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Apr 22, 2008
Behind the Great Australian Firewall
I never understood how to use levitation spells in Morrowind. But it was such an awesome game. Had so much more feeling than Oblivion did. I'm hoping ES5 will have as much charm as Morrowind with a lovely new graphical engine to boot.


Obey Leash Laws
Jul 19, 1999
Nowhere to be found.
C&C 3: Really brings it back to the original C&C style with additions that don't kill the feel. Garrisoning, calling in air/arty strikes, refined build tree that doesn't feel like you are leveling up like in an RPG, etc. I stopped playing C&C after Red Alert, and recently got back into it. Generals felt wrong, in my opinion. Didn't quite enjoy it, and it felt more hokey and childish. C&C 3 has the graphics, story, and gameplay that set it up for a good win (FMV is cool, too, but some of it is so laughable you wonder if they are serious or not).


(Following up with the Stalker comments: yeah, I agree. Bad UI, gameplay feels like an RPG where you start out so piss poor weak you are vulnerable to kittens, etc. Graphics are decent, I guess)


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island

World of Warcraft 8.5 / 10

Chances are you've had a set opinion about this MMO for some time now. But I'm just going to take a step back and take into perspective how long I've been playing this game and in terms of quantity how much of a game this is.

My main character has been played for 111 days. With several alts I also have an added 6 days of play. So I WoW has been running on one of my computers for 117 days of game time. That's over 2,800 hours of play.

I think on average, a game takes around a day of game time for me to complete. This essentially leaves WoW 117 times longer than an average game.

Granted these thousands of hours are not all spent actually playing the game. Flight paths, waiting for groups to be ready for a fight, and other downtimes have probably added up to at least 17 of the days spent doing more or less nothing. Even so, I'd estimate 100 days of WoW have been playing what is mostly a fun game.

If I've paid 50 dollars for enough game to replace my time with WoW, I'd be talking about $5,000 dollars spent. Instead, after playing since 2004, I've spent around $800. Fair enough deal.

Of course, there's always the argument that I've wasted $800 dollars and roughly a third of a year of my life on a single game. But hey, I like WoW enough to view it as a game big and enjoyable enough to be worth that price.
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Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
Visit site
Mass Effect 8 / 10

Awesome story, good action, great graphics, and I like the 3rd person shooter/rpg mix. However, a lot of the side missions are rather repetitive, and the game has major issues with locking up whenever it feels.


is ironing his panties!
Viking: Battle for Asgard

The game itself is beautiful. Personally i've always loved Norse/Anglo-Saxon mythology and have even made some poor attempts at learning Anglo-Saxon, (I have all the materials but not the wit sadly) i've also read as many saga's as i could lay my hands on.

The jist of my review is this. I was disapointed and i'll post a feature list to explain as to why;
  • *The Story of a Viking Hero - Skarin is an uncompromising force. A play-thing of the gods rebelling against their selfish agenda. The definitive Viking warrior.
This is not untrue
  • * Rich Viking Lore - The violent and glorious world of Viking mythology brought to stunning life. Players will write their own legends to be told around the campfire.
This is not so true, the world is pretty convincing but it makes some changes, one in particular and a big one is the viking soldiers, they appear more like roman centurians to me. that adn the lore itself is barely mentioned and where it is it's been altered.
  • * Vast Open World Environments - Explore, uncover and fight your way across huge next-gen worlds full of combat, exploration and quests.
Huge worlds? This is another term for "Quite large islands" i imagine. The exploration is minimal as the linear quest/game story leads you to anywhere of interest and the spaces in between are often littered with a whole lot of nothing at all. Except prettyness.... silent prettyness.
  • * High Impact, Brutal Combat Engine - High-impact, brutal combat. Dismember enemies and experience high-impact melee combat unlike any game you've played.
unlike any game I've played? i think not. The combat is good but by the end of the first level(of 3) you've mastered everything you need to know and at best it's simple hack and slash gaming combat
  • * Mythical Powers - Tame dragons and command them to rain fire upon your enemies. Call on magic and the power of the gods to win the mortal war.
Uunderwhelming. You have to rescue one dragon per island and having more than one dragon doesn't appear to give any more advantage than having one dragon, they look cool flying around above your base though.
  • * Free Your People - Liberate your Viking kinsmen from the clutches of Hel. Earn their trust and their sword arm. Fight alongside them in battle.

This forms the bulk of the game and running around midgard finding the camps and slaughtering stuff and seeing how pretty the world is certainly is the best part of the game but rescuing one camp is very much teh same as rescuing another.
  • * Epic Battles - Lay the foundations for huge battles featuring hundreds of dynamic NPC warriors. Subtly influence the battle through targeted assassination or wade in to save stricken allies. Become one amongst many and turn the tide in favour of your kinsmen.
This is where it flops for me, the "Epic" battles are pretty cool to witness. massive front lines of legion and vikings charging into each other but once they hit? You can't tell friend from foe, not only that but both the legion and your soldiers respawn continously. The objective for you is to slay the "shamans" that respawn them. This of course is a challenge impossible for the soldiers themselves to achieve and at the end of the day you end up totally ignorign the massive battle surrounding you of endlessly respawning bots slapping each other and just heading for the objectives. That's it. subtlety, assassination or wading in to rescue striken allies are gross exaggerations.

It also fails to mention that before many of the epic battles your required to "Sneak" into the base that your later to attack. It's interesting but it's a feature that feels tacked on, especially considering when you attack it moments later the fortress is suddenly several hundred times more densely populated than before.

Viking does a nice job of the visuals, everything looks right, it's cold, snowy,there are dragons flying around. You use an axe and a sword as your basic equipment rather than just swords. Good ol' hack and slash and the core game is fun.

However. I think the sound department were given a day off on day two and forgot to come back to work, unless your fighting the game is almost entirely silent, no birds tweeting or wind blowing, minimal music. Even some explosions and basic combat sounds are missing. The waves do crash though.
In summary. The story seemed unfinished, the gameplay seemed unfinished, the sound was undeniably unfinished which, by the end of teh game leads you to think you've just paid a company for selling you a project they'd given up on.

i'm disapointed mostly because this theme is mostly unexplored and it has So much potential but the only place i'm going to see anything like it in the near future is in northrend via WoW sadly which will be nothing of the sort.

I've sadly not touched on the other things that got to me or even the things i really liked (and i found enough to play the game to the end) but i've already editted this post down severalt imes and it's still huge, i simply have too much to say on the subject so at the end of the day i'll just say it's not a bad game that is worth a play but for the folks on these forums there are far better titles. (And probably not worth full retail price, rental or secondhand is acceptable)
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Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Final Fantasy IV DS 10/10

This was my first FF game as a child so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Everything is as it was back in 1991 only in beautiful 3d and with voice acting no less :) Even after all these years the Zeromus theme and main FF theme that plays beforehand still brings a tear to my eye. If there are some faults it would be that the voice acting does seem forced in parts(especially Cid he sounds like a bear), and also I remember in an article that there was supposed to be nearly a 1/3 of content that was left out of the original because of memory constraints. But what is left in there is just fine. There are a couple of fleshed out cutscenes on how Cecil ended up with the King of Baron and Golbez with Zemus. Overall they couldnt have done a better job.

Bionic Commando Rearmed 8/10

My first time ever playing a Bionic Commando game and it left me impressed. I watched videos of the original and they basically recreated the game level for level but with nicely done graphics. Bosses were changed because the devs felt they were too lame to begin with, and they force you to make good use of the bionic arm. Oh and exploding Hitler head = win.


Sep 17, 2004
Well it's not fresh out new. But alright, here it goes:

Is probably the most adrenaline driven legal-racing game I have ever played yet. Beating your personal best has never been so much fun (so was a WR before the game crashed). Even though I am not a fan of the vehicle variety, I like to test different vehicles and see how they handle the race.

Things I like the most about Grid:

  • The physics.
  • The challenge to come back every time and try to beat your personal best.
  • The fact that there are no stock vehicles.
  • The damages.

I have many and many cons, and here they are:

  • Abysmal leaderboard, which crashes on some players when you upload a new World Record.
  • Abysmal leaderboard, which needs serious fixing.
  • You can not chose how many opponents you want to race with.
  • No head-to-head other than one event.
  • Long rank update time. (2 days? Pathetic)
  • No tracking for EACH vehicle in every race.
  • No "change vehicle" from in-game. You need to go trough all the menus again.
  • The game is more focused on events than just racing "Anywhere" (Personal issue)

I just seriously hope that game developers learn from this game, stock cars are pathetic, no one wants to race at 120 MPH in 16-20 seconds /max.
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Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow Of Chernobyl
For more than 2 weeks I've been playing STALKER and in my opinion it is the most badass single player game I have ever played.When I saw STALKER for the first time I was kinda sceptical,but when I got my new PC and I saw the beauty of this game on my father's and brother's PC,I thought hell yeah let's get this game and so I bought it and I'm very happy about my decision.In my opinion,STALKER is a game like no other games,you know in many single player games you only go one path and that is it,no other ways to finish the game or the game feels different by your behaviour,but in STALKER everything is just badass.The AIs from the enemies are excellent and the entire enviornment of STALKER is huge and wonderful. Also a nice feature are the pimping of your guns or artifacts,which make you stronger and faster. To me STALKER is a great game,just because nothing is the same, everything is always different and the bots have always a new behaviour.I really like STALKER, it is the bettest single player game I ever played,better than Unreal. It took 100 hours when I was done with the single player,but I was done,because of my curiosity,I wanted to see the end of STALKER.Actually I didn't make alot of things and I haven't found all secrets.STALKER is a marvellous game,but my love is still UT2004,but STALKER gets a 10/10.:)

Here are some pictures from my STALKER game.:)

Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
GTA3 : 7/10
it's a good game, but the ridiculous car physics and some really weird missions kinda makes me not want to continue. :(

That reminds me I just bought San Andreas about 3 weeks ago and it's worse than I could ever have expected.

The 15 dollar price point doesn't even make up for the poor execution in just about every area but story and variety, but the variety is pretty moot since only a small percentage of it is any fun.

Not only that but the Xbox version has some wierd double vision crap going on in 480p mode and, though supposedly better than PS2 version, the framrate dips immensely; what is all that about?

The game wasn't even fun really, I can control the pimples on my face easier than I can control this guy.

Bah! Mercenaries is multitudes better than this, and that game is actually... AWESOME! Pandemic really are gods of open world feck em up games, IMO.

(I don't even want to bring up the save system, having to feed yourself, etc... let's just say I don't think this was a good purchase at all).
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fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
[VaLkyR]Anubis;2181551 said:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow Of Chernobyl
For more than 2 weeks I've been playing STALKER and in my opinion it is the most badass single player game I have ever played.When I saw STALKER for the first time I was kinda sceptical,but when I got my new PC and I saw the beauty of this game on my father's and brother's PC,I thought hell yeah let's get this game and so I bought it and I'm very happy about my decision.In my opinion,STALKER is a game like no other games,you know in many single player games you only go one path and that is it,no other ways to finish the game or the game feels different by your behaviour,but in STALKER everything is just badass.The AIs from the enemies are excellent and the entire enviornment of STALKER is huge and wonderful. Also a nice feature are the pimping of your guns or artifacts,which make you stronger and faster. To me STALKER is a great game,just because nothing is the same, everything is always different and the bots have always a new behaviour.I really like STALKER, it is the bettest single player game I ever played,better than Unreal. It took 100 hours when I was done with the single player,but I was done,because of my curiosity,I wanted to see the end of STALKER.Actually I didn't make alot of things and I haven't found all secrets.STALKER is a marvellous game,but my love is still UT2004,but STALKER gets a 10/10.:)

Here are some pictures from my STALKER game.:)

I'll admit I was an extreme STALKER hater but that just looks absolutely AWESOME. I mean seriously, no matter how crappy and limited the maps and gameplay is that is beginning to change my opinion. :eek:

Soul Calibur IV - 9.5/10

Brilliant, just brilliant. It has exceeded all my expectations and it completely blows the rest of the series out of the water! \o/

Would you play any fighting games if females weren't in them? This is a serious question and I'd like to know the percentages. Maybe I just hate the genres gameplay though.
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I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Finally beat Ninja Gaiden II and it gets a 7/10

You see, on the one hand, this is my absolute favorite action game. I love the escalating difficulty, I love the way combos and blocking and dodging work together to create massively deep gameplay and it is absolutely gorgeous. On the other hand, the NUMEROUS frame-rate slowdowns completely **** me up, making the delicate attack/block/dodge mechanics die. You just pray that it recognized the combo you put in and you don't get screwed. Then there is the camera. Normally the camera is just a little bit annoying, which is fine, but there were a few times when I literally couldn't see what was going on. Nothing like fighting a boss battle and not knowing that JUST off screen there was a launch of something I need to be setting up for.

It's really a shame that the framerate and camera were such an issue, because they seriously, SERIOUSLY detract from this game. It took me about a month to actually finish this game because of all the times I was too frustrated by these issues to keep playing. That's right, it took me a month to play a little over 8 hours!

All that being said, I would still recommend the game to anyone that enjoys challenging action games.

Geometry Wars 2 9/10: It's sometimes a little more difficult to see what's going on, but the new modes are great, the achievements were a blast (in fact, the little achievement oddities were my favorite little mini-games many of the times.) and there is tons and tons of replay value. Best $10 I've spent in a while.



With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
Would you play any fighting games if females weren't in them? This is a serious question and I'd like to know the percentages.

Of course. As far as I'm concerned, the fighting is the most important thing. The looks are just eye candy. That said, I like eye candy. :biggrin2:


Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Devil May Cry 4: 9/10

Simply amazing! The only reason it isn't a 10 is because I wanted to play another 10 levels lol

And The Savior as the last boss was kick ass fun!


Jan 20, 2008
Devil May Cry 4: 9/10

Simply amazing! The only reason it isn't a 10 is because I wanted to play another 10 levels lol

And The Savior as the last boss was kick ass fun!

You played the PC version?


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
Devil May Cry 4: 9/10

Simply amazing! The only reason it isn't a 10 is because I wanted to play another 100 levels lol

And The Savior as the last boss was kick ass fun!

Ditto and fixed :)

Soul Calibur 4 (PS3) - It's been a while since I played a good fighting game. SC4 is great so far (got it since last friday) I've played alot vs my friends which is great fun. Kilik & Seong Mi-Na are awesome to play with and Darth Vader is a nice extra (I love his choke move)
The single player is meh but I heard online is a blast too, but I have to practice alot before I try that.
