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Sep 17, 2004
Altair was the world's stupidest assassin. What does he do at the beginning when his arch nemesis is accompanied by a half dozen fully armored knights? Does he assassinate his target from afar? Nope. Does he sneak up and take them from behind? Nope. He walks up, in plain view and gets his ass handed to him.

When Altair screws up, he's "killed" Only not really, and it wasn't even to fake his death... what? ...

Mass Effect - 8/10

Really engaging storyline that actually made me feel included rather than being just an onlooker. Combat system could have been a little better, as could the menu system (like not having a cancel button at certain pages, removing useless crap is made tedious by user-unfriendly delete system), but overall I was surprisingly addicted to this game.


internal data fragmentation : 62203480%
Jan 20, 2006
GRID demo.
great looking game, plays awesome, really fun. unfortunately I'm really really cheap, so I won't be buying it.
but it's really great !


is ironing his panties!
GTA IV: 9/10 Very good game that's just massive. Solid graphics, much improved control, surprisingly good storyline/acting and a brilliantly realized Manhattan.

Ugh, really? 10/10 for the story? I wanted to kill the idiot writer that wrote that freaking game.

Altair was the world's stupidest assassin. What does he do at the beginning when his arch nemesis is accompanied by a half dozen fully armored knights? Does he assassinate his target from afar? Nope. Does he sneak up and take them from behind? Nope. He walks up, in plain view and gets his ass handed to him.

When Altair screws up, he's "killed" Only not really, and it wasn't even to fake his death... what? Then the master keeps giving obviously conflicting and bull**** excuses for the reasons people are doing things, but does Altair think, hey, wait, he sounds bat-**** insane? Of course not! If you can't get the plot twist about 10 minutes into the game, you must be completely dense.



Let's put it this way, when the only thing that keeps me playing a game is the story and my intrigue into what happens next then the story has to be doing something right eh?

Also, every conversation Altair has wit hthe master is riddled with Altair questioning him and he's utterly suspicious throughout as far as i've seen. I believe the point is you, personally, make up 50% of Altair's mind, your meant to work a few things out for yourself, not have Altair verbalise precisely what your meant to think.
The fact that you think it means the story served it's purpose surely?

Maybe i should've given ti a 9/10 really but, as i say, it's the only thing that's keeping me playing at the minute, it is it's strongest assett.


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
GRID demo: 9.5/10
Awesomeness on my PC and PS3. Awesome post effects, car designs, physics, etc.

Gears of War (PC): 8/10
Played through it again, and it deleted my progress when I was on about the last level, so I just started from Chapter 5 again and went through several levels again to beat it. Used some cheats to get through it faster since I've already played through it several times on the 360, etc.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Silent Hill Origins(ps2) - 7/10

A port of the psp game. It was a good game, but not a good Silent Hill game. First the bad

-shoddy camera that would always point away from the action, leading to some unneccesary hits.
-laggy controls. It took roughly a second after hitting the button to access the map screen, start running, swing a weapon etc.

Now the pluses
+Great continuation of the first game. Some key characters make a return, and the notes throughout the game really give you a better understanding of what went down.
+Puzzles!!! Yeah some of the puzzles in this game were simply brutal, except for the flauros puzzle. That one can kiss my ass.
+Music. Yep made by the same dude who composed the other games, but this soundtrack feels a tad different. I liken it to horror films like The Excorsist.

So basically if it wasnt for the story, it would have been months before completing this game, but I ended up beating it the weekend that I bought it. And yes I did check and people have claimed the psp version has the same problems, so its not exactly a shoddy port.


Apr 4, 2006
Vietcong: 9/10- decided to fire it up yesterday after almost four years. Stupid disc was a pain in the ass when it was install time. Three tries, ARGH! Buying a new copy today. Five bucks, YES!


Apr 4, 2006
Just got me a Wii(finally) and got two games to review.


Super Paper Mario- 5/10

Random guy with a idea talking to everyone on the team-" I have a great idea guys!

Team- Yeah? Lets here it, I guess.

Random Guy- Ok, so at the beginning and through out the game lets have long pointless talking parts that go on forever! Oh and lets not hire actors. Lets just make it so Mario just randomly says Yeah or no.


Head Man-You get a raise my man!

I swear the beginning took me like five maybe fifteen minutes yesterday. WTF is up with that? Then to top it off I start to play and throughout the game it continues. LOooooooong pointless talking...Zzzzzzzzz. The gameplay was killer, even if it is way to easy, but its a kids game so whatever there. I say if they didn't include all the pointless text and clicking to just get through it the score would be a 8/10, but well you know boring me to death loses allot of points when I am trying to have fun.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess- 10/10 so far, even if I am only at the beginning where you rescue the kid and the monkey. Its so much fun.

Game has no actors either, buts it doesn't annoy me because the talking is shorter.

Anyone think this game is similar to Fable in allot of ways?
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Feb 12, 2002
Lost Planet 7.9/10

Exchanged it for Resident Evil 4. Though I'd stay with Capcom :p
Decent game with a mix of Final Fantasy:The Spirits Within with Mech stuff and a bit of Bionic Commando is also thrown in there.
+ Great tech and nice Mechs
+ Lots of Mechs and the weapon exchange system is cool
+ Some nice end of level bosses and big monsters
+ Nice graphics in parts

- Crappy animations at times
- Some stupid moments when you can't do **** because of the stupid animations playing
- Difficulty is all over the shop, later bosses can be loads easier than some towards the beginning
- sort of got dull/repetitive towards the end


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Crysis: 6/10
If visuals were all that mattered this would get a 10/10. That's not the case, of course, so the score comes down quite a bit. The pseudo non-linear gameplay sounds good in theory, but on higher difficulty levels, doing anything "cool" with the suit almost always results in getting owned. Thus, nearly all of the jungle combat stuff is sneaking around with a silenced AK-47 (or whatever they called it in the game) and picking off the stupid AI from afar while it can't find you. Even though the AI is getting hit from a certain direction, they never seem to understand the most simple of physics concepts, so they'll go wandering off in any direction looking for the source of the bullets. The vehakals are mostly pointless amd the suit is a total gimmick that serves no purpose and could have been left out with little to no affect overall. Without the suit and the crazy combat that follows from that, Crysis is just an average shooter. Throw in a cliche story and characters and we're on our way to Mediocrityville. Oh, and the final battle and ending suck.

Grid Demo: ?/10
I won't rate it until I've played it with a gamepad, but it seems like it could be interesting. I was hoping for a sim but it might be good enough without such gameplay. Arcade racers are fine when they're committed to being arcade. "Part sim, part arcade" games generally lacks on both fronts for me, so I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy this one.


Sweet Dreams
Jul 17, 2005
Where least expected
Mario Kart Wii: 8/10

Played through the fist three cups. Very fun, but it takes a bit to get uswed too, but after that there is nothing more to learn. The difficulty of drifting has been dubbed down, and I never feel like I'm turning enough on the wheel.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Megaman X Collection 8/10

Decided to play through some old school goodness. Wierd to because in the 3rd X game I actually fought against 3 bosses I never even knew existed. You know its a good game when you find out about things 10 years after completing them.

If there is any bad to this, its the awkward censorship that x5-x8 received compared to the first 4, namely Damn being switched to Darn. Makes some scenes a little corny. And also x6 might be one of my favs, but the difficulty is borderline cheap at times and the level design is nothing short of blargh.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Crysis: 6/10
The pseudo non-linear gameplay sounds good in theory, but on higher difficulty levels, doing anything "cool" with the suit almost always results in getting owned. Thus, nearly all of the jungle combat stuff is sneaking around with a silenced AK-47 (or whatever they called it in the game) and picking off the stupid AI from afar while it can't find you. Even though the AI is getting hit from a certain direction, they never seem to understand the most simple of physics concepts, so they'll go wandering off in any direction looking for the source of the bullets. The vehakals are mostly pointless amd the suit is a total gimmick that serves no purpose and could have been left out with little to no affect overall. Without the suit and the crazy combat that follows from that, Crysis is just an average shooter.

Sigh @ this review. Don't worry, I'll be constructive in my criticism.

T'would appear to me that you just suck at Crysis. Or didn't put enough effort in trying to really dominate the game. The suit is critical; to say it could be left out with little effect on gameplay is clear evidence that you haven't grasped its versatility. If you're getting raped on the highest difficulty anytime you're out of cloak and having to rely on "sniping" everyone with your silenced machine gun then you're just doing it (very) wrong.

Once you become comfortable with controlling the suit while taking action you can do all the "cool stuff" you want at any difficulty level. You'll find if you press the action when you encounter large groups of NK you will succeed much better than if you hide behind bushes far away. You do realize that a silenced weapon does considerably less damage, especially the further away you are? It's much to your benefit to have your weapons un-silenced. And by press the action I mean you have to use all your tools to your advantage. Having the ability to smoothly and swiftly shift between all your suit mods as you need them, making it a seamless transition during combat is paramount to your success if you want to actually experience a challenge.
Crysis is like a realtime, action strategy game. Unfortunately you're not thinking about all the options available to you. Aside from objectives it is entirely non-linear. You go as fast or take as much time as you want and you can go anywhere you can jump or swim to. Assault any encounter from any angle using your fists, weapons, the environment; whatever you want. Most of which is destructible. Vehicles are also quite diverse. Speed them right into a KPA compound area, run over a few guys, hop out before it is too banged up and use the thing for cover. Or drive the sh*t right into one of those little machine gun nests, or into one of those sniper towers. They will crush or fall down killing the guy inside, rendering the machine gun useless.

You need to use your tools in an integrated manner like making sure to tag with your binoculars every target you can in an area and recognize the capability of your suit. You'll also discover that if you press the offense and not run scared on the defense that your enemy will react much more realistically and lethally (read: challenging). When you go get in some good CQB you'll appreciate the ability of the AI a lot more. Can't stress pressing the action enough, pressure them to run for cover.
Next time you're runnin' along with your cloak off and are spotted, before you become surrounded, drop prone and cloak. Tag one or two of them with your binoculars for your bearings and then sprint off to cover (tree, grass) and uncloak. When your energy is charged cloak around until you can get a shot at one of them, don't think, just go to strength mode (you'll hold the gun more steady, less kick and the shots are more powerful) and open fire on him and don't let go of the trigger till he's dead.
Then recloak (you fired while in strength so energy is still high) and run to a different position. Rinse, repeat. You can run circles around them.
Don't forget your grenades (3 types in the game) and your tranquilizer dart (Tactical Attachment that knocks a guy out for 60 seconds) and your grenade launcher attachment. Plenty of great opportunity to use all the tools at your disposal. Got a helicopter on your tail? Don't scramble for a rocket launcher if you ain't got one, bust out that machine gun, go to strength mode, shoot at the missiles hanging underneath its small side wings. They will explode damaging the engine.
I mean hell, you can even run up and grab a guy (if you sprint up in speed mode you will cause your enemy to flinch for a few seconds) by the neck and hold him out in front of you as a human shield. His buddies while shooting at you will blow his ass away, meanwhile you can still shoot whatever gun you have out in your right hand.

Final note. Yes, the storyline is whack and the last quarter of the game sucks, it becomes linear and you fight in a stupid, confusing alien place and then on an aircraft carrier, much lulz ensue. However, characters and the storyline and crap should take a backseat when reviewing a first-person shooter; it's about the gameplay. Which you'll find, if you give Crysis a real try and become better at it, it's gameplay is truly unique.

whew, now take what you've learned and get back on that horse :)
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Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
Vietcong: 9/10- decided to fire it up yesterday after almost four years. Stupid disc was a pain in the ass when it was install time. Three tries, ARGH! Buying a new copy today. Five bucks, YES!

Vietcong is kickass! :tup: I played it alot when it was just out. I remember it as one of the games where camouflage actually works. Playing an online game on "Stream" was crazy, matches that took over 5 hours to complete pushing the frontline back and forwards. (even though it was CTF!)

Thanks for the nostalgic tip.../me reinstalls :)


Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
Sigh @ this review. Don't worry, I'll be constructive in my criticism.

T'would appear to me that you just suck at Crysis. Or didn't put enough effort in trying to really dominate the game. The suit is critical; to say it could be left out with little effect on gameplay is clear evidence that you haven't grasped its versatility. If you're getting raped on the highest difficulty anytime you're out of cloak and having to rely on "sniping" everyone with your silenced machine gun then you're just doing it (very) wrong.

Once you become comfortable with controlling the suit while taking action you can do all the "cool stuff" you want at any difficulty level. You'll find if you press the action when you encounter large groups of NK you will succeed much better than if you hide behind bushes far away. You do realize that a silenced weapon does considerably less damage, especially the further away you are? It's much to your benefit to have your weapons un-silenced. And by press the action I mean you have to use all your tools to your advantage. Having the ability to smoothly and swiftly shift between all your suit mods as you need them, making it a seamless transition during combat is paramount to your success if you want to actually experience a challenge.
Crysis is like a realtime, action strategy game. Unfortunately you're not thinking about all the options available to you. Aside from objectives it is entirely non-linear. You go as fast or take as much time as you want and you can go anywhere you can jump or swim to. Assault any encounter from any angle using your fists, weapons, the environment; whatever you want. Most of which is destructible. Vehicles are also quite diverse. Speed them right into a KPA compound area, run over a few guys, hop out before it is too banged up and use the thing for cover. Or drive the sh*t right into one of those little machine gun nests, or into one of those sniper towers. They will crush or fall down killing the guy inside, rendering the machine gun useless.

You need to use your tools in an integrated manner like making sure to tag with your binoculars every target you can in an area and recognize the capability of your suit. You'll also discover that if you press the offense and not run scared on the defense that your enemy will react much more realistically and lethally (read: challenging). When you go get in some good CQB you'll appreciate the ability of the AI a lot more. Can't stress pressing the action enough, pressure them to run for cover.
Next time you're runnin' along with your cloak off and are spotted, before you become surrounded, drop prone and cloak. Tag one or two of them with your binoculars for your bearings and then sprint off to cover (tree, grass) and uncloak. When your energy is charged cloak around until you can get a shot at one of them, don't think, just go to strength mode (you'll hold the gun more steady, less kick and the shots are more powerful) and open fire on him and don't let go of the trigger till he's dead.
Then recloak (you fired while in strength so energy is still high) and run to a different position. Rinse, repeat. You can run circles around them.
Don't forget your grenades (3 types in the game) and your tranquilizer dart (Tactical Attachment that knocks a guy out for 60 seconds) and your grenade launcher attachment. Plenty of great opportunity to use all the tools at your disposal. Got a helicopter on your tail? Don't scramble for a rocket launcher if you ain't got one, bust out that machine gun, go to strength mode, shoot at the missiles hanging underneath its small side wings. They will explode damaging the engine.
I mean hell, you can even run up and grab a guy (if you sprint up in speed mode you will cause your enemy to flinch for a few seconds) by the neck and hold him out in front of you as a human shield. His buddies while shooting at you will blow his ass away, meanwhile you can still shoot whatever gun you have out in your right hand.

Final note. Yes, the storyline is whack and the last quarter of the game sucks, it becomes linear and you fight in a stupid, confusing alien place and then on an aircraft carrier, much lulz ensue. However, characters and the storyline and crap should take a backseat when reviewing a first-person shooter; it's about the gameplay. Which you'll find, if you give Crysis a real try and become better at it, it's gameplay is truly unique.

whew, now take what you've learned and get back on that horse :)

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