Pariah MP Demo FRIDAY!!

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Mad Max RW

Road Warrior
Nov 13, 2003
Anuban said:
Well we'll get a taste in roughly 15 hours ... but really if that is your concern are you worried about UC2 as well ... or did they do a really good job with their levels ... I haven't gotten a chance to play the demo .. and that comes out Tuesday anyway. Should I buy that? Or the D3 expansion pack? Or just wait for Pariah? What would you all do ... (as if I have to ask ... you'd probably sell your siblings for UC2 and Pariah :lol: :lol: )

UC2 is designed for Xbox. I haven't played it or the previous game because I no longer own a console. For a short while I had an Xbox I wasn't impressed by any of the top games, especially Halo with it's boring repetitive levels, crappy weapons, and sloppy vehicle handling. Unreal 1 is leagues better. I have no reason to believe current Xbox games have improved much, seeing as how people still claim Halo is the "bestest gaem EVAR!"

If I were you just wait and see how Pariah turns out. The Doom 3 expansion is too expensive, and in all honesty was an average game at best. I'm eagerly anticipating Pariah, just to see how good or bad it is.


Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
Mad Max RW said:
UC2 is designed for Xbox. I haven't played it or the previous game because I no longer own a console. For a short while I had an Xbox I wasn't impressed by any of the top games, especially Halo with it's boring repetitive levels, crappy weapons, and sloppy vehicle handling. Unreal 1 is leagues better. I have no reason to believe current Xbox games have improved much, seeing as how people still claim Halo is the "bestest gaem EVAR!"

If I were you just wait and see how Pariah turns out. The Doom 3 expansion is too expensive, and in all honesty was an average game at best. I'm eagerly anticipating Pariah, just to see how good or bad it is.

Thanks for the reply ... Yeah I like Halo but I can't argue with many of the things you said .. but H2 is sooo much better ... a different game really. Still I have an Xbox and I do like a good shooter and some melee so I will probably buy UC2 and Pariah is a month away so I should have $50 to spend on another game by then (I hope :D )... but not the D3 expansion pack until it is $15-20. :)

Edit: Do you own a PS/2 console now? I have heard that the game God of War is the best game EVER for people who love to shed blood! Even better than any Unreal title. Anyway that is what I hear .... I was even thinking about getting a PS/2 just for that game. :lol:
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Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
This is my personal opinion based on the demo. I'm not quite pleased with it. The graphics on the MP demo isn't revolutionary, in fact expect the same graphics quality from UT2003 and U2. I'm not happy with how the models react in the world. They feel like they are floating, especially when you drop off a high wall or hill...they just float down. Weapons are great, good feel when shooting. The vehicles...well...nothing great really. They float more than the characters.

With that said, I am inclined to think that the demo doesn't use any of the high rez textures or special effects and shaders. From the pics we've seen, the game looks way better than what the demo presents. If you've played XMP, then expect something similar, but without the feel of being part of the world. In fact, I felt like I was in space or fighting on some low gravity moon (aka Phobos with slightly higher grav settings).


New Member
Mar 4, 2004
Agreed. Compared to the screenshots I've been seeing in the last weeks and months the new demo screens look like crap. :( Still, I'm going to download this and give it a try. It looks like a good quality FPS, just not groundbreaking or revolutionary.

I hope it looks nicer on my 6800 ultra. :)


admiral spock!
Feb 15, 2004
it would be awesome to play with others from bu once its out..
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Game Mapper & Press
Apr 17, 2004
TY proph...


i knew it.... ill wait till the demo hits ultimately... if you guys set up a server ill be there tomorrow night. :)


Sep 17, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
Halo AI wasn't very good.

Yes , ppl seemed to be so exited of AI in halo. ''espicaly the part in the second mission when the grunt go call for renforcement, you need to kill him before he do so (he got a BIG arow over his head)''

If you've played XMP, then expect something similar, but without the feel of being part of the world.

Exacly what i expected , and exacly that kind of game i like.
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New Member
Aug 21, 2004
Anuban said:
You don't think the HL2 AI or the H2 AI was decent ... what about FarCry? Just curious JaFO. :)

I didnt really think HL2s AI was that great, Far Cries was pretty good

Operation Flashpoint has awesome AI
Mar 6, 2004
0 days 8 hrs 52 minutes 30 seconds untill it's out

11 hrs 52 minutes untill i will be downloading it (i wake up at 3pm est which is 12pm my time).


Cometh the apocalypse.
Aug 27, 2004
Prophetus said:
If you've played XMP, then expect something similar, but without the feel of being part of the world.

Sorry, I just woke up and I am trying to understand what you mean by not being part of the world? You mean the sensation of interacting with things, or the footsteps and enviroment noises like that?


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
"We're alll floating down here ... " ;)

As for graphics not being that much better than UT2kx ... *eh* it's the same engine and it's a demo. I wouldn't expect high-resolution textures just yet.

Besides : gameplay > graphics ... or not ?


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I actually like the game. It feels kinda like a mix between XMP flow and Halo flow (it's not as slow as Halo nor fast as XMP). It needs human players, though, the bots are dumb as bricks. You can add them with the 'addbots x' console command, just so you know when you get the game.

Pariah REALLY needs to succeed as an XBOX game before a PC game. I think the PC tools will allow the community to make it do whatever they want, which are quite a bit more expansive than what Halo CE had. I'm more excited to see the modding capabilities than anything, although I think the game will be good in and of itself. Just need those high-res textures and smarter bots :)


Cometh the apocalypse.
Aug 27, 2004
UT2004 has high-res textures? Is that an optional thing?

Anyway, can't wait :) Still gonna enjoy testing this game later, about two hours left \o/

For me gameplay > graphics. I still enjoy playing Half-Life 1 mod's like Sven coop and Brainbread, DoD etc. Purely because hey are still great fun. Ofcourse, nice gfx would be, nice ;)


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
wheee ... it's gots botses ... we isss happy my preciousssss.

*eh* oops

+/- 2 hours and counting ... ;)


Sep 17, 2004
Well , it's out

EDit1: 16 %!

EDit2: 63 %!


Oh btw , there's the link :;3845957;;/fileinfo.html

HF in the waiting line at 3-4-5 pm :biggrin2:


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Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
Sir_Brizz said:
Pariah REALLY needs to succeed as an XBOX game before a PC game.

Why do you think that? It was designed to be a PC game first and foremost and then all of sudden they decided it had to be for XBox. UT2K4 succeeded fine without an Xbox version ... as has FarCry, WoW, City of Heroes, HL and HL2 (and I might add I know nooone here liked PainKiller but that rocks as well and no XBox). I am curious as to your line of reasoning for that statement. I'm not trying to be a smart-aleck ... but I just don't get that. AT ALL. :hmm:
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Anuban said:
Why do you think that? It was designed to be a PC game first and foremost and then all of sudden they decided it had to be for XBox. UT2K4 succeeded fine without an Xbox version ... as has FarCry, WoW, City of Heroes, HL and HL2 (and I might add I know nooone here liked PainKiller but that rocks as well and no XBox). I am curious as to your line of reasoning for that statement. I'm not trying to be a smart-aleck ... but I just don't get that. AT ALL. :hmm:
Pariah's biggest competition is Halo, whether you like it or not. The only way THE INDUSTRY will consider it a success is if it blows the pants off Halo. IMO at this point, it already does.

I don't care what the game was designed to be first and foremost. It all comes back to Halo.