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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game: 9/10

Say what you will of the game's name, it is an excellent brawler. Completed the game 3 times so far (with different characters each time) and I have at least 2 more playthroughs left before I'm done (1 more character, 1 more unlockable character). Just got the music (by Anamanaguchi) off itunes because it's very catchy and I can't get enough of it. Oldskool looks, style, even cheat codes that you enter on the title screen like you used to in older games. Loving the art style as well (Paul Robertson is excellent, you should look some of his stuff up on youtube)


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Killing Floor


I only deducted one point because of the silly British slang and the fact that every character has the same stupid voice.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Killing Floor


I only deducted one point because of the silly British slang and the fact that every character has the same stupid voice.

You gormless tosser. This game is bloody brilliant. You wouldn't know a good game if a bunch of pikeys came and beat it out of you. Ya wanker :mad:

Get up them apples and get out of my site ya toss pot.
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I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Assassin's Creed 2 A-: Oh thank God. While I'm still annoyed by the Templar/Assassin conspiracy bit (it is so childish it hurts), they have cleaned this plot up SIGNFICANTLY. Ezio is an actually interesting character and his arc from brash ahole to more mature ahole works extremely well. No obviously evil mentor characters, no cheesy super-long speeches--they have found the pacing for this game.

And the game itself is a LOT more fun. While the upgrading the villa bit was lame, it provided those who wanted more stuff to do with that requisite stuff. Missions are more varied and interesting side quests are fun enough (though I skipped nearly all of them) and the tasks that you complete (like collecting the feathers) actually have meaning. Thank the lord. They luckily didn't change the climbing/acrobatis system, and they unfortunately didn't really change the ridiculously over-easy combat system. I should not be able to stand in the middle of a circle of fifteen guards with swords and pikes and counter every single move one by one as they wait their turn. This game needs to make such a scenario a nearly unavoidable death to emphasize that an assassin uses stealth and doesn't fight all the guards.

This isn't really a great game, but it is a very very fun one and extremely superior to the original. I am pretty excited, actually, for the sequel/expansion coming out soon. Oh, yeah, and the ending

WTF? Aliens? Come on guys, this is exactly what was wrong with the latest indiana jones movie. Your plot is already silly enough and then you add ALIENS? What's next, a red alien comes down and surprises the other aliens?



The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
dead rising case zero 0/10

for not allowing me to buy the game in my region, alt accounts included.

scott pilgrim vs. the world 7/10

as said before, old school beat em up coupled with a basic leveling system. The beat em up mechanics are solid and get better the more moves you unlock, the humor in this game is directed at gamers and nerds(you'll see).
The only gripe I have is that the game freezes from time to time either entirely or just for an iota of a second, complete freezing however has happened to me every time on the last stage on the highest difficulty :(


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Oh, yeah, and the ending

WTF? Aliens? Come on guys, this is exactly what was wrong with the latest indiana jones movie. Your plot is already silly enough and then you add ALIENS? What's next, a red alien comes down and surprises the other aliens?


Aliens after you just killed the pope. The pope. With the alien chamber hidden inside the Vatican. The context of its location in the plot and its physical location make the entire thing even more ridiculous.

The only gripe I have is that the game freezes from time to time either entirely or just for an iota of a second, complete freezing however has happened to me every time on the last stage on the highest difficulty :(

You know what, I had that happen too, in random locations at random times. Had to hard reboot my xbox for it to fix itself. And I sympathize. The last bosses of the game are hard to deal with on Supreme Master.


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
In regards to AC2.
Were they really aliens, though? I just thought they were some type of before-recorded-time humans (with a funny hat due to their hypertechnology) that created the humans we have today in their image. I suppose that makes them aliens, I guess~


King of the Impossible
Oct 30, 2005
I've been going through some of my backlog of games that I have yet to play. Finished Singularity, GTA4, and Metro 2033. Still need to play STALKER:SoC, Dragon Age, and Bioshock 2.

I did make it through about 45 mins of Stalker but, having just played Metro 2033 and being used to its checkpoints and auto-saves, never stopped to save my progress. Needless to say I died and wound up having to start over...I gave up at that point and it'll probably sit on my hard drive for another year or so.


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
Picked up Global Agenda a few days ago and have had a lot of fun with it.

I honestly can't give it a score since your enjoyment of it depends entirely on what you expect from it. It's not a "run around and do quests" mmo, and arguably not even an mmo in the first place. It's basically TF2 except you fight on a persistent risk-style metamap for control over mines and factories, using your own rpg-dude that obviously progresses as you get better lewts and skills.
There's a lobby area (and only one) akin to a guild wars town, you queue up for a match, pewpew some dudes, and you're back in the lobby. There is a persistent outside zone with some quests, but it's so basic and short that it's not even close to being a major aspect of the game.

Skill and item progression is more lateral than linear; like in most perk based shooters, you unlock gear that's "different" rather than outright "better".
Item bonuses don't get particularily out of whack, as an "epic" - being the highest grade - helmet with the maximum amount of HP bonuses will have +1.5% more hp than the one you start with. You'll still be playing a long time getting just the bonuses you're after and being able to afford the best mods.
It doesn't take long to unlock the majority of the stuff either. After 3 days of playing I have about 80% of my skillpoints and am only 1 or 2 sittings away from being able to use all gear. Respeccing is also free, which is a big deal in terms of experimenting and not having to reroll due to painting yourself in a corner.

If you're expecting it to be "an mmo", it's about a 2/10. If you're after a game "like TF2 but for rpg nerds" like myself, it's worth checking out.

Edit: Wow, I really wanted to keep this short but it ended up kinda wall-y anyway. The game is a bit hard to describe since "an mmo TF2" can mean so many different things depending on how skills, gear, levels, pve, and all that stuff works.
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European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Plants vs Zombies, 9.5/10. It's very close to be worthy of belonging to the list of my all time favourites like Wipeout2097, UT series and Sacrifice. Great fun, great strategies. :) For sure it will be one of the selected for a Christmas gift pack

What I really don't like is the retarded trend of needing to unlock stuff. Sure, it makes sense to be forced to follow the adventure till the end. But then the rest should become unlocked or way less restritive. For instance I'm stuck and bored of that Bejeweled mini-game. I want to skip it, but I can't and so have 12 mini-games locked. Just stupid!
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fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Halo Reach, first impressions:

Looks like utter ****. Seriously. I'm not sure exactly why either, I assumed it was because of what looked like no anti-aliasing, but apparently Halo 3 didn't have that either and looks completely fine. It seriously looks pixelated and like crap though, don't let the screenshots online fool you, it looks a lot different. I had this exact same problem with MAG too, it looked fine in online videos, ect, but then in game everything was just horrible and jaggedy as hell. I returned it.

That's not to say that graphics means everything though, but there is just no excuse for games on current gen consoles that look worse than any decent game from the past. Even early 3d games like FF7, Mario 64 and OOT.

Moving away from that issue and onto gameplay though, it pretty much feels like the same thing as Halo 3, or sadly, even worse. Halo 3 multiplayer is OKAY for a FPS console game, but I don't see how they messed it up in some places to make it feel worse than that. :hmm:

I had a sour experience for my first game though, as everyone in the lobby voted for the most retarded gametype ever, SWAT. Seriously stupid as hell, it was a huge open map and one hit kills and easy as hell headshots with everyone using the marksman rifle doesn't mix with Halo's movement and limited controls. And here I thought Instagib in UT games was kind of dumb.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
@ Jason: when you say that you skipped the side missions, I hope you just meant the time trials and stuff. because the assassination contracts from the bird cages are awesome.
WTF? Aliens? Come on guys, this is exactly what was wrong with the latest indiana jones movie. Your plot is already silly enough and then you add ALIENS? What's next, a red alien comes down and surprises the other aliens?
Aliens after you just killed the pope. The pope. With the alien chamber hidden inside the Vatican. The context of its location in the plot and its physical location make the entire thing even more ridiculous.
Were they really aliens, though? I just thought they were some type of before-recorded-time humans (with a funny hat due to their hypertechnology) that created the humans we have today in their image. I suppose that makes them aliens, I guess~
did you guys really think it was that bad?
it's not a Dan Brown novel.
what exactly were you expecting?
they definitely weren't going to stay on the Templar/Masonic world domination bit the entire time.

so they went with ancient aliens, or some advanced race of humanoids who lost a civil war with their modern human counterparts whom they enslaved and have since hidden away clues as to their existence... in the Vatican... in order to send a message to some guy who wouldn't be born for another 10,000+ years but who they someone knew would be born and even knew his name.

I mean sure, it's technically far fetched. it's far out there.
but for a video game hyper-conspiracy story, I thought it was rather entertaining. at least it plays on enough realistic conspiracy theories to be intriguing. personally I thought it was really cool how they threw together the whole "organized religion is a grand lie that has been carefully crafted to conceal the true origins of the human race." or maybe that's just because I personally think organized religion is a grand lie anyway :eek:

but I like how they did it.
you guys know they're working on AC3, correct?
but it won't be called that. it's like Assassin Brotherhood or something. and I dunno how much further we'll get into the story, because it's only supposed to depict a near future instead of jumping to another timeline completely like they did between the first and second games.

I wish they'd go further. we don't need more Ezio.
we need more exotic locations from ancient history, the kind of stuff that no other game has the guts to try. that's what I've loved most about AC, the boldness of its direction, it's like time traveling.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
@ Jason: when you say that you skipped the side missions, I hope you just meant the time trials and stuff. because the assassination contracts from the bird cages are awesome.

I didn't skip anything personally, but yes, those birdcage things were cool.

did you guys really think it was that bad?
it's not a Dan Brown novel.
what exactly were you expecting?
they definitely weren't going to stay on the Templar/Masonic world domination bit the entire time.

so they went with ancient aliens, or some advanced race of humanoids who lost a civil war with their modern human counterparts whom they enslaved and have since hidden away clues as to their existence... in the Vatican... in order to send a message to some guy who wouldn't be born for another 10,000+ years but who they someone knew would be born and even knew his name.

I mean sure, it's technically far fetched. it's far out there.
but for a video game hyper-conspiracy story, I thought it was rather entertaining. at least it plays on enough realistic conspiracy theories to be intriguing. personally I thought it was really cool how they threw together the whole "organized religion is a grand lie that has been carefully crafted to conceal the true origins of the human race." or maybe that's just because I personally think organized religion is a grand lie anyway :eek:
but I like how they did it.

Yes, I really do.
I thought that the suspension of disbelief was manage-able for the animus to some degree (despite why that thing was put in in the first place, game design wise), and they had me absorbing this world that they'd built with Ezio and his history and all that. And then the final chapter came along and it literally just punched suspension of disbelief in the mouth and went all out with the ridiculous factor. There is really only so much coincidence that can happen in a videogame, and for the main antagonist to become pope (seriously, if you have spent any amount of time reading on how popes get elected, it becomes harder to believe), wield ultimate magical power (also, that was the only really jarring thing about the first game, that last fight) and then to just top it all off you find yourself in a secret space inside the Vatican that contains an alien holo-screen message to warn the guy who's in the animus.
Why they did it I don't know, but it's one of the most jarring things I've seen in a videogame.

you guys know they're working on AC3, correct?
but it won't be called that. it's like Assassin Brotherhood or something. and I dunno how much further we'll get into the story, because it's only supposed to depict a near future instead of jumping to another timeline completely like they did between the first and second games.

I wish they'd go further. we don't need more Ezio.
we need more exotic locations from ancient history, the kind of stuff that no other game has the guts to try. that's what I've loved most about AC, the boldness of its direction, it's like time traveling.

AC3 /= AC Brotherhood. Brotherhood is the multiplayer version of AC because someone went 'hey multiplayer makes crazy money, right? Let's get in on that' and there you have it, a multiplayer AC.

I'm sure AC3 is underway though, and that it'll have a different time period again. I'm personally hoping Feudal Japan or China. Doubt we'll be seeing Ezio back in that one.


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
Considering the "ancients" (or aliens or whatever we're calling them) can predict the future to such a degree that they know Desmond's name, you ending up at the holo-place in the vatican was hardly a coincidence. I found it far-fetched, but I still managed to roll with it. I liked the idea of these super-intelligent guys being able to predict and orchestrate events thousands of years in the future in such an accurate and deliberate way.

Also I'm totally holding out for an AC in space for AC3. Somewhere along the road you're going to wake up and realise you were in the future but animusing Desmond animusing Ezio and Altaïr.
Laser wristblade. I'm calling it.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Yes, I really do.
I thought that the suspension of disbelief was manage-able for the animus to some degree (despite why that thing was put in in the first place, game design wise), and they had me absorbing this world that they'd built with Ezio and his history and all that. And then the final chapter came along and it literally just punched suspension of disbelief in the mouth and went all out with the ridiculous factor. There is really only so much coincidence that can happen in a videogame, and for the main antagonist to become pope (seriously, if you have spent any amount of time reading on how popes get elected, it becomes harder to believe), wield ultimate magical power (also, that was the only really jarring thing about the first game, that last fight) and then to just top it all off you find yourself in a secret space inside the Vatican that contains an alien holo-screen message to warn the guy who's in the animus.
Why they did it I don't know, but it's one of the most jarring things I've seen in a videogame.

AC3 /= AC Brotherhood. Brotherhood is the multiplayer version of AC because someone went 'hey multiplayer makes crazy money, right? Let's get in on that' and there you have it, a multiplayer AC.

I'm sure AC3 is underway though, and that it'll have a different time period again. I'm personally hoping Feudal Japan or China. Doubt we'll be seeing Ezio back in that one.

This pretty much nailed it. I already really hate silly Templar world domination plots, as they're weak and almost always poorly developed and silly, and having the Assassin's as a force of good is eye-rollingly ridiculous. But I got over it and said fine, this is the world we're in. I decided, sure, the animus is something I can live with and the artifacts having such power as well. Then things got even sillier, making everything the work of aliens, throwing in a prophecy setup and being just all around ridiculous. It was the point for me when I went from thinking the basic concept for the game was very weak to thinking that it was absolutely ridiculous. I still enjoy the game and I'm happy enough to keep playing, but seriously? Alien prophets?

As for AC Brotherhood, I'm actually really looking forward to it. Multiplayer AC is enough for me, honestly, as it looks to be essentially The Ship, only with freerunning, and that's cool with me. I also really enjoyed the character of Ezio and getting to run around Rome with him is a pretty appealing thought. I enjoyed how they made his entire journey one that lasted years and he actually grew up and stopped being such a little dick and seeing how they keep that up is exciting.

Oh, and yeah, I played through almost all the assassination quests, but the others (fighting and delivery and whatnot) I didn't bother with. I figure I'll probably come back one day to play through those, as they could be fun, but it's a fairly lengthy game and by that time I was mostly ready to be done.



Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
There is really only so much coincidence that can happen in a videogame, and for the main antagonist to become pope (seriously, if you have spent any amount of time reading on how popes get elected, it becomes harder to believe)
but wait, you do realize that Rodrigo Borgia was an actual figure in history who did become pope. and that he was extremely controversial in his attempts to wield greater power. he was involved in very dirty tactics and clashed with other real figures represented in the game such as the actual Medici and Sforza families.


they chose him to be the villain for just that reason. the AC re-write of history is that Borgia obviously wanted to become pope so that he could be closer to the hidden vault. since he and the Templars were slowly piecing together more of the codex, they had learned enough to recognize that at least one Piece of Eden was hidden within the Vatican amongst ancient catholic treasures.

it all plays on very real history; the influence that the historical Templar Order had over the church and other facets of politics is no mystery. they wove themselves into the fabric of social/political life for hundreds of years. so AC takes the conspiracy theory as is and just runs with it.
but seriously? Alien prophets?
you both keep saying "alien," but were they really aliens? I would agree that if so, this finally makes things a little too ridiculous.

but they're not. not necessarily.
the end sequence, as explained by that one bitch in the hidden vault, tells the viewer that her people were just an advanced race of humanoids who existed long before recorded history. they used their technology to create humanoids in their image to serve as a docile and controllable workforce. but apparently the "Apple" doesn't work on every human mind, thus you have the Adam & Eve resistance and consequent civil war.
these early humans, without much understanding, thought of their former masters as gods, so oral tradition gave rise to religious stories of divine creation and Adam & Eve as the "first" people; in the sense that they were the first to break loose and free the others. the rest is history.

in reality it's all crazy, sure.
but for a game I don't find it so outrageous that it ruined the story for me.


speaking of where the next game should take place, feudal China/Japan would simply be awesome. because then they could weave in the idea of an Assassin ancestor who was also a samurai. throwing knives become throwing stars, swords become Katanas, etc etc.

but they could just as easily do ancient Africa or Egypt.
during the final frame of the "The Truth" video, it looks as though Adam and Eve are standing in front of Mount Kilimanjaro. and since everyone considers Africa to be the cradle of humanity.... maybe that's where "Eden" was located.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
but wait, you do realize that Rodrigo Borgia was an actual figure in history who did become pope. and that he was extremely controversial in his attempts to wield greater power. he was involved in very dirty tactics and clashed with other real figures represented in the game such as the actual Medici and Sforza families.


they chose him to be the villain for just that reason. the AC re-write of history is that Borgia obviously wanted to become pope so that he could be closer to the hidden vault. since he and the Templars were slowly piecing together more of the codex, they had learned enough to recognize that at least one Piece of Eden was hidden within the Vatican amongst ancient catholic treasures.

it all plays on very real history; the influence that the historical Templar Order had over the church and other facets of politics is no mystery. they wove themselves into the fabric of social/political life for hundreds of years. so AC takes the conspiracy theory as is and just runs with it.

I'll concede the point of actual history being involved in their storytelling, but the entire sequence of events set up makes it incredibly hard to swallow. The escalation is just too much.

you both keep saying "alien," but were they really aliens? I would agree that if so, this finally makes things a little too ridiculous.

but they're not. not necessarily.
the end sequence, as explained by that one bitch in the hidden vault, tells the viewer that her people were just an advanced race of humanoids who existed long before recorded history. they used their technology to create humanoids in their image to serve as a docile and controllable workforce. but apparently the "Apple" doesn't work on every human mind, thus you have the Adam & Eve resistance and consequent civil war.
these early humans, without much understanding, thought of their former masters as gods, so oral tradition gave rise to religious stories of divine creation and Adam & Eve as the "first" people; in the sense that they were the first to break loose and free the others. the rest is history.

in reality it's all crazy, sure.
but for a game I don't find it so outrageous that it ruined the story for me.


I do suppose you think an advanced race of humanoids (not humans) would not qualify as aliens then? They don't have to look like martians. The entire civil war aspect with minds breaking free from the Apple's control is just too much. Perhaps I would've been more susceptible to believing it had it been set up better. I mean, the entire true history aspect of things is interesting, but you can't tell me that they could've paced their revelations/escalation of the plot better.

speaking of where the next game should take place, feudal China/Japan would simply be awesome. because then they could weave in the idea of an Assassin ancestor who was also a samurai. throwing knives become throwing stars, swords become Katanas, etc etc.

but they could just as easily do ancient Africa or Egypt.
during the final frame of the "The Truth" video, it looks as though Adam and Eve are standing in front of Mount Kilimanjaro. and since everyone considers Africa to be the cradle of humanity.... maybe that's where "Eden" was located.

True enough. I'd prefer feudal Japan/China just because that seems more interesting to me personally.
Jan 20, 2008
New Zealand
Stalker: Call of Pripyat - 9/10

I found it very engaging, but knocked a point off because it crashed often when moving between levels (which could have been due to mods), and the replay value is very low (which is ok since it was on special when I got it).

I think it is a bit more playable than Walker: Shadow of Chernobyl, and has a more satisfying post-finale sequence, but the finale itself is a bit less epic.