final flame
Oh dear. I am a bit confused about you spirit... somehow your intellectual niveau seems to have dropped to less than 50% of your standard here.
In your posts, you managed to:
1. State things instead of arguing.
2. Lay words into my mouth.
3. Counter-argue things I never said.
4. Misunderstand, mutiliate and split my arguments, altering their meanings and then arguing against your own interpretaion rather than what I really said.
5. Be insulted by my outright rejection of you ideology, while you reject mine as well (so should I feel insulted too? Damn capitalistic pig
6. Insult me 'cos you don't like my opinion.
Oh, and about my supposed bashing of holy, graceful America...
Yes, America IS a symbol for capitalism... but still even this capitalistic nation isn't 100% capitalistic and you can be thankful for it.
Funny though how you managed to turn a discussion (only on my port, you failed to delivewr arguments so you didn't really discuss anything) social-political ideologies to a USA<-->"anti-american morons" flame war. I did not. I think there are some good things about the USA, only people tend to forget your failures.
Originally posted by The Spiritwalker
seems to me that you have a problem with people that have $$$ but don't help people.. it may not be "right" (...)
Damn right! I DO! And it is "not right" indeed.
But your "so what? You can't force them" attitude is simply unnerving. We make our choices... but some choices are bad, if you don't mind me saying so.
Btw, I had a look at the begin of this argument... I didn't say anything about forcing rich people to give away money... until you said, more or less, that them keeping their money was OK, which I strongly disagree with.
And while they have the right to keep their money I have every right to say they are selfish bastards.
what if I.. who has never had tons of cash.. win a huge lottery... and I keep EVERY PENNY for myself..if I have had a hard life and not a lot of the finer things.. then nobody would say a thing about it.., but if I earned all my $$$$ and was selfish.. that's bad, if I don't want to give the majority away?? that's kinda odd to me.. [/B][/QUOTE]
I believe many people who had a really hard life are very charitable indeed... but no matter. It's bad to be selfish, no matter how you got your money, keeping everything to yourself is selfish and you bad life is just an excuse, no more. It doesn't make it right. And since I got an idea about how some people earned their $$$ I despise them the more for it. And when did I say to give the majority away? Do you even read my posts I have to wonder. Read again:
Originally posted by Claw
I don't expect him to give up half his possesions... but f*** 1% of his wealth wouldn't be asked too much... guys are real made the gas almost painless.. and the rooms real big so the jews could go with their friends.. given a choice of being an amercian or german..I would be an amercian.. even if we did butcher the natives..
I did write an appropriate remark, but then, I can control myself. You know your history I guess.
I found that "even if we did butcher the natives" sweet though.
for the most part hard work IS rewarded....
So Europeans don't work hard? Well, Americans are famous for being arrogant to a point a new word has to be invented so I ain't overly surprised by your answer. [nasty remark removed 'cos I am a nice person]
Besides, the wealth of your nation may have a li'll bit to do with the wast land and the huge amounts of yet untapped resources you found there... [ANOTHER nasty remark removed]
but that's just not true.. we DON'T need to help.. I think that it's great when people help others.. no matter how little it's just great..
*cough* What should I say? How did you manage to so completly misunderstand what I said? I am talking about society itself. Humans are like a pack of wolves. We always worked together, "helped each other"
The idea of a society is that everyone gives what he can to increase everyone's chance of survival... a very strong wolf won't leave his pack just 'cos he can live on his own... he may found a new pack, but not completly on his own...
And I wasn't talking about your primitive understanding of charity here... charity is a principle of behaviour, not just the actions you associate with it. The state is a charity institution.
and that's the problem.. you shouldn't have a government that says what it's peoples ethics should be..
It doesn't (in this case) and I said so. You CAN read right? And a constitution is a people's thing. It expresses what the people think. Just get it into your head that we have different standards than you.
And I am arguing in favour of those standards. That's what this argument about: social ideology. Didn't you notice?
Morals are a society's
dos and
don'ts, our beliefs of right and wrong. And laws are just a means to an end... they are to regulate social interacion and to force the people's opinion about right and wrong on the individual. Like, "Thou shalt not kill" is a belief not everyone cares for. But we force those who don't to abide by
our moralty. We force them because we think we're right and they are wrong.
Laws are
meant to force the people's will on individuals who see thing differently... and our constitution just expresses the people's moralty, to emphasize how important it is to us.
I never asked the question.. and I am proud to be a capitalist..
"what if I didn't belive in the "charity" that I was being required to give to?"
question or not?
Be whatever you want to be, and be proud if you like. But don't state it like the ultimate and obvious wisdom when I try to argue.
Arguments make a discussion and you have lacked badly in that department.
It just seems to me that you need to learn that just because a billionaire dosn't give what they can "afford" dosen't mean that what they do give isn't wanted..
There is nothing to learn. You just state thing that are. I am talking about ethical principles, something which seems to be alien to you.
And giving someone who's thirsting just a trickle so he doesn't die, but not enough to still his thirst even though you could isn't really very nice... not if there's a well around and you have enough for everyone.
and that is your problem.. depending on the ethics of the person giving time/money.. that is what they want to do.. and you saying that they should do more..when they don't have to do ANYTHING, just belittles the efforts of those who choose to do "something"
no matter how small.. to say to the Gates/and other rich peoples.. "hey you need to do more" just plain wrong..and I would even say selfish
Nonsense. Ethicality isn't "doing what one wants"
WRONG.. taxes are what is needed to keep this country afloat..
yes some of our taxes do go to charity.. but prolly less than 1%..
You miss the point... again. Keeping this country afloat is what I mean by obligatory donations. Rich people don't need countries, police or public highways. They can polly have their own police and streets, cities for their workers even. And that is partially true already...
I've said it before and don't mind too repeat it... you gotta get rid of your primitive associations. Donation isn't just giving money to some charity organisaion... well, it
is. And the government is such an organisation. The governemnt takes money from everyone and does something everyone benefits from. Only the really rich people usually benefit less... that's why they make every effort to pay less taxes... if what the governemnt does was good for them, why not put another 100$ on top to help the government?
if they own the street that they.. then that is their progrative
*sigh*I didn't deny that. This argument belongs to the one above, they are in fact one. I was talking about
necessity d00d... poor people have to rely on the government to provide streets, rich people can build their own.
Originally posted by The Ghostwalker
and where are you posting from..
please tell me you are not somewhere other than america..
Cause anyone that really thinks that america is great, and is a not US citizen really makes me want to hurt them..
If you like this country..fine.. go there.. but just spouting off "U-S-A" just shows what an immature stupid little sh!t are...state your "reasons" you little turd..or shut up... you can't handle heat.. you can't even handle your own penis without your homophobe daddy asking for pointers..
little boys like you need to have your spleen removed, by way of your left nostril...
A word on the capitalism:
I know only one place where such a thing as pure capitalism ever existed. It's a *cough*point in history called "Industrial Revolution" and from what I know it was propably the worst time in history.
Dishwashers didn't become millionaires there. Dishwashers started working as kids, working for 12+ hours a day for minimal pay, never went to school, and didn't have a bed of their own usually. Even adult workers sometimes couldn't afford even a room of their own, sometimes having to share their a room with other people.
Most workers were in a bad physical condition, badly nourished and living in poor hygienic circumstances.
There was no pubic welfare, insurance or education.
Many people were unemployed, and you could loose your job for the slightest reason such as being late for work, not working hard enough or being sick.
So if you got sick you better had someone who cared for you, since without job you couldn't afford a bed or food.
Most people didn't earn enough to care for someone else but themselves, so in poor worker families husband and wife both worked, and the kids as soon as they were old enough to do so.
And this is what pure capitalism brings us. Humans being nothing but tools, to be used, replaced if better are available, and thrown away if they are broken. Fortunately, even the USA are
not an entirely capitalistic nation.
Of course, the age of Industial Revolution ended in... guess... revolution. Bloodshed. The people had enough. And it can happen again, will happen again, because we (humans in general) can't live up to our ethical standards. It isn't the social ideals like Communism or Democracy that fail, it's the humans. Because there are many people who just don't give a damn.
So, welfare
is an obligation. Not an obligation forced on you by some abstract ethic, but understanding of necessity. You lack badly in the understanding part, but maybe you'll live long enough to take the lession. Since most people don't understand it, the lesson is given repeatedly throughout history. Just wait.
read this too:
examples of what undisputed capitalism brings us
thankfully, the USA not only have capitalism, but also democracy as a counter-weight
Now I am tired of arguing... small wonder, I argued enough to make up for your lack of arguments, loosy capitalists