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I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Halo: Reach B+: What can I say, it's Halo. Pretty much on par with Halo, it tells a story pretty well (though with some annoying little retcons), but not as well as the main games in the series did, with loads of action.

At first, on loading the game, I thought: WOW this is not a very good looking game. It isn't that it's ugly by any means, it's just that it is sub-par for a AAA title. Luckily, as you get into some pretty freakishly large battles and things are exploding with almost never any slowdown, despite thirty people on screen and things going kablooie, you forget that the quiet scenes are less breathtaking and you realize that this is a game of scale.

Speaking of the battles: they are pure Halo, a floaty feeling kind of game where you can absorb bullets, but where accuracy is important and despite that floaty feeling, the game responds as it should. It just feels right.

Multiplayer is fine, but as the game lacks Rocket Race, the thing that made Halo 3 last for more than a few weeks for me, I docked it a point.



New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Mass Effect 2 9/10

Some things that bugged me in Mass Effect 1 are still present in the sequel: For example, skipping and selecting dialog lines is still mapped to the same button so you often hit a dialog option you didn't even see yet although you just wanted to skip something you had heard before. Why not map the A button to select stuff and X to skip things?
Some changes were unnecessary, in my opinion:
Explain this all you want, but two years or whatever is not enough time for the whole universe to completely discard weapons with unlimited ammo, even IF the thermo-clip thingies offered an advantage. Doesn't matter much since ammo is rarely an issue (except for my sniper but the pistol works well enough...), but it's still strange.
Some changes just swap one bad thing for another. Driving around with the Mako wasn't really the problem, in my opinion. The weird, unnatural looking planets were. If they had been made more interesting the Mako sequences could have stayed, in my opinion. This planet-scanning in Mass Effect 2 is plain boring though. Granted, it doesn't take as long to scan a planet and to cover it with probes than it took to explore the square with a Mako, but it's arguably even more boring. I don't have any idea how this could be made fun, but I can't wait to see how it's done in Mass Effect 3.
Some changes are for the worse: The Mako felt much more like a realistic, future moon-vehicle than the gamey new hover thing.

Other changes are really great though: Gone are the times of the stupid press yellow... blue... red... done! mini-game that was used for everything, from hacking to mining resources. Now there is a memory game for meddling with security circuits, which is cool and fitting enough and there is a really good hacking mini-game. Probably the best pseudo-authentic hacking mini-game in years.:lol:

What hasn't changed is that the writing is still great pulp sci-fi.
The graphics and the designs of places, objects and characters are just superb. Right down to the smallest details. Like the little red ring around the top of glasses in the After-Life. The game is a real feast for the eyes. Animations and camera angles during conversations are really cool.
It's a great sequel and an awesome game in its own right.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - 10/10

A little late but whatever

If you own a wii or are even the smallest of a mario fan, pick this game up pronto.

If you didn't care for the first Galaxy, chances are you probably won't care for this one either. Gameplay is quite similar. Collect 70 stars to beat the game, all 120 to view an altered ending. This is where the similarities end. Upon collecting all the stars, 121 hidden green stars now become available for collection. These for the most part are easy to get, but some can be a bit aggravating. Speaking of difficulty, it is a much harder adventure compared to previous Mario games, especially when dealing with the phantom Mario's and that damned bird race :mad:

Mario also has a few new abilities

-Cloud Mario - Wiggle the wiimote and a cloud is formed. You can place up to 3 at a time before recharging. He is also lighter and can jump farther
-Drill Mario - Takes some time to get used to but doesn't overstay its welcome. You do as the name implies.
-Rock Mario- Roll up into a boulder and use it to jump chasms.
-YOSHI!!! - Needs no introduction. Can eat multiple fruits that change his appearance.

Traveling has become a bit more streamlined as well. Instead of a central hub branching out to multiple worlds, you take control of your Spaceship Mario(will make sense upon playing) and you access the various levels via a map screen similar to Mario 3 or Super Mario World. This allows you to access levels on the fly without having to travel so far to get where you need to be.

Lastly the orchestrated soundtrack is back and with a blunt force. The composition is just so damn magical at times and it really fits the Mario universe.
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Sep 17, 2004
Minecraft 5/10

The whole purpose of this game is exploration and building. Overall, exploration felt pointless as the monsters would only show up at night and they would be dull to fight; combat is simply non-refreshing and insanely boring. No to mention that there's barely any sound to express what is happening around your character, and the lack of exploration map is completely awful.

I'm not sure why the author has went with java, but it seems to be rather pointless when the author could have picked on a modern game engine, have FAR better visuals and optimization. Instead of looking like crap and lacking a decent framerate ratio.

Building is definitively all what the game is for. The fact that the game use generated environments was pretty freaking sweet, not to many developers even dare touching this nowadays. I'm giving this game a +4 from the initial zero for the generated world feature alone.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
I'd like to correct something I said about Mass Effect 2 earlier: The change to guns requiring ammo wasn't half-bad. There is still no viable in-universe explanation for it and even if there was and these new ammo-requiring guns had twice the firepower or more people would still have some of the unlimited-ammo ones lying around. The complete change to the new system is just not explainable. However, it's fun this way!
I'm playing Infiltrator (on Veteran for now) and I'm using a sniper rifle and some heavy bolter pistol, both of which are relatively low on ammo, even if you're full, but having to scavenge ammo and seeing shots for the sniper rifle as something valuable makes shooting even more gratifying.
So screw the in-universe explanation, lol. Good change.

The weapons feel great, btw.:)


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
I am real close to finishing Dead Rising 2 in Overtime modus. Will post more final comments on the game later but right now I want to know if anyone else is playing the game right now?


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
but the problem is that Minecraft isn't even finished.
it's still in development. it's ongoing.

so it's not fair to give it a rating.
not yet.

you should wait to review it until after the game is more complete.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Borderlands: Claptrap's Robot Revolution 6.5/10

Perhaps the fetch-questing just got old, or perhaps going through the DLC with a beefy Siren removed much of the challenge (went and did Crawmerax again after completing this, enjoyed that a bit more), but this DLC just doesn't seem to compare favourably to the previous offerings.
The setting is still very much the same, with pretty much almost only scrapyards and a little coastal village. The enemies, claptrapy most enemies in the game and you get the palette. The enemy banter is pretty funny, and on occasion some of the dialog/text is funny too, but I was hoping for a romp with a grand/epic conclusion like previous DLC has given us, an unexpected twist of some kind. Too bad nothing was particularly surprising.

The bossfights are rehashes from previous DLC, with Knoxx-trap, Steele-trap (who has a gaping hole where the creature from the Vault impaled her), and a couple more, and the final one against clap-trap himself is just disappointing.

At the end of it all, I saw the DLC was made by a different studio than Gearbox, and you can tell somehow, it missed a bit of that soul/feeling that the rest of the game has.

Also sad that the title update with the renewed level cap couldn't release in conjunction with this, but that's a separate matter.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate 7/10

For a game that cost me 15 bucks, this is a good time. It's short (4-6 hours on a normal playthrough), but the game repeats fairly little of what it has in terms of gameplay and it has a nice pace to it for the most part. (the last 2 chapters seem disproportionally longer, but whatevs)
The issue I take with this game is that quite a bit of the cutscenes and sequences seem to take place at random, without real reason behind them.
Some of the sniper sections just seem to occur without any real logical reason why other than there being a sniper rifle present. Also, most of the cutscenes don't actually do anything interesting, and some of them even make the player character look dumb. (as in doesn't know how to deal with a situation)
The mechanics of curving bullets is kind of well done, I think. It can be a bit tricky, especially because you lean out of cover when trying to curve bullets, but it's satisfying to bend bullets through a guardrail into an enemy's cranium.
Sadly, the game's way of making things harder on the highest difficulty is by making bosses bulletsponges that take forever to take down while it only takes 2 shots from them to kill you, and some enemies become Agent Smiths in the sense that they start dodging bullets. (yes, forreal)

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts 7.5/10

Large amounts of sadness for this not being a true platformer like its predecessors, but as a game it stands on its own rather well. The vehicle building aspect of this game is fun, and trying to build a contraption to clear specific quests is especially cool.
At the same time, vehicles hold this game back a bit as well, as some of the vehicle control is janky, which makes losing challenges by small margins incredibly frustrating. The game eventually also suffers from a bit of fatigue, where the story's pace just slows down and you realize that you're really just collecting Jiggy pieces to unlock the next story-related event.
Definitely some inventive stuff, and by the time you get to the endgame you'll probably have collected a few of the high-end pieces to build vehicles, which makes the vehicles you build with them awesome.
Anecdote to exemplify the fun there is in creating a vehicle to trounce a challenge: At one point there is a big oval type race, with the advice for the vehicle to use being a vehicle that can leap but also drive. Because I knew the course's layout, I went and created a vehicle that could drive and fly, take sharp turns, and have crazy acceleration/top speed. I then proceeded to trounce all my competition by simply boost/stuntflying through the checkpoints.
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fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008

also, kantham. Minecraft is in alpha, it's nothing more than a tech demo right now.

You mean proof of concept...

Actually I wouldn't even call it that, why can't it just be a game in alpha?

I call BS on that though, how is it in alpha when you have to pay $15 for it?

Meh, I think Kantham's review is completely fair, or actually generous, since the game has been released, and is overpriced as ****.
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I have balls of Depleted Uranium
Mar 15, 2005
Waco, Texas
Borderlands 5/10 as an RPG adjusted to 7.5/10 cause it was a fun game.

Overall I just wasn't very impressed with the game as an rpg. There was very Little variation of the world or it's denizens. There was almost no character customization and the inventory system was merely adequate. That said: The storyline itself was very predictable but at least decent. The loot in the game could have been better for sure with say the addition of armor with stats and refines but the weapon variety itself was excellent.

The often entertaining dialog, whimsical robots, rather different from the norm art style, fast paced fights, and a large world to explore made the game entertaining despite it's shortcomings as an rpg.

I love a good rpg I wish that this was one. At least it makes up for that by being good game despite not being a good rpg.
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
just beat Red Faction: Guerrilla along with its expansion, Demons of the Badlands (which is included with the PC version).

I give it a 9 out of 10; freaking awesome gaming experience.
Just be sure to patch it up!

I knocked off a point for some spotty collision detection (though it's forgivable since the game wouldn't work right without it), and some less than amazing AI.
And I miss being able to honk the horn and have some people jump in the car with you, ala Mercenaries!

Still, those are miniscule complaints.
get it, or get bent


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Costume Quest (XBLA): 7.5/10

Double Fine game.
It's a well realized world, very cute and the concept for the game is really cool. Gameplay gets a bit repetitive but it's not really frustrating. There is a little bit of strategy to combat in the game, but it's mostly very simple. Definitely light narrative and overall a very child-friendly experience but the (non-voiced!) dialog is charming for the most part and the story is a cool little adventure.
Completed it entirely in about 5-6 hours.

Batman Arkham Asylum - 9/10.

Didn't give it a 10 because of those dammed Riddler challenges.

Oh come on. Those were fun!
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