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I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
DiRT: 9/10 This is pretty much EXACTLY what a racing game should be, for me. It's definitely an arcade game and it's definitely lenient, but that's what I want. While I can tweak my car depending on the track (softening up my suspension on bumpy dirt tracks, for instance), I'm not buying brakes for half an hour, I don't need to be bothered with putting decals on it, I'm RACING. The damage modeling looks great and makes a massive difference and the AI is smart and aggressive. This isn't for Forza or GT people, it's for those who love to race but don't feel like making a career out of it.

Ninja Gaiden 2: OhMy****ingGodThisIsHard/10
Okay, I'm only on act 5 (werewolves are the bane of my existence), but it's awesome, it's fun, it's gorgeous, it has some frame rate problems from time to time and the story is lame, but I love it. I mourn that I won't be able to finish it until I come back from England.

Anyone here play Silent Hill 4 for pc? Thinking about getting it. I really have never played a Silent Hill game.

Lots of people used to consider it the "black sheep" of the SH family until that PSP one came out, but I always liked the 4rth one. It's got a lot of differences from the others, but some of them are good. For starters, the combat in the SH series was always a bit twitchy, but I think SH4 has the best attempt so far. The concept and storyline is a bit interesting, and it's a lot like 2 in the sense that it can be cryptic. A lot of the gameplay elements are a step in a better direction, puzzles aside. A lot of criticism has been directed at the protagonist, but the lack of personality was intentional, and when you play it you'll see why.

It's really a love it/hate it kinda game, but if you totally loved the previous 3 then you certainly should give it a try. Since you haven't played those, I'd suggest trying them first, if you can. Or you'll be LOST.
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Feb 12, 2002
rant ahead

GRiD: 9.2/10

So the main let downs for me is the online interface and functionality and some of the ingame functionality.
The actual online gameplay is fine, it's just that customisation of games and finding games is oversimplified and only configurable at a low level. Finding a specific friend online is such a chore.

The other real annoyance is; as I think Lynx pointed out in another thread, is the random grid setup you get given regardless of any standings or positions is previous races.

But apart from the above I love this game. Feeling of the cars is just right for my taste and if you do really want more "sim" to it, you can go ahead and turn off the driving aids. I don't really need my driving games much more sim-like than this and coupled with the games damage system I think this game really a good hybrid of arcade and sim style.

The AI is just brilliant and makes offline driving really fun.

Could do with more track customization in offline races too... why can't I choose to race tracks backwards offline. Could also do with more tracks - one track for Demolition derby? meh. Games maybe a little short.. but then any game that is entertaining is too short.

I haven't played a racer this good since PGR and is the best racing game I've got. fu'real.
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Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
GRiD: 9.2/10

So the main let downs for me is the online interface and functionality and some of the ingame functionality.
The actual online gameplay is fine, it's just that customisation of games and finding games is oversimplified and only configurable at a low level. Finding a specific friend online is such a chore.

The other real annoyance is; as I think Lynx pointed out in another thread, is the random grid setup you get given regardless of any standings or positions is previous races.

But apart from the above I love this game. Feeling of the cars is just right for my taste and if you do really want more "sim" to it, you can go ahead and turn off the driving aids. I don't really need my driving games much more sim-like than this and coupled with the games damage system I think this game really a good hybrid of arcade and sim style.

The AI is just brilliant and makes offline driving really fun.

Could do with more track customization in offline races too... why can't I choose to race tracks backwards offline. Could also do with more tracks - one track for Demolition derby? meh. Games maybe a little short.. but then any game that is entertaining is too short.

I haven't played a racer this good since PGR and is the best racing game I've got. fu'real.

Yea I agree that the AI is great in this game...but PGR? WTF?


Cubely Wrath
Apr 5, 2005
Canada, Alberta, Calgary
Well I beat mgs4 yesterday. I was extremely impressed by it. I would even go as far as putting it in my top 5 games of all time. I admit, the gameplay portions were not as long as other MGS games. Though the other MGS games made you backtrack a lot, this one didn't. Backtracking was terrible anyway. While the gameplay may be short, shorter games are better as long as the replay value is there. In my opinion it certainly has a ton of replay value.

I'm a very strict reviewer and have been known to hate on high rated and popular games like GTA,Halo, and mario galaxy. So with my track record, I give this game..



Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
GRiD: 9.2/10

Now they're just out to get me.
I'll have to come up with a ridiculously complex rating system next time I review :eek:

I've started playing Mass Effect, and like most new games that I'm confident I'll like I start out loving it, over-hype. But this is probably just because it's so novel. I'll have a review up once I've gotten' a lot further into it.

What amazes me right off the bat is the detail in the writing and direction of NPC's. Most sci-fi games like this have the most utterly retarded cookie-cutter AI with horrible speech acting. So far I'm blown away by the believability of the characters I'm coming across. I actually want to listen to and watch every cutscene and talk to the NPC's until they have nothing left to say.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Actually forget the review, I'd just say a bunch of stuff that's already been said.

Mass Effect: 9/10 for a new addition to my top 5 all time best singe player experiences.

10 of 10 would be like Half Life 2 or Deus Ex quality.


Very Superstitious
Dec 16, 2005
GRID: 9/10

Although technically i'm still playing it. I'm usually not into racers but i just love the way its been put together.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island

Ninja Gaiden 2 Either a 8/10 or an 11/10. This game has its ups and downs. Dragonfliet is damn right about the difficulty--even easy mode will be taking you to an inch of your health after each battle. But that's not a bad thing when the combat is sublime. At least, until you start fighting aerial foes, aerial bosses, water foes, water bosses, and bosses that only can be killed with a bow and arrow. And there are slowdowns and bugs at certain points in the game (I haven't seen any of the bugs but have heard about plenty of them.)

I'd be more angry at the slowdown thing except it only rarely occurs and the one time it does occur for a long duration it's F'IN AWESOME. Fighting 20 enemies at once in bullet time...win. The camera is pretty weak, but the combat is so intuitive you could fight enemies blindfolded.

My main complaint is the pretty crappy level design choices (this includes some trite boss fights) in certain spots in the game. There's one part where you're in a green cave and fighting a seemingly endless amount of bugs, which are boring to fight, followed by a giant worm mini-boss, which is just as bad if not worse. Lowest point in the game. Thankfully the next chapter is the best one in the game as far as I've played. 3 chapters left, unfortunately I can't play the game until August :(

If you can cope with some mediocre encounters in return for many truly excellent fights, get this game. It has the best action sequences of any game out there. It's a shame that the game isn't consistently awesome, but there are more than enough moments of win that make Ninja Gaiden 2 worthy of purchase.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
= Guitar Hero : Aerosmith ... 6.995/10 aka fans only!
it's Guitar Hero 3, but with Aerosmith and Joe Perry providing most of the songs.
It does not have a co-op career and there's only one boss-battle.
Aerosmith makes for a decent artist when drawn in the cartoon-style of the game.
The good ?
IF you like Aerosmith its career-mode sort of highlights the road to fame for the band, including "Walk this way" (both original and with Run DMC).
Although I'm not sure why being asked to play a song during the half-time of a game is considered to be a honour. I guess to Americans it means something.
The bad ?
When playing an Aerosmith-song your character becomes Joe Perry ... and the fretboard (ie : the graphics behind the notes in the GUI) makes it very easy to miss the yellow notes.
The worse ?
The songs taken from the "Joe Perry Project" suck.
In fact they pretty much explain why he rejoined the group after he had left ... ;)
The pathetic ?
Expect "Guitar Hero: Metallica" ... and there's even rumours about Van Halen doing a similar GH-variant.

= Guitar Hero 3 ... 8 / 10
Decent selection of tracks, some great, some downright awful.
The bad ones are mere bonus-songs, altough some of the songs are the setlist are pretty pathetic covers (La Grange by ZZ-top sounds nothing like the real thing :().
Oh ... and someone please shoot whoever thought that "Through the fire and flames" by Dragonfarce was a good song to play after you've won the final boss battle.


Jun 24, 2004
The Simpsons Game - 7/10

It's a fairly unique experience and not so much because of the gameplay, which is decent at best, but because the game is essentially one big parody and commentary on the gaming industry. It's a pretty funny game done in typical Simpsons humour, as you'd expect, that not only makes fun of the game industry (EA in particular) and popular game franchises, but also of itself as a game and the Simpsons as a franchise in general.

The gameplay is nothing special, though, and is for the most part pretty simple and straight-forward. While the actual game mechanics for the most part don't change, the constantly changing themes and scenarios does help alleviate the feeling of playing a simple, repetitive beat-em-up game. It's also a very forgiving game and rarely poses much of a challenge. The only time where the game will force you to restart at a checkpoint is if both of your characters gets knocked out at the same time, otherwise you'll just respawn with a negligible loss of health. In some spots the controls does feel a little bit clunky and unintuitive, mostly when trying to perform context-sensitive actions, and the camera can also get pretty frustrating.

Graphically, the game manages to capture the Simpsons style pretty well, but unfortunately it also suffers from a fair amount of aliasing (on the PS3), which breaks some of the charm of the cel-shaded, cartoonish look. All of the cutscenes, apart from a few done in-engine, are animated just like the TV show.


New Member
Jan 28, 2008

A role play game with
- no blood
- no audio when the other characters talk to you (I have to read, WTF??)
- LOLing damage system, shooting enemies with the handgun it's like throwing candies at them.

Played 5 minutes, now I'll try to get rid of it.
10 € wasted :(


Wait, if you're here then that means...
May 11, 2008
Under the bridge downtown.
Need for speed Underground 2 - 5/10

Fairly good graphics and nice cars but it's boring as hell, took me 2 years to fully complete due too not being able to play more than 5 races each time I played the game :p


Jan 20, 2008
Devil May Cry 4 on the PC - 8/10. Hooray it's not a port and works perfectly. Turbo mode fixes the game, defeating 60 enemies in a room is hilarious.