The story of the space Station "Deep Space Proxima Alpha"

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Re-edifying the post-panarchic duodonemy
Jan 28, 2001
Location: Location:
Aha, apparently we'll be getting some half-way decent shuttles. That's good, because the ones here tend to veer to one side...probably need their center-point resetting. Oh well, I guess that finally I'll be able to fly in a fairly shuttle-free place, it's not as if it was really my fault...

Also, we're getting hold of a serious ship, a Patrol boat or something. Haven't seen it's make yet, but you don't generally come across one of those unless you're looking for serious protection. Those things have about twenty hardpoints on them....anywhoo....I guess we'll find out what they're expecting us to do out here. If they were expecting enough trouble to send us some vessels packing serious weapons, why didn't they send us a new space station? This hunk of junk can't exactly fit the bill for an all out attack, unless there's something about it that means it's suited for the job....well, I'm going to see what the excuses for crew quarters are like.


Mar 29, 2001
Hmmm. I'm not quite sure where to begin, this sorry excuse for a space station is one big "needs-to-be-fixed" dump heap.

Well since we're almost out of batteries, I'll install the external Power generator first, along with two of the Fusion generators in Engineering.

:hmm: This is going to be a LONG night.


Lost and cannot be found
May 1, 2001
Far away from here
Today was the first day I, medical hologram Beta Uxciar Socom Carpa Epsilon Megkla Epsilon (Buscemi for friends) was activated. My first job was to heal Engineer Thrakhath from the heavy wounds he sustained installing the external Power generator. He should have known that the red wire is supposed to be connected to the blue wire, not the other red one.
Furthermore I have to asigned by the capt'n to find a cure for 'possible' hangovers and i must prepare for 'little arguments' that may follow between the crew members. Sheesj, this promises one hell of a stay!


May 3, 2001
Wezep, The Netherlands
Visit site
I'm so smart, I managed to sneak on the Spacestation where my FATHER 8-4-7-2 has a high rank. I hope he won't get mad.
My intentions are good and I just want help. I'll just go and find my father...


Dec 8, 2000
Tactical Officers Medical Log
Date: 12/320/23498

Goddamn. Im gonna kill that Spl0rk. I tried out one of his *ahem* pleasure bots. PLEASURE!?! Damned thing nearly ripped it off! Its gonna be out of action for weeks!

Worst thing is, ive got a hot date tonight with that blonde bird from engineering... and I'd bought the whipped cream especially :hmm:

Oh well.. I thing I might be able to get it working for 1 night only :D

Oh.. and I just realised that were not meant to be making logs.... damnit...:hmm: Oh well

*DeeperShade clenches his buttocks and walks off*


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
same old, same old

Well, my third day aboard this *thing*
I'v been assigned bartender of the station's bar, well at least the pay is good and its all you can drink for me ;)
Anyway, i'v heard some weird rumors, since my costumers like to talk after five bottles of Ferengi wine. It appears that beerbaron has some sort of pokemon fetisch, and that that the blonde transvestite from engineering has a date with the tactical officer, wonder how that will work out.
anyway, seems the replicators are screwed again, oh well, i'll order some Veridian beers with the shuttle mail.


Lost in RL
Oct 11, 2000
The noise woudn't stop. Warp core breach alarm. The Eternaty was trapped in a wormhole and.....

I struggled to free myself of the aldehyde-induced stupour and pain. Hit the 'receive' button on the primitive comm system 'are you there sir?' Yes. What's wrong?. 'Just received a subspace message for you. Source would not identify itself. Could you come and take a look?' On my way.

On the way down to the communications room I realised this place really did look worse sober. On any ship or station in the fleet a subspace relay direct to anywhere or any person on board was considered essential, but here there was only one comms system, housed in a storage room near Engineering.
I knocked and entered, startling the newbie comms officer. Before he had a chance to speak I had read through the log in front of him, only one incoming transmission. I recognised the station ID instantly.
'Out' I said. 'Sorry but I have orders not..' 'OUT!'

Alone, I seated myself in front of the transmitter control panel. Not exactly the latest issue. Thirty seconds later I had a link established. The reply was instantaneous, as I expected.
'I suppose you are wondering why you're stuck in a hole like that?'
'Yes I was, but now things seem to be making a little more sense'
A cold laugh followed, sounding as if from somebody who had never heard a joke before. I wondered how amusing he might have found the story currently circulating about our Tactical Officer's pleasure bot having been 'reprogrammed'.
I received my orders. 'Nobody must know at this time. Some special supplies will have arrived for you, hidden in the cargo shipment. You know where to look.'

First thing I needed now was the shortest route to the bar. Recovering the 'modified' Singularity generator could wait.


gaem freak in 3 dimensions
Apr 7, 2000
somewhere you are not!
admiral casc

it took a few days, but its gonna happen!!!
i have organized a nice riunion party wiht a few klungin friends of mine.
counselor K'mtar also agree to come, maybee he could mean some thing t othem, you never know.
i just hope im in time before they arrive. probably not but what the hell, it will be a killer party non the less.
lets just hope those darn zomptonias dont attack in the middle of the party, most about the station dont know but they seem to be a bigger thread to the federation then the lorg!
hmm, better not tell my old crew of the eternay, we have had our share of problems with the lorg for about 10 lifetimes...... damn i hope they are all fine, oh well, im on route to the staion and i should be there in about.... urhm...... 30 minutes
ah yes i can see it now!
but, but ,but! THEY COULDNT HAVE SEND MY FRIENDS TO THAT PILE OF CRAP! i am the most respected admiral in starfleet! how could they send MY friends to that, that, that... dump.
geez, i am going to have to speak a firm word with teh people at startfleet headquarters!

but for now lets just concentrate on the party, hmmm i see teh uss essess has alreayd docked damn im to l8, oh well.

open hailing frequenties
<computer voice> hailing frequensies open
this is admiral cascade requestion permission to doc
<com voice> permision granted sir
computer close frequenties.
<computer voice> closed

ah just a few minutes and ill see my old friends again!
I finally managed to add a warp core drive to my secret ship, and added 5 locks, each responding to a differnt form of passwords, I should get the old crew alert and ready to leave this floating mound of bolts and duct tape.

I have been accused of having a pokemon fetish. Apparently TTRStryker8 has no idea of how disturbing a pokemon wave of destruction eating everything in its path can be to one person, I still have nightmares from those furry bastards...

It might be this alcohol, but I think I'm seeing another one of those wavy-air guys that played around on our ship, I should be on alert and inform someone...

8472 has not yet acknowledged my telepathic message in any form, I guess I'll pay him a visit.


Dances with spiders.
Apr 1, 2001
Visit site
Captain...Ive just checked the reports on the transfer of stores including the generators and Mark 11c shuttles. The patrol vessel FPV Stark and her shakedown crew have reported all clear and ready to hand over to the duty crew on the station .Some excellent work from the new ensign ....

Some of the crates were reporting anomalously high mass values but we havent the time to check everything.The remaining cargo is being redistributed on a need to use basis.

I also had word from the starbase' logistics engineer who says there might be some salvageable parts on the fourth planet that we can use to repair our failing inertial damping system.

Ill have further details on that and a complete engineers report on the Essess, but Im not hopeful Sir...Tarantella ..out.


May 3, 2001
Wezep, The Netherlands
Visit site
I just met a guy named "beerbaron", he was on his way to my father. At the moment I'm walking next to him, after all I'm looking for my father as well. This beerbaron isn't a quiet person, he keeps talking about strange creatures named "Pokemon", he kinda scares me....


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
we have a sercurity breach on deck 23. some1 has gained access to the shuttle bay. i suspect some1 is goin to try and tgake one of the new shuttles, i better get down there in case they aren't on duty. i wish the captain shares shedules with us sercurity so we can maintain order here.

new ppl have arrived on the station... quite a few nice looking humans ladies. things are going smoothly sercurity wise.
we caught senior officers mostly breakin the laws.
apparently theres this bylaw what allows wild cattle to roam the decks in the early hours.... some kind of ritaul from the 20th centaury... i can't find any literture sayin its a crime i explained.... but he insisted he was innocent of not breakin the law.


Mar 29, 2001
As soon as I got out of the med-bay, I went to see if the doc's sarcasim sub-routine could be removed. Unfortunatly, it is tied into his medical knowlegde database and I really don't want to damage that. So instead, I reset the color phase alinement to an aruzinky-type color gradeint.

Then I decided to head down to engineering for some fun with those sigularity generators. As I was fooling with one of them, I noticed that it had been modified in a ver peculiar way . . . .

"Darn it! Whoever did this was a moron. You can't have the phase varience set to 4.7, It'll cause one of those temporal-cascade-vortex-warp-mack-nural-space anomilies. Hmmmmm . . . . If one of these things were activated here, it could swallow the station in a hole in space. Not good.

I could rest it, but who ever did this might notice. If I activated the OTHER sigularity generator, and left it OUTSIDE the station, it might act as a safty rope in case the first one is activated, allowing us to have a link to normal space and we could get out! Maybe.

I'll start on that, and I'll report to Beerbaron and DeaJay that we might have a sabatour.


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
well, another crowded night at the bar. Now would be a perfect time to start selling those new Neridian bars, heard they are made of 200% pure sugar mixed with some Verripsile droppings.
We'll see how that mixes with pure smirnoff
anyway, overheard something about a saboteur, i'll keep a lookout for suspicious persons in the bar.
Damn, whats wrong with the lights again, i'll have engineering to look at it, must be the kazon snails again in the grid, damn those slippery suckers, they always slip away


Mar 29, 2001
The bar keep called and yelled at me at 2am, something about lights and snails . . . .

Grrrrr . . . Doesn't he realize that not everone works at unearthly hours? *grumble* I pull myself out of bed and grap some coffe from the replicator. YUCK! Ok, replicators on deck 11 are the next thing on my list.

So I grab a spazer, some bug spray, and my work bag. Then head up to the bar.

"What seems to be the probem here?" I ask slightly gumpily
"Well, the damn light are freaking out again. You're the engineer, you fix it."

I look around, not too many people here (probably sleeping), so I pick a deserted corner, and pull off the access panels there.

Half an hour later, I find the problem, a snails' nest dripped some slime and jumped a few wires temporarily. That evaporated the slime and the lights would work again until more slime . . .

I tried explaining this to the bar keep, but he was snippy and sarcastic about it, I guess he wanted to go to bed too. I fixed the probelm. I left. Then I went back to bed. And THIS time I put the "do not disturb" option on the phone.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
A busy day, I'm really tired. As the ops still isn't fully working I have - and actually want - to hang out in the bar. Lot's of personell stuff to do. A lot of people arrived. Lt. DeaJae arrived from Starfleet Secrituy. He is a good officer but I had to inform him that the post of the Securitychief is occupied by beerbaron. So I assigned him as security officer to asissit beerbaron. I'm not sure how he reacted on that.
The enginerring crew is complete too. With Lt. Thrakhath as Chief enginner, and Lt. Tarantella as 2nd in command down there. All supplies from the USS Essess have been transferred, so I have hope that the station is running well again - if you can speak of "well" on a junkyard like this. To keep the station apart we received a huge load of ducttape. At once I took some roles for...erm...private use. The new shuttles also arrived and Myrmidion is already giving them strange looks. Speaking of him: I saw him carrying some holographic sheep projectors away from the cargo bay. I can't make any sense of that.
The Emergency Medical Hologram or EHM for short has also been installed in sickbay. Very good, as I have this nasty splinter in my one of my fingers.

More good news:
Admiral Cascade found is and arrived in his private shuttle. We have assembled the crew and are partying now in the bar. Deepershade arrived with his now girlfriend, altough she has a somewhat masculine touch. Stryker is busy serving drinks in a sizes and colours. That will be a terrible hangover. With the delight I recognized the arrival of many chicks on the station. I shudder at the thought of our sex-deprived days on the Eternaty.
"Father! There you are!"
"er? what the heck!"
"Sir, can I kill him for you?"
"No Lt. Cmd. beerbaron, let him live for a while"
"Father, don't you know me I'm your son"
Son? This can't be. I never had time...well there was this 3-boobed hooker on Danieb II, then the little incident on Gornel XXI....can holograms get pregant?! This just isn't right....

I posted a crewlist in the discussion thread


Mar 29, 2001
After my nice sleep, I get up at 5, and head upstairs to see what's up. A party!? Woohoo! I decide to mingle for a bit.

Who's that kid pestering the capt'n? Maybe I should phasor him, but no, it's looks like he's got security to handle it, and I might hit someones beer, and that wouldn't be good.

Stryker askes me to leave my weapon at the door, and not wanting to start a fight, I do. Also, since I still have much work to do, I can't afford to get druck like everyone else, and opt for some telworkian friut juice.

AAHHHHH! Much better than that sewer water that my replicator is spewing. I sit down to enjoy it, and note the perfectly functioning lights.


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
well, been a long night, i finally got engineering to look after the light problem, seems those pesky slimey snails from hell won't bother me for a while. I really should appologise for me yelling at Thrakhath, i didn't knew what came over me. The engineering guy came back next morning seems he had a bad night, came walking in with his phaz0r, i confescated it, perhaps now i'll be able to defend my self better then with the Triouth touthpick under my bar if any customers are getting phisical.
I'm also thinking of adding some crAp tables, the place needs some amusement, since the holodecks are always occupied people are getting grumpy. Perhaps we need a moral officer?
Still no word from security about that saboteur, i didn't saw any1 suspicious, yet.


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
hmmm, theres been a report of tampering with the singularity modules and more reports of these snails? whered they come from i dunno.

i hear im no longer in charge of sercurity, but something tells me im still doin most of the work. ive finished rotas and weapons assignments. all defensive sercurity ops are ready now, regular drillin should keep the crew in shape.

im investigating the tampering with shuttles and the generators. i will investigate the ladies at the party next. that jumped to second on the list. ive also been asked to find a missing sock, ive put that as low priority. ive submited a report to science askin for internal scans of the stations cargo bays at regular intervals for smuggling detection. the singularity generators are similar to the ones what were on board the hydran destroyer nautilus which i captained, then got captured by the humans. i wish i could locate the wreck then we can get this base back upto operational status way before shedule, i will consult the captain rite away


Mar 29, 2001
After my juice, I head off to work. I tell Stryker to keep the phasor, it looks like this place could get a little rough after all these guys start swigging big time.

On my way down, I notice an access panel which looks like it was put back by a n00b. I mutter the name Tarentella, in an unkind manner, and set to fixing it. But then I noticed that it was not Tarentells who had done this, because it smelled like Jalepenos, and he's alergic to them. So I looked to see what had been done.

The Com lines had been tapped. That sabatour has gotten farther than I thought.

I then tapped my Com badge, and called the security office.

"If you would like to talk with an inmate, press 1. If you would like to report a theft, press 2. If you would like to press 3, press 3. If you would like to report an assassination, press 4. IF you are . . ." *click*

Darn, they were probably both boozing and . . . No, DeaJay said he was going to be in the hanger looking at the shuttles.

So I headed to the hanger.
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