station to operate. I wandered through the glistening curved corridors as if lost inside some giant beast. The portable scanner was almost useless, so many strange power emissions swamped it, and I would have to be standing on top of one of our crew before it would detect them. Slowly I made my way towards the strongest of these signals. Almost there, the ship lurched forward, which was not too good for me, as I was facing backwards. I stood up again, holding a broken shock rifle and the scanner. Having no free hand to hold my now broken nose, I threw the rifle at the nearest pillar, cursing that n00bie engineer - could he not have checked the inertia dampers before starting the impulse engines?. This had not been the best of days up to now. It was then that I noticed the scanner display again. A new energy source had appeared, of course - the ship's engines were operating. But the signal I had been heading for had started to move towards the new signal. To engineering, and Thrakhath.

(ph34r the re-introduction of Imperial measuring systems in the 22nd centiury)


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
Ok, now somethings intterferin with comm signals, and the damn crew split up. Im pickin weird things up on internal scanners theres organisms moving up and down the inside of the core, i dunno if they are suposed to be in there though.
Im heading back down to engineering by the access conduits on
deck 7, should be near the communication grid by that way.
'Ugh, wtf did i put my hand in?.... Blood?'
I ready my phasor as i turn the corner, its very dark and i particulary don't want to go further, i fire and light up the conduit seein a light relay panel on the wall, thats better.
'hmmm, the blueprints say the access panel to communications is dead ahead by another 20 meters... but its here?'
i went in and checked out the equipment and switched it over to a reliable Starfleet frequency. i got a weird feelin about this. looks like the wall is regeneratoring itself. There was a hull breach here.
"Jae to Thkarhath... hmmm what if i said this starship is some kind of living organism. It seems to be repairin the hull breaches it had sustained"
"Yep just as i thought. never seen anything like it. Can't take a sample the damn stuff just withers to dust when detached from the rest of the ship"
"I'll inform Kilham"
"Ok Jae out"
I turn to hear something scuttle across the wall and out of the door.Hmmm wierd, pickin up no live signs unless... 'nanobots'?


Dec 8, 2000
Well. Im sitting here doing... well, not much at all. The away team is still... away, so ive been told. Im starting to feel like I need a transfer. Nothing much happens on the station apart from a few fights and a few explosions. Nothing I can really get my teeth into. Well, except maybe that lass down in engineering, hur hur hur :p

Oh well... Im gonna jettison some of the tourists just for fun :D


Re-edifying the post-panarchic duodonemy
Jan 28, 2001
Location: Location:
Nothing's changed on this here shuttle, I guess they'll signal when they want beamout, I'm not going in there after looks risky...


Mar 29, 2001
Dang it!

Just what the funny is going on, bio-ships here, pokemon there, weird stuff. I've been told by two people that SOMETHING is coming my way. I prep my gun with a canister of Xenotrimorphate. Basically a EMP for organics, my suit should protect me though. I ready for an assult from what ever angle it may come, while I make sure the engine stays active during our trip. I would have used the singularity gen, but it isn't big enough for a ship this size.

I also am analizing some of the technology laying around, some interesting stuff. A tazer-like insterment, a pez dispenser, a net launcher, some thing that appears to launch small canisters (ammo unknown), a device that generates noise on the psychic level, and a pistol which morphs to accomidate almost any kind of ammo (It's barral isn't very long, but can grow and shrink it's caliber from .002 to 12.3, and can adapt for energy or balistic ammo).

I take the pistol.

Then I hear something . . . . creepy. And in the shadows of course. Rather than take a chance, I let loose with a blast from my Xenotrimorphate shell.

I investigate the area, but there's nothing. I'm jumping at shadows, but I KNOW there was something there. I hope we get back soon, I can deal with pokemon, but not with whatever is in here . . .


May 3, 2001
Wezep, The Netherlands
Visit site
There's some weird stuff going on, especially that alive spaceship that the other group has to deal with. I'm almost of to killing some Pokemon, I just can't decide what weapon I'll take with me... Should I go for the Rocketlauncher? Or is a Biorifle enough to kill those things? Ah hell, I'll take the rocketlauncher just to make sure they'll be dead.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
More and more Goshen monks are coming to the station. Until now their motives and desination remains unknown. When I met one of them last night, I thought he was dressed in a robe. Seems the darkness or the corridor deceived my eyes. Now I can clearly notice that the robe only covers the red head and the back. On the front they are totally nakes. Their wangs are also covered with little versions of their heads. I saw monks with two to eight goshen heads wangs. It seems that this nakeness is a holy thing for them. Little to nothing is known about their culture.
DeeperShade seemed a bit bored last time I met him. So I told him to investigate this.

One of the shuttles is on the way back here. Ionic storms in the region forbid any communication for now. We can't tell who is on it. For his own sake I hope it's not Stryker as our supply with alcoholic beverages only depends on him. And in light of the new pokemon threat we desperatly need beer. We also started to use the industrial replicators on deck 36, section 89 lamda, to replicate pizza. Most pokemon infected areas will be sealed of with pizza. On another note, the pizza is delicious. I immediatly took a few to my office and hope noone notices it.


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
I've encountered the pokemon! When Beerbaron put out the anouncement, i grabbed a shotgun straight away, thinking hey, if i don't get to use it, it'll at least impress the ladys! :D
anyway, i was heading to check up on kilham's project in the makeshift lab on deck 16, when all of a sudden, the room was filling with pokemon! they're everywhere! there's so many, they've blocked the sensors, and the deck has been sealed off! I'm trapped, and no one knows i'm here! nooo! i'm going to die!
hey, wait, i've got a communicator!
Doh! *slaps own forehead*

D-Stroya: D-Stroya to captain
8-4-7-2: captain here
D-S: i'm trapped on deck 16! there's pokemon everywhere! and the deck's sealed off!
8472: I'll get beerbaron down there straight away, captain out

well, thank goodness for that! beerbaron's the best pokemon fighter here, so i'll just hold these critters off till i'm rescued!


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
Ok, the starship and shuttle is back at the station and are shuttlin to the station. Every1 seems nervous about battlin the pokemon just for this station. We had reports of walls being torn down by them, especially on the power source decks. Maybe the reactors are making a effect on them.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Finally some good new. The salavage team made it back alive. The shuttle with DeaJae, Trakkath, Kilham and my son, and the ship are orbiting the station. However it seems part of the team is trapped on the ship which is organic and alive. Deeoershade is currently doing some scans and working on rescue plan
The seconds shuttle with Myrmidion and Stryker is still in Zonitopian space trying to purchase alcohol.
Until now it seems that the prophecy of the Goshen monk about one crewman not returning won't fullfil
Suddenly my combadge beeps...D-Stroya is trapped on Deck 16 and request help.
"Captain to beerbaron"
"I'm busy sir...die you furry critter..I'm in my quarters! They have been invaded by pokemon"
Seems I have to do it on my own. I grab my shotgun, and head to deck 16. I only hope I will arrive in time to help D-Stroya
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