|ChAoS|Merlin said:
Well in reply to your questions Prophet, #1 yes I did do a map which you gave a low score, but that was'nt the problem it deserved a low score, what it did'nt deserver was your gay style of humor, " This map scares teh Prophet." #2 if you consider Codex a 10 then as I have commented on your map Imago it is a 7 IMO really not a bad map at all, but If you think Codex is a 5, well then I would have to revise the rating on Imago and call it a 3. As far as not all the original maps being 10's that is BS, even if you dont like Fetid it was still considered a good enough map to be included in the game with all the others, Take some advice from your own Hourence dude and dont try to act as if you know more than the game makers themselves.
PS, the Merlin which I take my nick from is much more than a Wizard, he is a Prince of Amber and a Lord of Chaos. Read the Amber Chronicles by Roger Zelazny you may enjoy them.
You are the most arrogant ****-stuck-in-eyes poster I've ever had the displeasure of viewing posts of.
Codex is not a 10. We have said that already. Really, we have. Seriously. Yes. Prehaps if I repete myself, i won#'t have to post three ****ing times.
So, Tubes of **** is a 4, yet imago is a three?
The gameplay is about the same, if you look at it without saying "OMFG I LOVE THEM SPAM MAPS!"
Imago looks better than tos too.
The difference is like looking at your granmother and then looking at -insert female goddes-
None of the original maps are 10. That is utter BS. Yes, BS yourself too. In no way are they 100% perfect. I mean, ffs, play morbias. ****. Ghey, simple, stupid gameplay, and it's looks might as well be TOS style. Look at... all the maps. I could find a error or a gameplay problem in nearly all.
I could ask hour or another one of the mappers at Nalicity who can get jobs as level developers, and probably know CliffyB, if they think that the original maps are 10s.
No. They are 5's, on average. And read that word this time, please. Prehaps wipe the crap from your face first :/
Btw, There are people out there are map better than the pros. Thats why the oringinals are worth 5's - because better maps have been made.
Also, there are people who know the game better than the makers. It is possible. I mean, game developers are onlu human, after all.
And you can argue all you want - I shall give proof if needed. I can link to maps and mods that outshine the original game.