dropship commander
limit 1 per team
1. controls the dropship from hawkprey's concept art, which can carry up to six teammates into battle.
2. can drop supply packs that heal vehicles
1. the commander cannot exit the dropship. this also means he/she cannot pick up / capture artifacts. the dropship can't pick up a player with an artifact.
2. cannot spawn anywhere but at 1 or 2 specific deploys (which must be located outside of the bases).
3. low health / low shield. hitscan weapons do almost no damage to the dropship. 1 emp grenade, 2 shock lance balls, or 3 direct rocket hits will destroy it and any players inside. 1 conc grenade disables movement for 2-5 seconds, and does heavy damage (teammates can still deploy themselves during this time, but the commander is a sitting duck).
-forward, reverse, strafe left, strafe right
-mouse view to turn left/right and pitch up/down (but there should still be the freedom to look around at will without throwing the ship around like a rag doll)
-crouch to move downward, jump to move upward
-sprint to get a short acceleration burst (the dropship accelerates quite slowly, but holding sprint should effect this)
-primary fire = laser pointer / target painter. this is not a weapon. it's just a tool to communicate with your teammates. the commander could point out enemies, enemy turrets, or anything else important that he may see in the sky.
-alt fire = the tech's emp grenade. there should be a limit of 5 grenades and the commander should have to return to his deploy point to resupply. (incediary grenades could work too if it's found that the dropship is too weak)
-the second weapon slot would be the vehicle repair packs. the dropship can't fire grenades and drop packs at the same time; it must switch weapon slots.
basically, the dropship should be pretty useless against players. it should be fairly to highly effective against turret farms and vehicles. it's weak against any projectile that would damage other vehicles and turrets
-slow foward acceleration. this is to prevent the drop ship from being to powerful.
-nimble lateral movement to avoid incoming fire (maybe a tap tap sequence could juke the ship like a dodge)
-max speed should be no faster than a sprinting ranger. the ship should outpace every other class, but at the same time be hittable.
each of the six "seats" in the dropship is actually a pod that holds the player. while inside the ship, a player cannot move until he deploys himself onto the field. to deploy himself, the player would simply point at a spot on the ground and hit the use key. his "pod" would then be fired toward that spot with a downward arc (to prevent players from shooting directly across the map). when the player gets close enough to the ground, he would hit the use key again to eject from the pod. if he doesn't, the pod crashes into the ground killing him. he sbould also be able to use his jump jets to cushion his fall after ejection.
the player will have a complete view of everything on the bottom half of the ship. if you were to picture a sphere cut in half, the bottom half would be the player's field of vision. he will have one or two modes of fire while in the pod.
-primary fire = U2 dispersion pistol type projectile. almost no damage to players, but fair to good damage to deployables and the manable turrets. roughly 4-5 direct dispersion hits should take out an auto turret, 6-8 hits to kill a rocket turret, and 10 plus to kill the manable ones. quick fire rate, quick projectile speed.
with up to 6 of these turret crunching "dispersion pistols" firing at the same time, and the commander with the ability to drop emp grenades... turret farms will be a thing of the past.
-possible alt fire = drakk laser? something that would take alot of skill to hit with, but would significantly damage other players. It shouldn't do as much damage as a sniper bullet... but a couple direct hits should be able to kill a ranger.
I don't think there should be unlimited ammo. The entire dropship should have a set amount, like say 500. each time a player fires a dispersion shot, it takes 1 ammo. each time he fires a drakk laser, it takes 2. Something similar to that. Also remember the drop ship can't resupply until it goes back to it's deploy point.
Oh also, I'm thinking either the Aida model or the John Dalton model would be PERFECT fits for this class.