Sir_Brizz said:Pariah's biggest competition is Halo, whether you like it or not. The only way THE INDUSTRY will consider it a success is if it blows the pants off Halo. IMO at this point, it already does.
I don't care what the game was designed to be first and foremost. It all comes back to Halo.
But it doesn't blow away Halo2 and why would they want to compare themselves to a game that is 3 years old? I don't think they are even aiming for that ... Or do you mean because it is on the PC platform while H2 isn't and won't be? I can't say this is better than Halo2 ... I don't see that in this demo. I'll need to play it on the XBox to make that determination. But you may have a point about Halo CE ...