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If you won £1 million, what would you do with it?

  • Blow it all in the the first week :)

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Save it and earn £50k a year on the interest.

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • Buy a house/car/boat for the future.

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Donate it to charity.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Donate half, spend half.

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Eat it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Re: wow i agree with spiritwalker!?!?

Originally posted by lucifix
thats why i say all christians can suck my dick......

but there is this thing called manners.. and being polite to others that don't share your opinions..


Originally posted by Claw

You're propably the most reasonable here ;)

But according to you.. if Rukee paid off his families debts.. and then kept 10,000,000 for himeself and didn't help anyone else.. then he is selfish..
make up your mind...


Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
and my issues with that is that there are soo many more people that just don't want to help themselves.. and live off of welfare.. no I don't want to help them.. the ones that truly are in need .. great.. let's help them...

Exactly. I wouldnt help people like that either. :)


just shut up.. YOU ARE LOSING CLAW

Originally posted by Claw
Small wonder ppl keep repeating their mistakes... you have ervery right to be a li'll ashamed.

I am NOT ashamed of my country.. not at all.. yes we had/have problems.. but we don't hide from them..

I was referring to a hypothetical situation you brought up... small wonder your posts are so incoherent - you don't seem to know WTF we're talking about half the time.

your the one that dosenn't seem to no what your talking about..
I started this argument by saying that just because some rich person keeps his cash for himself, that dosen't make him a bad person.. YOUR the one saying that "if you don't help as much as you can then your bad person.. I just don't agree with that "bleeding heart" attitude...There will ALWAYS be "haves" and Have not's".. get it through your head that the guy living near you, wants what you have.... and the other guy.. living next to the mass unmarked grave has something that YOU want..

YOUR the one that has the laughable idea that Germans are more charitable than Amercians.. HOW MANY OF YOUR STARS GO ON THE JERRY LEWIS TELETHON.. you guys think he is GREAT don't you.. ooohh wait.. That's David Hasselhoff

Your the one that wants to make the argument more than it is..
All you have to do to shut me up is say that "Just because a person dosen't give everything that they can, that dosen't make them "bad"..

.. I merely said rich people give s li'll loose change and then want to explain charity to us, and I found that sickening... that was the original statement.

and that is their progrative.. if you don't agree.. go earn a cool mil on YOUR good looks/talent/genius whatever.. and give it away..

But do you really believe society should tolerate everything?
What if someone believes in a kind of "Nazi Darwinism" and thinks he's right to use force to reach his goals? Who are you to say he may not, if you're so utterly tolerant? Where do you draw the line?

I draw the line at infringement on other peoples know like living.. not being a perfect person..

but seriously.. I draw the line at infringement on other peoples rights.. as it applies to letting people do what they want until it starts to cause harm to others..

You streets aren't cleaner, your public transport isn't better, and your education system is infamous rather than famous. I was in the USA too, and have talked to some ppl... their life didn't seem extraordinarily alien to me.

But here we have the freedom to be whatever we want to what we want.. Our whole government is basically like this.."here are the basic tools in education.. now that you know them.. get out there and do something with them"
And yes.. do to the fact that some people are drawn to $$$ and the finer things in life.. parents neglect their kids and you get stupidBLEEPups like the dumbBLEEP's at Columbine..

You miss the point again. Public streets, canalization, schools, police... all charity.

maybe in your country that's charity.. here that's your tax dollars at work..

Rich people could build their own cities with their own police and their own streets.

guess what.. here in the U.S.A.... they do...
hell there is this REALLY rich kid over here called Richie.. and he even has homeless people on his payroll!! and he brings all of his friends around (that of course are friends with him cause of his $$$) so they can watch him give money to the homless

...that we "shouldn't let the state tell us what to do" when I was talking about our constitution.

/me enters REDNECK mode

Well.. then that thar constitution is BLEEPed!

/me exit REDNECK mode

... morals origins in the latin word mores = customs so it should logically mean the same as the German aequivalent Moral - but it doesn't for whatever reason.

maybe because that there is no real Equivalent for German Morals

Laws don't make right and wrong, but are an institutionalized expression of moralty. So you cannot use a law in an argument about moralty. Not all moral standards are expressed as laws, but that doesn't mean they are irrelevant.

I wasn't talking about morals.. as in group morals I was talking ethics.. you know ethcis.. ohh wait...
ETHICS: The study of the "general" nature of morals and specific moral choices..
get it?

Blah. I was talking about your seeming inability to differ between general principles and specific situations. Like you cannot see how taxes follow the idea of charitability, although I am sure I expalined the elationships somewhere, and all I asked agree with that, even if they disagree with my anti-capitalistic opinions.
1. taxes in this country are not a/for charity..they are what keeps our government running.. our country saft.. the bombs falling on bin ladin.. our schools/police/social systems funded.. and the like.. while I don't deny that there are charities that get funded in a round about way due to taxes.. The taxes themselves are NOT charity.. hence the two different thing...
T-A-X-E-S... money for the government to do with (pretty much) as it sees fit
C-H-A-I-R-T-Y... monies/time/matierials that are given to groups/indivduals in times of need.. usually donated by a private person.. more so by companies that are looking for TAX breaks..

You can't jmust pick out the bits you like and talk about them. You must accept the fact that egoistic people willingly let other people die.
and your point???
There are some people that not only would I willingly let them die.. but as they shuffeled off the mortal plain... I would make it take as long as possible... and add as much pain as they could take... kinda like an electric bench.. (so more people can get on..) with a dial instead of a switch (that way it could take a long time to cook them)

but I believe a man can expect to be able to live from a job... and not having to rely on welfare although he's working 8 hours a day... that is sick. The state has to pay 'cos the companies don't want to pay a man enough to live...

then don't work for the state

And that you aren't ashamed only shows how arrogant you are and that you don't learn...

I never said that I/we aren't ashamed of some of the things that we have done....

Shall I go on at lenght how you started your history of gaining wealth by exploiting others? Practically stealing your whole country from the natives? The "hard work" you refer to being someone else's really? *cough*slaves*cough*

and now look at the decendants of quite a few slaves...
hell Colin Powell could be the next president.. and I would vote for him.. how are the Jews fairing in your country??.. or were you guys able to really get rid of all of them?

My ancestors did evil and we are ashamed.
NO SH!T you did evil.. really bad nasty ugly evil.. kinda like having a cat butt in your face first thing in the morning evil..

Your ancestors did evil and you show no shame at all.

ohh we are going to talk about MY ancestors??? just to let you know SSboy...
I am Lacota Sioux..
My ancestors had there brains bashed in by the butts of rifles so the army could save bullets..
but I am also an Amercian.. and damn proud!!

God Bless that I love... (as the music lowers)
Stand beside her...

Now you have been schooled enough


Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
and that is their progrative.. if you don't agree.. go earn a cool mil on YOUR good looks/talent/genius whatever.. and give it away...

Good looks? How is that a valid reason for money. Talent? The people with useful talents don't get rich. People that can sing in a mediocre voice or backstab their way to the top of a company do. Genius? Depends on your definition of it...people with genius-level intellignece dont become super-rich. An buisness genius might...


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
Nov 3, 2001
A Deeper Kind Of Slumber
heres my view of it. im a VERY selfish person, but maybe thats because i dont have much to begin with. im disabled and cant work i recieve $531 a month to support my ass. that would be fine, but i have to support my son and wife with that money also. so it makes me sict to my ****ing stomach to see all these rich people who have basically done nothing to deserve their fortunes. they should help the less fortunate out of the goodness of their hearts.they do help a little but they could help a hell of a lot more and wouldnt even notice the missing money. but on the other hand if i was rich i wouldnt want to forced to give my money away, but i would to help those who needed it. i always said if i became rich i would donate as much as i could and as often as i could to the starving children around the world.....seeing those comercials tears my ****ing heart out.........


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
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Originally posted by lucifix
seeing those comercials tears my ****ing heart out.........`s know there`s a flim crew there filming that comercial....give some food for crying out loud!! Wipe the little girls face off before you get her on camera!! ;)

There`s pleanty to give right at home......
local food pantries always welcome donations and will help others hungry right in your area!! And if you need help.....and we all have at some point in time.....they are there for you! If you realy need your local food panrty....they are more then happy to help!! :)


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Yeah, it's like running against a wall head first...

your the one that dosenn't seem to no what your talking about..
I started this argument by saying that just because some rich person keeps his cash for himself, that dosen't make him a bad person.. YOUR the one saying that "if you don't help as much as you can" then your bad person..

Not quite. Well, knowing your president I should expect you to oversimplify. But I wasn't talkign about the discussion as a whole but your jumping away from specific point. Like: you say A, I say A is wrong because of C, you say N is right because of T. See the break? You're doing it all the time. You're like a man lost in the desert who doesn't walk in one direction but constantly changes direction at random, which will lead him nowhere, which is where you've lead the discussion.

All you have to do to shut me up is say that "Just because a person dosen't give everything that they can, that dosen't make them "bad"..

Just because a person dosen't give everything that they can, that dosen't make them "bad" :tup:
Been my stand all along, but as I said, you can just differ between capitalist and non-capitalist, which seems to equal communist in your dictionary.

and that is their progrative.. if you don't agree.. go earn a cool mil on YOUR good looks/talent/genius whatever.. and give it away..

Blah and besides the point. Easy arguments for easy people.
I know dumb people with no talent earning millions, while people doing important stuff like finding a medicine against Aids lacking money...

I draw the line at infringement on other peoples know like living.. not being a perfect person..

My, my, now isn't that a clever argument? Now everyone can see clearly I am wrong... you're allowing ppl to be imperfect... which in this context must mean I don't... so it's obvious I am wrong, and the best thing is: It's completly irrelevant what I actually believe, 'cos it has to contradict you (why else should you mention it) and therefore it must be as said above. Unless you just didn't grasp my opinion... but that's unthinkable ...oh, well, it isn't.
But it still looks very convincing to those weak in mind. Which means you won the argument. :rolleyes:

but seriously.. I draw the line at infringement on other peoples rights.. as it applies to letting people do what they want until it starts to cause harm to others..
Which proves you aren't a pure capitalist, who believes more in a kind of "economic darwinism" and sometimes someone's gain is someone else's loss, and that's just how life is.

But here we have the freedom to be whatever we want to what we want..

Oh, yeah. Unless it's against the law or you're maybe just sued for something you didn't even know was wrong a moment ago... or maybe it just wan't wrong 'cos noone said so... 'till now. And now pay 10 000 000 $ you don't have for doing what you wanted and considered your just right.

maybe in your country that's charity.. here that's your tax dollars at work..

Blah. It's the same, you just don't see the root of the bush after ages of growth, and don't care to bend the leaves

guess what.. here in the U.S.A.... they do...
hell there is this REALLY rich kid over here called Richie.. and he even has homeless people on his payroll!! and he brings all of his friends around (that of course are friends with him cause of his $$$) so they can watch him give money to the homless

Guess what... I know... I said so in a post previous to the post in which you cared to reply to that point.
Hehe... at least he's found a convincing reason to help a few ppl... :lol:

maybe because that there is no real Equivalent for German Morals

:lol: That might be a good argument - if that was what we were talking about... and not language... but at least you managed to evade the original argument, so the point goes to you. :rolleyes:

I wasn't talking about morals.. as in group morals I was talking ethics.. you know ethcis.. ohh wait...
ETHICS: The study of the "general" nature of morals and specific moral choices..
get it?

But I was talking about moralty... and as you pointed out, that's not the same as morals... get it? :rolleyes:
But hey, I am positively surprised you even know that word... However, according to German language and my English dictionairy, ethics are an individuals beliefs etc. etc. and not just the study of the same, although the same term is apllied sometimes... like maths: the term for the study of maths is maths... :lol:
Of course, there may be a few linguistic snares, but if you intend to attack my language in a discussion on principles... well, it's low but it may just serve your end perfectly: evading the real argument.


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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part2 thx to forum lol

1. taxes in this country are not a/for charity..they are what keeps our government running.. our country saft.. the bombs falling on bin ladin.. our schools/police/social systems funded.. and the like.. while I don't deny that there are charities that get funded in a round about way due to taxes.. The taxes themselves are NOT charity.. hence the two different thing...
T-A-X-E-S... money for the government to do with (pretty much) as it sees fit
C-H-A-I-R-T-Y... monies/time/matierials that are given to groups/indivduals in times of need.. usually donated by a private person.. more so by companies that are looking for TAX breaks..

I am positively surprised American schools teach spelling... well done spirit! :lol:
But the point is only the normal joe needs the state... in many poor countries, rich people pay for everything themselves, security, streets blah blah... and are happy with being ****ing rich and exploiting the poor ppl who can't refuse a badly paid job just 'cos they aren't getting paid enough to make a living... but hey, if the wife all 4 children work too, it's just enough to get through the winter... who needs welfare? :rolleyes:
And hey, how are drug barons not honourable businessmen? Noone is forced to take the stuff, it's just business.

and your point???
There are some people that not only would I willingly let them die.. but as they shuffeled off the mortal plain... I would make it take as long as possible... and add as much pain as they could take... kinda like an electric bench.. (so more people can get on..) with a dial instead of a switch (that way it could take a long time to cook them)

Obviously, the point lies in the part you left out when replying, so it's in my post previous to that you replied to
I hope that won't confuse you... too much.
I can at least understand you here... but it's still completly besides the point, as usual.
Maybe if you'd try reading the previous posts again so you know what you were actually replying to before, you wouldn't loose track all the time...

then don't work for the state

I don't and - propably more important - the ppl I was talking about don't. But the companies pay so bad the state has to aid the workers. That's because our politicians don't have the guts to force the companies to pay a hard working man who is doing his job allright enough so he can live from it.

I never said that I/we aren't ashamed of some of the things that we have done....

Ah, but I am certain your post read "we aren't ashamed of our failures"
I wasn't talking about specific actions but systematic failures besides. like a school system that doesn't force the students to do maths... I saw an article on some website... sorry I forgot the URL, but since you never show evindence, why should I?

and now look at the decendants of quite a few slaves...
hell Colin Powell could be the next president.. and I would vote for him.. how are the Jews fairing in your country??.. or were you guys able to really get rid of all of them?

Ah, but of course I now see: Slavery was actually a very good thing!
The slaves should have been thankful for being brought to the USA to work 'till the end of their lifes at the less pleasant end of a whip... and the women forcefully "impregnated" to breed new slaves should be thankful for it... they may have had the honour to become the ancestors of a future president of the land that suppressed them!
:lol: at Amerologic, the art of stating the biggest B$ as if it were completly reasonable...

And no, we failed (and are indeed unashamed to have failed :p) to get rrid of them all, and some are respected members of our society and some are very wealthy indeed. Which doesn't make the wrong we did to them good, just like the fact that you now grant blacks human rights doesn't mean the wrong you did to them is null and naught. Besides, according to your own ethics Mr Powell has to thank noone but himself for his achievements.
And you may want to have a look at a time table besides. How long and how much effort did it take your black citizens to reach the status they now have?

NO SH!T you did evil.. really bad nasty ugly evil.. kinda like having a cat butt in your face first thing in the morning evil..

's OK. I know how forgiving you are... forgiving your own people anyway.

ohh we are going to talk about MY ancestors??? just to let you know SSboy...
I am Lacota Sioux..
My ancestors had there brains bashed in by the butts of rifles so the army could save bullets..
but I am also an Amercian.. and damn proud!![(B]

Oh, dear, a 'converted' :rolleyes:
That phenomenon wasn't unknown among Yews in the Third Reich yaknow... The saying goes "The converted were the worst Nazis"
You may be counted as evidence in this case... just go and forgive you people (a term nowhere connected to geneology I should add as the American ppl are mostly of European origin)

God Bless that I love... (as the music lowers)
Stand beside her...

That's OK... as all lands you have your advantages and faults... if you just weren't so f%#@ing polemic about it.

Now you have been schooled enough

I have indeed ben schooled by some ppl, even in this very matter - just not by you.

But I give up. Talking with you about this matter is like running against a massive wall... it will just ignore you.

I am hopeful you are a little less dogmatic and incoherent, and lot bit more reasonable and considerate in other matters.


just for laughs.. did everyone else here think that I was being dogmatic and incoherent?

I don't have to show evidence Claw.. I am talking about commonly known facts..
about the US and Germany..

no slavery wasn't not a good thing... but we don't hide from the fact that it happened


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Originally posted by lucifix
claw, spirit.......neither one of you are going to win so why dont you both give up, hu?

Originally posted by Claw
But I give up. Talking with you about this matter is like running against a massive wall... it will just ignore you.


and still he (claw) is here.. trying to prove to himself that he is right..
when we know better

so ignore away


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by The Spiritwalker
just for laughs.. did everyone else here think that I was being dogmatic and incoherent?

pretty much.


examples please Cope..

my thoughts do get a little disjointed sometimes.. but to honest.. I wasn't giving my replies a whole lot of thought... If some people don't want to listen to reason, and stay on the subject.. then you am I to force the issue.. Claw will be better when he grows up a little.. :)