Killing Floor
I only deducted one point because of the silly British slang and the fact that every character has the same stupid voice.
Oh, yeah, and the ending
WTF? Aliens? Come on guys, this is exactly what was wrong with the latest indiana jones movie. Your plot is already silly enough and then you add ALIENS? What's next, a red alien comes down and surprises the other aliens?
The only gripe I have is that the game freezes from time to time either entirely or just for an iota of a second, complete freezing however has happened to me every time on the last stage on the highest difficulty![]()
WTF? Aliens? Come on guys, this is exactly what was wrong with the latest indiana jones movie. Your plot is already silly enough and then you add ALIENS? What's next, a red alien comes down and surprises the other aliens?
Aliens after you just killed the pope. The pope. With the alien chamber hidden inside the Vatican. The context of its location in the plot and its physical location make the entire thing even more ridiculous.
Were they really aliens, though? I just thought they were some type of before-recorded-time humans (with a funny hat due to their hypertechnology) that created the humans we have today in their image. I suppose that makes them aliens, I guess~
@ Jason: when you say that you skipped the side missions, I hope you just meant the time trials and stuff. because the assassination contracts from the bird cages are awesome.
did you guys really think it was that bad?
it's not a Dan Brown novel.
what exactly were you expecting?
they definitely weren't going to stay on the Templar/Masonic world domination bit the entire time.
so they went with ancient aliens, or some advanced race of humanoids who lost a civil war with their modern human counterparts whom they enslaved and have since hidden away clues as to their existence... in the Vatican... in order to send a message to some guy who wouldn't be born for another 10,000+ years but who they someone knew would be born and even knew his name.
I mean sure, it's technically far fetched. it's far out there.
but for a video game hyper-conspiracy story, I thought it was rather entertaining. at least it plays on enough realistic conspiracy theories to be intriguing. personally I thought it was really cool how they threw together the whole "organized religion is a grand lie that has been carefully crafted to conceal the true origins of the human race." or maybe that's just because I personally think organized religion is a grand lie anyway
but I like how they did it.
you guys know they're working on AC3, correct?
but it won't be called that. it's like Assassin Brotherhood or something. and I dunno how much further we'll get into the story, because it's only supposed to depict a near future instead of jumping to another timeline completely like they did between the first and second games.
I wish they'd go further. we don't need more Ezio.
we need more exotic locations from ancient history, the kind of stuff that no other game has the guts to try. that's what I've loved most about AC, the boldness of its direction, it's like time traveling.
Yes, I really do.
I thought that the suspension of disbelief was manage-able for the animus to some degree (despite why that thing was put in in the first place, game design wise), and they had me absorbing this world that they'd built with Ezio and his history and all that. And then the final chapter came along and it literally just punched suspension of disbelief in the mouth and went all out with the ridiculous factor. There is really only so much coincidence that can happen in a videogame, and for the main antagonist to become pope (seriously, if you have spent any amount of time reading on how popes get elected, it becomes harder to believe), wield ultimate magical power (also, that was the only really jarring thing about the first game, that last fight) and then to just top it all off you find yourself in a secret space inside the Vatican that contains an alien holo-screen message to warn the guy who's in the animus.
Why they did it I don't know, but it's one of the most jarring things I've seen in a videogame.
AC3 /= AC Brotherhood. Brotherhood is the multiplayer version of AC because someone went 'hey multiplayer makes crazy money, right? Let's get in on that' and there you have it, a multiplayer AC.
I'm sure AC3 is underway though, and that it'll have a different time period again. I'm personally hoping Feudal Japan or China. Doubt we'll be seeing Ezio back in that one.
There is really only so much coincidence that can happen in a videogame, and for the main antagonist to become pope (seriously, if you have spent any amount of time reading on how popes get elected, it becomes harder to believe)
but seriously? Alien prophets?
but wait, you do realize that Rodrigo Borgia was an actual figure in history who did become pope. and that he was extremely controversial in his attempts to wield greater power. he was involved in very dirty tactics and clashed with other real figures represented in the game such as the actual Medici and Sforza families.
they chose him to be the villain for just that reason. the AC re-write of history is that Borgia obviously wanted to become pope so that he could be closer to the hidden vault. since he and the Templars were slowly piecing together more of the codex, they had learned enough to recognize that at least one Piece of Eden was hidden within the Vatican amongst ancient catholic treasures.
it all plays on very real history; the influence that the historical Templar Order had over the church and other facets of politics is no mystery. they wove themselves into the fabric of social/political life for hundreds of years. so AC takes the conspiracy theory as is and just runs with it.
these early humans, without much understanding, thought of their former masters as gods, so oral tradition gave rise to religious stories of divine creation and Adam & Eve as the "first" people; in the sense that they were the first to break loose and free the others. the rest is both keep saying "alien," but were they really aliens? I would agree that if so, this finally makes things a little too ridiculous.
but they're not. not necessarily.
the end sequence, as explained by that one bitch in the hidden vault, tells the viewer that her people were just an advanced race of humanoids who existed long before recorded history. they used their technology to create humanoids in their image to serve as a docile and controllable workforce. but apparently the "Apple" doesn't work on every human mind, thus you have the Adam & Eve resistance and consequent civil war.
in reality it's all crazy, sure.
but for a game I don't find it so outrageous that it ruined the story for me.
speaking of where the next game should take place, feudal China/Japan would simply be awesome. because then they could weave in the idea of an Assassin ancestor who was also a samurai. throwing knives become throwing stars, swords become Katanas, etc etc.
but they could just as easily do ancient Africa or Egypt.
during the final frame of the "The Truth" video, it looks as though Adam and Eve are standing in front of Mount Kilimanjaro. and since everyone considers Africa to be the cradle of humanity.... maybe that's where "Eden" was located.